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研究生(外文):Yang, Dong-Ying
論文名稱(外文):Wide-field digital holographic microscopy with optimized resolution and its application in optical inspection
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Chau-JernTu, Han-Yen
外文關鍵詞:wide-fieldfield of viewpixel resolutionup-samplingpoint source reference wavespace bandwidth product
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本論文主要探討如何在廣視野數位全像顯微術達成系統最佳化解析度的目的,利用光學空間帶寬乘積與高空間頻率繞射光與參考點光源傳播方向之干涉角度的分析,設計最佳化參數來提升系統的橫向解析度。一般廣視野的系統會受限於光感測元件,因此使用放大倍率小於1的4f系統,來突破光感測元件視野範圍之限制,但光場經過縮束後會遇到像點解析度與橫向解析度不足的問題,因此以紀錄菲涅爾全像片結合升採樣技術,提升重建平面上的像點解析度,並以空間帶寬乘積,探討其最佳化的記錄距離,使系統能達到較大的視野範圍且橫向解析度接近光學解析度。提升像點解析度與橫向解析度後,可以使原本只能解析 線寬13.92um提升至8.77um,視野範圍可達25mmX25mm。
We propose a wide-field digital holographic microscopy system to enhance the field of view. In wide-field system, the field of view is limited by image sensor. So we use telescope to enhance the field of view. To resolve the low pixel resolution, we use up-sampling method in Fresnel transform to enhance the pixel resolution in reconstruction plane. Then, to enhance the lateral resolution, we use spherical reference wave to product the additional magnification in spectrum plane. And using space bandwidth product and high spatial frequency with spherical reference wave to analysis the optimized recording distance in WF-DHM, It’s can get the high resolution and keep the wide field of view. After enhancing the pixel resolution and found the optimized recording distance, we can get the lateral resolution from 13.92um becomes to 8.77um and FOV can reach to 25mm X 25mm. Finally. We have established a prototype for glass substrate quantitative defect detection, with a wide field of view and real-time three-dimensional high-resolution imaging capabilities. Finally, design the FOV about five-inch of the wide field system to explore its problems and solutions to increase the potential of optical detection applications in the future.
論文摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 廣視野數位全像術發展與現況 1
1.2 研究動機及挑戰 4
1.3 文獻回顧及分析 6
1.3.1 廣視野及橫向高解析度技術 6
1.3.2 光學系統空間解析度分析 8
1.4 論文架構 10
第二章 廣視野遠心數位全像顯微術 11
2.1 原理 11
2.1.1 電腦模擬結果 14
2.1.2 實驗結果與討論 16
2.2 系統最佳化解析度設計 21
2.2.1 空間帶寬乘積分析最佳化解析度及其限制 22
2.2.2 系統解析度之干涉角度設計 28
2.3 結論 34
第三章 廣視野全像量測系統設計及測試分析 35
3.1 廣視野遠心數位全像光機系統設計與分析 35
3.1.1 ASAP建置干涉系統與物體成像之光學分析 38
3.1.2 SolidWorks建置光學量測機台 41
3.2 玻璃基板量測及其瑕疵特性分析 42
3.2.1 玻璃基板光學取像原理 43
3.2.2 瑕疵類型與特性分析 44
3.3 實驗與檢測結果 48
第四章 (五吋)廣視野數位全像系統設計與量測應用 51
4.1 最佳化系統設計 51
4.2 測試與分析 53
4.3 問題及其可能解決的方案 55
第五章 結論與未來展望 56
參考文獻 58
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