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研究生(外文):Hou, Chung-Ying
論文名稱(外文):The Returning and Investigation of the Value of Hand
指導教授(外文):Su, Xian-Fa
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I have been an ardent lover of hands-on works since I was a child. Besides, my family background and life experience deepens my feelings for the “hand”. I think that artists are craftsmen. They are good at using hands to create various appearances to interact with the world. Art begins with men’s fingertips. The artistic expression of hand is never absent, from primeval cave paintings to the great works of great Renaissance artists to contemporary artists’ various practices. However, there is still insufficient research about the artistic expression of the hand.

The main aim of this thesis is to probe the artistic value and the ideological context of the hand. I take Michel Foucault’s The Archaeology of Knowledge as a way of thinking, it is similarly used with the hand as the core to grab the important theory related to the hand from the outside, such as the hand in art history, anatomy and medical science, anthropology and psychology, and the hand in the eyes of great artists. I also analyze and induce the similarities and differences of the multivariate artistry of the hand through the process of reciprocal reference. I take it a step further by researching the large amount of artistic expression works of the hand during the Surrealist period. I do research on how the artistic value of the hand is embodied completely through photography, Surrealism, Photorealism and contemporary artists’ varied practices. Finally, comparing and analyzing art history to my hand-related works, and probing how new artistic values of the hand and the possibility of application under the influence of contemporary aesthetics and the current digital technology could be created and the imagery of the hand could be probed and created as an issue.

I have probed the hand as an artistic theme for more than twelve years. In the past, I observed and applied the hand as an object. After doing in-depth research in the past few years, I slowly began creating with the hand as the subject to probe the core imagery of the hand. Therefore, this thesis not only does in-depth research and discusses the application of the hand as the artistic theme, which the current academia lacks. A more important aim is to explore the origin of consciousness and the evolution of ideological context of my artistic creation, and also do research on the meaning of refined ideology, and finally, complete my complete artistic creation context and system.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 2
第二節 研究目的 7
第三節 研究方法 11
第四節 研究範圍與限制 13

第二章 手的凝視 21
第一節 古典審美中的手語 22
第二節 上帝之手的現世圖樣 34
第三節 手印圖紋的原始媒介 40
第四節 手藝精神 48

第三章 手的表情 53
第一節 亨利.布爾收藏展 54
第二節 手與攝影 59
第三節 手和超現實主義 71
第四節 手與攝影的矛盾情結 83
第五節 手和照相寫實主義 93

第四章 手的藝術性應用與實踐 103
第一節 手的寓言 104
第二節 視界系列 123
第三節 手山水系列 141
第四節 無形的手 160

第五章 結論 175
一、 手部意象的理論研究之見解與啟示 176
二、 手部意象的實踐研究之心得 180
三、 期許與展望 183

參考書目 185
一、 中文書目 185
二、 中譯書目 186
四、 英文書目 189
五、 英文期刊 192
六、 網路資源 192

圖目錄 194
一、 中文書目

王炳耀 編:《人體造型解剖學基礎》,天津:天津人民美術出版社,2008。
史作檉 著,《水墨十講》,台北:典藏藝術家出版社,2015。
史作檉 著,《純粹詩境》,台北:典藏藝術家出版社,2012。
李育霖 著:《翻譯閾境:主題、倫理、美學》。臺北:書林出版社,2008。
李燦霖 著,《中國美術史稿》,台北:雄獅美術出版社,2008。
封一函 編:《超級寫實主義》,北京:人民美術出版社,2002。
范景中 編選:《貢布里希論設計》。湖南:湖南科學技術出版,2001。
高千惠 著:《地三翅膀:藝術觀念及其不滿》。台北:典藏藝術家庭出版,2014。
陳永賢 著:《英國當代藝術》,台北:藝術家出版社,2014年。
陳懷恩 著:《圖象學─視學藝術的意義與解釋》。台北:如果出版社,2008。
彭明輝 著,《崇高之美:彭明輝談國畫的情感和思想》。台北:聯經出版社,2014。
曾長生 著:《超現實主義藝術》。台北:藝術家出版社,2000。
楊大春 著:《傅柯》。台北:生智出版,1995。
葛洪 著,《神仙傳》,北京:中華書局,1991。
路況 著:《思想與明星:中西文藝類型的系譜宇星圖》。臺北:聯經出版社,2016。
廖修平 著:《廖修平作品集: 符號人生‧夢境系列》。臺北:國立國父紀念館,2007。
趙毅衡 著:《符號學》。台北:新銳文創,2012。
蕭婉珍/劉婉玲/吳美蓮 執行編輯:《密教的修法手印》。台北:全佛文化出版,2000。

