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研究生(外文):Wang, Hsin Yao
論文名稱(外文):Prognostic markers for relapse prediction in colon cancer: a deep learning approach
指導教授(外文):Lin, Che
口試委員(外文):Chuang, Yung JenTsao, YuLee, Chi Chun
外文關鍵詞:Cancer stem cellsColon cancerPrognostic markersDeep learningSVMSystems biology
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結腸癌目前是人類癌症致死率在全球排名第二的疾病。近期,越來越多的研究著重在結腸癌幹細胞(Colon cancer stem cells)的探索,因為這些癌幹細胞會誘導更嚴重的疾病或者治療過後仍有較差的存活率。結腸癌幹細胞的生物標記(biomarker)能夠幫助我們去評估疾病階段的嚴重性,以及藥物治療的可靠度。找出新的癌症預後標記能幫助我們鑑定在表現量下的存活率並且對症下藥。
在這研究中,我們從12組微陣列資料根據8個著名癌幹細胞標記利用StepMiner algorithm將患者分成負表現群和正表現群。我們利用這兩群分別建出所相對應的負表現和正表現蛋白質蛋白質交互網路(PPINs)。我們接著提出並計算預後蛋白相關係數並且得出共12個高PPRV值的顯著蛋白。此外,我們用深度學習演算法(深度類神經網路,DNN)和支持向量機演算法(SVM)用來預測的5年存活率結腸癌患者。我們結果顯示12個新定義標記在DNN模型下的預測精準度(AUC = 0.811; Accuracy = 77.3)比8個著名癌幹細胞標記還來的好(AUC = 0.738; Accuracy = 72.7);同樣地,我們結果顯示12個新定義標記在SVM模型下的預測精準度(AUC = 0.816; Accuracy = 79.0)比8個著名癌幹細胞標記還來的好(AUC = 0.766; Accuracy = 76.9)。
Colon cancer is the second leading cause of human death worldwide. Recently, there has been an increasing amount of studies investigating colon cancer stem cells (CCSCs), which encompass characteristics of self-renewal, mature tumor cells generation through differentiation, drug resistance and metastasis. Patients with genetic signatures of CSCs were shown to have worse survival rate and higher chance of cancer relapse. It is hence of interest to identify novel prognostic markers for colon cancer relapse via the genetic signatures of CSC markers.
Based on 12 primary integrated microarray datasets, we divided colon cancer patients into marker- and marker+ subgroups according to 8 well-known CSC markers. Then, we constructed their corresponding protein-protein interaction networks (PPINs) for both marker- and marker+ subgroups. We then proposed and calculated prognostic proteins relevance values (PPRV) and obtained a total of 12 significant proteins high in PPRVs for colon cancer patients. In addition, we applied a deep learning algorithm (a deep neural network, DNN) and support vector machine (SVM) algorithm to predict the 5-year relapse rate of colon cancer patients. Our results showed that the prediction accuracy of 12 of our identified markers (AUC = 0.811; Accuracy = 77.3) is much better than the 8 well-known CSC markers (AUC = 0.738; Accuracy = 72.7) via DNN; and the prediction accuracy of 12 of our identified markers (AUC = 0.816; Accuracy = 79.0) is again much better than the 8 well-known CSC markers (AUC = 0.766; Accuracy = 76.9) via SVM.
According to our constructed PPINs and calculated PPRVs, we were able to identify 12 novel prognostic markers for colon CSC markers. This study integrates systems biology and deep learning methodologies that allows for the identification of novel prognostic markers via existing CSC markers, and accurate prediction of colon cancer 5-year relapse. We believe that such a systemic approach to uncover novel cancer prognostic markers and to predict cancer relapse provides the foundation for the design of better therapeutic strategy for cancer treatment in the future.
Cancer stem cells, colon cancer, prognostic markers, deep learning, SVM, systems biology.
Abstract i
Background: i
Result: i
Conclusion: i
Keywords: ii
Content v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Results 3
Strategy 3
Threshold calculation for separating negative and positive patient samples 5
Construction of CSC marker- and marker+ protein-protein interaction networks 8
Pathway analysis of the refined marker- and marker+ PPINs 11
Determination of PPRVs via comparing CSC marker-/marker+ PPINs 17
Identification of novel CCCP markers 18
A deep learning approaches to comparing well-known markers with novel CCCP markers in colon cancer relapse prediction 21
Chapter 3 Conclusion 25
Chapter 4 Methods 26
Dataset selection 26
Colon cancer gene expression datasets 26
Statistical Analysis 27
Reference 28
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