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研究生(外文):Liou, Yi-Huei
論文名稱(外文):Study of photonic band gaps and defect modes in Au-based metal photonic crystals
指導教授(外文):Wu, Chien-Jang
外文關鍵詞:photonic cystalphotonic band gapdefct mode
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In this thesis, we shall study the three theme about the optical properties of Au layers and two dielectric layers structures. In the first theme, we used transfer matrix method (TMM) to analyze 〖air/(1/Au/3)〗^N/air. In normal Incident, we could find the photonic band gap (PBG) will be shifted and become wide as the thickness of the Au layers increase. Then, we could find the PBG of TE wave and TM wave will be shifted as the angle of incident increase. But PBG of TE wave is wider than TM wave. In the second theme, we used the same method to analyze 〖air/(1/3)〗^N/Au/〖(3/1)〗^N/air. In normal Incident and γ=0, we could find the transmitted peak will be right shifted as the thickness of the Au layers increase. Then, we could find the transmitted peak of TE wave and TM wave will be right shifted as the angle of incident increase. But TE wave is larger than TM wave. In the third theme, we also used the same method to analyze 〖air/Au/(1/3)〗^N/air and air/〖(1/3)〗^N/Au/air. In normal Incident, we could find the PBG of the two structures are not dependent on the thickness of the Au layers increase. Then Then, we could find the PBG of TE waves of the two structures will become wide as the angle of incident increase, but TM waves are opposite.
第一章 緒論 4
1-1 光子晶體簡介 4
1-2 單負材料簡介 6
第二章 轉移矩陣法與研究概論 7
2-1 轉移矩陣法 7
2-2 研究概論 10
第三章 Au光子晶體的光學性質 12
3-1 簡介 12
3-2 光垂直入射於Au光子晶體 13
3-3 光斜角入射於Au光子晶體 20
第四章 Au光子晶體異質結構缺陷模態的光學性質 26
4-1 簡介 26
4-2 光垂直入射於Au光子晶體異質結構缺陷模態 28
4-3 光斜角入射於Au光子晶體異質結構缺陷模態 34
第五章 Au在雙介電質光子晶體的光學性質 38
5-1 簡介 38
5-2 光垂直入射於Au在雙介電質光子晶體 39
5-3 光斜角入射於Au在雙介電質光子晶體 42
第六章 總結 52
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