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研究生(外文):Huang, Ian Shiue
論文名稱(外文):Music Instrument Family Classification
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yi Wen
外文關鍵詞:music signal processingmachine learningtimbre classification
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A typical music band is composed of a vocal, an electric guitarist, an electric bassist, a drummer, and a keyboardist. The task of a keyboardist is to utilize the music instruments plugged-in in a keyboard appropriately. Nevertheless, keyboard sheets are hard to obtain. A keyboard beginner usually refers to guitar tabs to practice, thus the information of the instruments decision is lost. In this thesis, we have built a system of classification in an attempt to solve this problem. Each music instrument family data is composed of various pitches in 1 second. Also, duo-timbre and trio-timbre are mixed in order to generate mixtures and they serve as different labels. Their feature vectors are composed of a low-pass filtered power spectrogram, a high-pass filtered power spectrogram, a chromagram, and the time domain waveform. Several machine learning methods have been applied respectively, yet not all of the methods perform well. The k-nearest neighbors method has the most accurate result in both validation step (71.1%) and testing step (65.2%). We also have carried out a hearing test in order to understand whether the ability of classification for humans can compete with computers. As a result, humans’ accuracy is lower than computers’ in average.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
1. Introducion 1
1.1 Music instruments 2
1.2 Timbres 2
1.3 Music instrument families 5
1.4 Literature review 6
1.5 Motivation 7
2. Methods 10
2.1 Training databases 10
2.2 Feature extraction 11
2.2.1 Time domain features 13
2.2.2 Frequency domain features 13
2.2.3 Pooling 17
2.2.4 Summary 19
2.3 Machine learning algorithms 19
2.3.1 k-nearest neighbors 20
2.3.2 Support vector machines 21
2.3.3 Neural networks 22
2.3.4 Nearest neighbor of sparse coding 27
2.3.5 Principal components analysis 30
2.4 Testing database 30
2.5 Block diagrams 32
2.6 Hearing test 34
3. Results 36
3.1 Cross-validation 36
3.2 Testing 42
3.3 Hearing tests and overall accuracy 44
3.4 Summary 45
4. Discussion 47
4.1 classifying distribution 47
4.2 kNN versus NNSC 49
4.3 Hearing tests 51
5. Conclusion and future works 53
Reference 55
Appendix 57

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