二、 中譯書目

Jean-Louis PRADEL 著,董強、姜丹丹譯:《西洋視覺藝術史 當代藝術》,台北 : 閣林國際圖書,2003。
川孝介(Kosuke Kawakami)撰/Cindy Tsai譯:《LEXUS完美品味誌》。台北:樺舍印前事業股份有限公司出版,2015。
安德烈.布列東(André Breton)著/呂淑蓉 譯:《娜嘉》。台北:行人出版社,2003。
考茲.坤茲里.羅伯格(CAWS. KUENZLI. RABBERG)編/林明澤、羅秀芝 譯:《超現實主義與女人》。台北:遠流出版公司,1995。
克里斯.安德森(Chris Anderson)著/連育徳 譯:《自造者時代:啟動人人製造的第三次工業革命》。台北:遠見天下,2013。
尚.路易.普拉戴爾 (Jean-Louis Pradel)著/董強、姜丹丹譯:《西洋視覺藝術史—當代藝術》。台北:格林國際圖書,2003。
岡倉天心 著/谷意 譯:《茶之書》。台北:五南圖書出版股份有限公司,2014。
舍伍德.安德森(Sherwood Anderson)著/吳岩 譯:《小城畸人》。台北:遠流出版,2006。
柳宗悅 著/張魯、徐藝乙 譯:《柳宗悅 日本民藝之旅》。台北:遠足文化事業股份有限公司出版,2013。
柳宗悅 著/戴偉傑、張華英、陳令嫻 譯:《工藝之道:日本百年生活美學之濫觴》。台北:大鴻藝術股份有限公司出版,2013。
約翰.伯格(John Berger) 著/ 吳俐君 譯:《觀看的方式》,台北:麥田,城邦文化出版,2010。
約翰‧內皮爾 著( John Napier)/陳淳 譯:《手》。上海:上海科技教育出版社,2001。
埃利亞斯‧卡內蒂(Elias Canetti) 著/馮文光/劉敏/張毅 譯:《群眾與權力》。北京:中央編譯出版社,2002。
貢布里希 (E. H. Gombrich) 著/雨云 譯:《藝術的故事》。台北:聯經出版社,2003。
貢布里希 (E. H. Gombrich) 著/楊成凱 李本正 范景中 譯:《藝術與錯覺》。南寧:廣西美術出版社,2012。
貢布里希(E. H. Gombrich)/范景中、楊思梁、徐一維、勞誠烈 譯:《圖像與眼睛-繪畫再現心理學的研究》南寧:廣西美術出版社,2013。
高居翰(James Cahill)著/王嘉驥 譯:《山外山:晚明繪畫》。北京:三聯書店,2009。
高居翰(James Cahill)著/李渝 譯:《圖說中國繪畫史》。北京:三聯書店,2014。
高居翰(James Cahill)著/洪再新、高士明、高昕丹 譯:《詩之旅:中國與日本的詩意繪畫》。北京:三聯書店,2012。
理查.巴奈特(Richard Barnet)著/ 黎湛平 譯:《手術劇場:470幀重現19世紀外科革命及器械的醫療繪畫》。台北:麥田出版,2016。
麥克魯漢(Herbert Marshall McLuhan)著/鄭明萱 譯:《認識媒體:人的延伸》。台北:貓頭鷹出版,2015。
提姆.丹特(Tim Dent)著/龔永慧 譯:《物質文化》。台北:書林出版,2009。
華特.班雅明(Walter Benjamin)著,許綺玲譯,《迎向靈光消逝的年代》,台北:台灣攝影工作室。
塞莫薩基(Swmir Zeki) 著/潘恩典譯:《腦內藝術館》。台北:商周出版,2001。
奧古斯特.羅丹(Auguste Rodin)著/王凌緯 譯:《羅丹—靈感散記》。新北市:八旗/遠足文化出版,2016。
愛德華.路西.史密斯(Edward Lucie-Smith) 著/周慶榮 譯:《西方當代藝術—從抽象表現主義到超寫實主義》。南京:江蘇美術出版社,1992。
溫蒂.貝克特修女(Sister Wendy Beckett)著/李惠珍、連惠幸 譯,台北:台灣麥克股份有限公司出版,2004。
瑪莉.艾克頓(Mary Acton) 著/王聖智 譯:《如何看懂雕塑》。台北:典藏藝術家庭出版,2016。
瑪麗塔.史特肯(Marita Sturken)/莉莎.卡萊特(Lisa Crtwright)著/陳品秀、吳莉君 譯:《觀看的實踐:給所有影像世代的視覺文化導論》。台北:城邦文化事業出版,2013。
福西永 著(Henri Focillon)/陳平譯:《形式的生命》。北京:北京大學出版社,2011。
暮澤剛巳 著,蔡青雯 譯,《當代藝術關鍵詞100》,台北 : 麥田出版,2011。
賽琳.德拉佛(Céline Delavaux)/克裡斯汀.德米伊(Christian Demilly)著/陳羚芝 譯:《當代藝術這麼說》。臺北:典藏藝術家庭出版,2012。
羅蘭.巴特(Roland Barthes) 著/許綺玲 譯:《明室》。台北:台灣攝影工作室,1997。
蘇珊.桑塔格(Susan Sontag)著/黃燦然 譯:《論攝影》。台北:麥田,城邦文化出版,2010。

