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研究生(外文):Fang, Wei-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Any new clue beyond mobbing call?
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chung-ChiWang, Ying
外文關鍵詞:attract the mightier predatordiurnal predatorsmobbing callnocturnal predators
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群聚滋擾叫聲 (mobbing call) 是警戒聲 (alarm call) 的一種,過去探討群聚滋擾叫聲的研究,多以日行性的掠食者為主,其功能為小型鳴禽驅趕或警告掠食者,使其知難而退。對於夜行性的掠食者來說,日行性的小型鳴禽若發現牠的存在時,仍會在日間對牠們進行群聚滋擾,但夜行性的掠食者多不飛離甚至不理會。過去在鳳頭蒼鷹 (Accipiter trivergatus) 繁殖巢的食性研究中,領角鴞 (Otus lettia) 為其最主要的鳥類獵物,推測鳳頭蒼鷹捕食領角鴞可能不是逢機的遭遇,而是憑藉著某種訊號。因此本研究假設,鳳頭蒼鷹是藉由小型鳴禽對領角鴞的群聚警戒叫聲來發現領角鴞躲藏的地點並捕食之。我們利用領角鴞及鳳頭蒼鷹的標本,來進行小型鳴禽群聚滋擾叫聲的錄製,其後用錄製的滋擾聲進行回播以測試鳳頭蒼鷹是否會依循滋擾聲來尋找領角鴞並進行捕食。回播的結果顯示在附近播放對領角鴞的滋擾聲的標本有較高的比例遭受攻擊並被啄食,前往的掠食者包括鳳頭蒼鷹、大冠鷲 (Spilornis cheela) 及東方蜂鷹 (Pernis ptilorhynchus)。本實驗結果證實日行性掠食者會藉由小型鳴禽所發出的群聚滋擾叫聲來標定領角鴞的位置並捕食之。
Mobbing call is a type of alarm call which functions as deterring potential predators. Mobbing call is usually broader in frequency range so that it could be detected and attract multiple species to join the deterring action. A previous study indicated that songbirds developed specific alarm calls for different predators. Most researchers regarded that mobbing behavior targets on diurnal predators, as nocturnal predators usually response little to mobbing and alarm calls from small mobbers. In Taiwan, both diurnal (Creasted goshawk, Accipiter trivergatus ) and nocturnal predators (Collared scops owl, Otus lettia) were observed mobbed by small birds. Because the predator-prey relationship between the goshawk and the owl, we suggest some cues, like mobbing and alarm calls from small birds, can aid the goshawk to locate owls. To test the “attract the mightier predator” hypothesis, we recored the mobbing calls induced by the specimens of goshawk and owl at first. Then, owl specimens were displayed together with the mobbing playback to examine whether the goshawk would come and attack. Results support the “attract the mightier predator” hypothesis that the mobbing call toward owls attracts the diurnal predators, which include the goshawk, Crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela), and Crested honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus). Hence, one of the functions of mobbing call is attracting the mightier predator.
一、 前言............................1
二、 材料方法........................8
(一) 研究期間........................8
(二) 研究區域........................8
(三) 試驗方式........................9
(四) 統計分析與預期結果...............11
三、 結果............................12
四、 討論............................14
五、 參考文獻........................19
六、 圖、表與照片.....................24
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