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研究生(外文):Pan, Wen-Pin
論文名稱(外文):Application of nine - axis motion sensors to a navigation - like operation for the total hip replacement
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chun-Ta
外文關鍵詞:total hip replacement operationinertia measurement unitmagnetometerhybrid Kalman-complementary filter
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As Taiwan has entered the aging society, people who have undergone total hip arthroplasty (HIA) due to hip degeneration have risen. The operation is to replace the damaged femoral or cartilage tissue by the artificial metal acetabular component, so the location of the acetabular component determines the postoperative range of motion and pain of the e hip. Currently widely used positioning methods, including the CT computed tomography, X-ray, infrared optical system, and so on, is to obtain the patient pelvic information and the relative positions between the acetabular components. In this paper, a novel positioning method for the orientation of the acetabular element is proposed by means of an inertial sensing device and a magnetometer. This navigation operation is via a two-point positioning way. We use two sets of sensing modules combined with a magnetometer, one serves as a reference datum, and is fixed to the sacrum of the back of the human body. The sacrum and the pelvis belong to the same part, and with the shortest distance of the skin and bone. The other is defined as the relative rotation coordinate system. In addition, the acetabular component with 3 degrees freedom ball joint is designed and combined, and then through the Bluetooth transmission and reference datum point to communicate relative rotation coordinate system to calculate the relative rotation, so that the acetabular component can be measured relative to the pelvic position before the tilt and outreach angle. In the calculation of the rotation angle of the sensing module, the information fusion algorithm of the hybrid Kalman-complementary filter is proposed to improve the accuracy. Thus, the cumulative error caused by the deviation value of the gyroscope can be reduced, and the interference from the magnetic field can be avoided with the stability. Finally, it is proved that the proposed navigation-like system has low cost, high precision, low infection and simple operation in the application to the artificial hip replacement under the navigation operation of inertial sensing device and magnetometer.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究目的 13
1.4 研究方法與步驟 14
1.5 論文架構 15
第二章 九軸運動感測器原理 16
2.1 運動感測器 16
2.1.1 加速度計 17
2.1.2 陀螺儀 18
2.1.3 磁力計 20
2.2 感測器傳輸協定 21
2.2.1 I2C通訊協定 21
2.2.2 UART協定 23
2.3 市售運動感測器 25
2.3.1 六軸慣性感測元件 MPU6050 25
2.3.2 磁力計 HMC5883L 28
2.3.3 九軸感測器電路設計 29
第三章 感測器校正與訊號分析 34
3.1 感測器校正 34
3.1.1 加速度計及陀螺儀靜止校正 34
3.1.2 磁力計校正 35
3.2 訊號分析 38
3.2.1 傅立葉轉換 38
3.2.2 快速傅立葉轉換 39
第四章 感測器融合 43
4.1 尤拉角度計算 43
4.1.1 九軸運動感測器與尤拉角度計算 45
4.1.2 融合加速度計之磁力計傾斜補償 48
4.1.3 訊號向量強度 49
4.2 濾波器設計 51
4.2.1 互補濾波器 51
4.2.2 卡爾曼濾波器 56
4.2.3 混合卡爾曼-互補濾波器 59
第五章 全人工髖關節置換術之類導航應用 60
5.1 雲端資料庫建立 60
5.2 手機App設計 62
5.3 量測系統架構 64
5.4 類導航應用 69
第六章 結果與討論 72
6.1 移動角度之穩態量測 74
6.2 轉動角度之動態量測 80
6.3 手部顫抖分析與SVM測試 96
6.4 肩關節復健角度分析 102
6.5 THR之類導航結果 105
第七章 結論與未來展望 113
參考文獻 114
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