三、 中文期刊

董玟伶、蘇芳慶 著:《萬能雙手的奧祕》,《科學發展》444期。
劉心華 撰:《俄國行為語言之研究及其在俄語教學上之應用:面部表情及手勢》,政大大學學報第六十九期。

四、 英文書目

Adele Nozedar: The Illustrated Signs and Symbols sourcebook: An A to Z Compendium of Over 1000 Designs, London: HarperCollins, 2010.
Borchardt-Hume Achim: Giuseppe Penone- Spazio di Luce, London: Whitechapel Gallery, 2012.
Breemmer and Roodenburg: A cultural History of Gesture, Cornell University Press: 1st edition, 1992.
Bruno Munari: Supplemento Dizionario (English, French, German and Italian Edition), Mantova: Corraini, 2000.
Burgi, Mendes, Cerizza, Luca, Goetz, Ingvild, Meyer-stoll & Christiane, Arte Povera: The Great Awakening, New York: Distributed Art Pub Inc, 2012.
Colin MacGinn: Prehension: The Hand and the Emergence of Humanity, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2015.
David Hillman&Carla Mazzio: The Body in Parts: Fantasies of Corporeality in Early Modern Europe, London: Routledge, 1999.
David Hockney, Secrect Knowledge: Rediscovrting the lost techniques of the Old Masters, London: Thames & Hudson Press.
Elias Canetti, Crowds and Power, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1984.
Elza Adamowicz: Surrealist collage in text and image, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Foucault: LANGUAGE, COUNTER-MEMORY, PRACTICE–Selected Essays and Interview, New York: Cornell University Press, 1980.
Frank R. Wilson: The Hand, New York: Pantheon Books, 1998.
Gaston Bachlard: Earth and Reveries of Will, translated by Kenneth Haltman, Dallas: The Dallas Institute publications, 1948.
Hal Foster: Compulsive Beauty, London: The MIT press Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995.
Henri Focillon: The Life of Forms in Art, New York: MIT Press, 2013.
Jan Bremmer& Herman Roodenburg, A Cultural History of Gesture, New York: Conell University Press, 1992.
Jenifer Blessing Ed.: Photophilia: Speaking with Hands: Photographs from The Buhl Collection, New York: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation press, 2004.
John Bulwer: Chirologia: or the Natural Language of the Hand AND Chironomia: or the Art of Manual Rhetoric (Landmarks in rhetoric and public address) , Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press, 1974.
John Napier: Hands, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1980.
Jonathan Sawday: The Body Emblazoned: Dissection and the Human Body in Renaissance Culture, London: Routledge, 1996.
Juani Pallasmaa: The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd Press, 2009.
Katherine Rowe: “God’s handy worke” Divine complicity and Anatomist’s Touch”, The Body in Parts: Fantasies of Corporeality in Early Modern Europe, London: Routledge, 1997.
Kathleen Martin, In Ami Ronnberg ed.: The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images, Germany: TASCHEN, 2010.
Laurnet Busine, Benjamin Bucgloh, Daniela Lancioni, Ruggero Penone, and Didier Semin, Giuseppe Penone, Brussels: Mercatorfonds press, 2012.
Linda Nochlin: THE BODY IN PIECES, Great Britain: Thames and Hudson, 1994.
Lynette A. Jones& Susan J. Lederman: Human Hand Function, New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Marshall Mcluhan, Understanding Media: The Extension of man: with a new introduction by Lewis H. Lapham, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1994.
Martin Gayford: A BIGGER MESSAGE: Conversations with David Hockney, London: Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2016.
Michael Sullivan, The Art of China, California: University of California Press, 2008.
Montaigne, Translated by Donald M. Frame, The Complete Essays of Montaigne, Colifornia: Stanford University Press, 1965.
Peter Plagens, Bruce Nauman: The True Artist, London: Phaidon Press, 2014.
Richard Sennett: The Craftsman, London: Penguin Books Ltd, 2009.
Roland Barthes, translated by Richard Howard, Cmera Lucida: Reflections of Photography, New York: Hill and Wang Press, 2010.
Sally O’Reilly, The Body in Contemporary Art, London: Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2009.
Sherwood Anderson: Winesburg, Ohio, New York: Dover Publication Press, 1995.
Sylvia Ferino-pagden: Arcimboldo 1526-1593, Milano: Skira Editore S.p.A., 2007.
Teitelbaum, Matthew. GIUSEPPE PENONE: The Hidden Life Within. Spain: Black Dog Publishing Limited, 2013.
Therese Mulligan & David Wooters (Eds.): A History of Photography- From 1839 to the present, London: Taschen GmbH, 2015.
Tony Allan, The Symbol Detective: How to decipher mystical motifs- and know where to find theme, London: Duncan Baird Publishers Press, 2008.
Western Neef: In Focus: Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 1998.
Zevi, Adachiniara: Giuseppe Penone, London: Haunch of Venison, 2011.

五、 英文期刊
A. W. G. Pike, D. L. Hoffmann, M. García-Diez, P. B. Pettitt, J. Alcolea, R. De Balbín, C. González-Sainz, C. de las Heras, J. A. Lasheras, R. Montes and J. Zilhão, U-Series Dating of Paleolithic Art in 11 Caves in Spain, Science, Vol. 336, 15 June 2012.
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Cindy Nemser: "Chuck Close: Interview with Cindy Nemser", Artforum 8, no. 5 (January 1970): 51-55, 1970.
Helmut Fridel: Gerhard Richter: Red—Yellow—Blue, The BMW Paintings, New York: Prestel press, 2007.
Kirsten H. Powell: Hands- on surrealism, Art History, Vol 20 No. 4 December 1997, pp. 516-533, 1997.
Theodore Reff, The chronology of Degas’s notebooks, Burlington Magazine, December 1965

六、 網路資源
Carol Hendricks: The Last Supper as painted by Ghirlandaio, Leonardo and Tintoretto, 27th September 2011, retrieved from: http://arthistoryblogger.blogspot.tw/2011/09/last-supper-as-painted-by-ghirlandaio.html
National Geographic, October 8, 2014, retrived from:http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/10/141008-cave-art-sulawesi-hand-science/
Science, reitrived from: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/336/6087/1409.full?sid=cc12d203-16f7-4001-8a10-f7f437d9262c
Ted talks 2010, retrieved from: https://www.ted.com/talks/denis_dutton_a_darwinian_theory_of_beauty/transcript?language=zh-tw
Ted talks, retrieved from: https://www.ted.com/talks/alyssa_monks_how_loss_helped_one_artist_find_beauty_in_imperfection/transcript?language=en
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