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研究生(外文):Pan, Yu-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Evaluation of Inherent Defects Insurance on Engineering
指導教授(外文):Jang, Jing-Jong
口試委員(外文):Chang, Pei-ZenKuo, Shyh-Rong
外文關鍵詞:Inherent Defect InsuranceTechnical Inspection ServiceEngineering Maintenance BondHousing Performance Evaluation system
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There was one big earthquake which destroyed the Wei Guan Building in Tainan and took many people’s lives and families in the morning on February 6, 2016. However, government found out that the main reason of its collapse was not only because of the earthquake. After the certification, the main reason was the serious defect of the inner of the building. It was the same issue of the Dong Xing Building in Taipei on September 21, 1999. Therefore, many experts believe that people should take more attention on the quality of construction maintenance.
In 1978, there was Inherent Defect Insurance in France and many countries. They also build up some related rules. The Inherent Defect Insurance focus on the supervisor of third party, consumers’ guarantee and the right of owner. This work can indirectly enhance the quality of contractor and the confidence of consumers. However, the period of this insurance is one decade, long term insurance. As a result, compared to other insurance data, there were less data of Inherent Defect Insurance were reported to IMIA (The International Association of Engineering Insurance) by these countries.
Inherent Defect Insurance can be divided to three types:
1. Countries with legal builder’s liability and with compulsory decennial insurance.
2. Countries with legal builder’s liability, without compulsory decennial insurance but with inherent defect insurance market.
3. Countries with legal builder’s liability, without compulsory decennial insurance and without inherent defect insurance market.
However, after long time for pilot local service trials in Shanghai China since 2016, Inherent Defect Insurance officially enabled in Shanghai. It is one of the emerging countries for Inherent Defect Insurance recently.
In Taiwan, the engineering insurance systems and the technical inspection of engineering quality are already exist for a long time. On the insurance systems, Engineering’s Maintenance Bond is guarantee for building’s quality and warranty, and the major different is term insurance, and the Housing Performance Evaluation and some of technical works are the same as the Inherent Defect Insurance and Technical Inspection Service.
The collapsed case of Tung Hsing Building in Taipei by an earthquake in 1999 had finished the Civil litigation for more than 15 years recently. In addition, The collapsed case of Wei Guan Building in Tainan by the earthquake of Mei Nong in 2016 are still engage in a lawsuit , then after a few months of the case, an insurance company had issued the first decennial insurance in Taiwan.
After the collection, observation ,and analysis of this research, the Inherent Defect Insurance market already exist in Taiwan, but doesn’t have policy operation with this type insurance, and after compare with loss ratio of Engineering Maintenance Bond, we know that the floating loss ratio’s of Engineering Maintenance Bond in Taiwan is more bigger than the Inherent Defect Insurance that may infect and raise insurance company’s risk in the future.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 研究內容 2
1.4 名詞解釋 2
第二章 潛在瑕疵保險 5
2.1 概述 5
2.1.1 潛在瑕疵保險背景 5
2.1.2 潛在瑕疵保險定義 5
2.2 潛在瑕疵保險之承保內容 7
2.2.1 保障內容 7
2.2.2 保險流程程序 7
2.2.3 保險期限 8
2.2.4 釐定保險費率 9
2.2.5 保險責任 9
2.2.6 除外責任 10
2.2.7 賠償 12
2.3 潛在瑕疵保險之特色與優點 14
2.3.1 特色 14
2.3.2 優點 15
2.4 潛在瑕疵保險之保費分析 15
2.5 潛在瑕疵保險之第三方監工 17
2.5.1 簡介 17
2.5.2 技術檢驗服務之工作內容 17
2.5.3 工程技術檢驗服務與一般監理單位之區別 21
第三章 潛在瑕疵保險之各國發展 22
3.1 第一種模式 — 潛在瑕疵保險市場存在 22
3.1.1 法國(French) 22
3.1.2 西班牙(Spain) 29
3.2 第二種模式 — 潛在瑕疵保險市場不存在 30
3.2.1 日本(Japan) 30
3.2.2 英國(United Kingdom) 33
3.3 新興模式 — 中國上海 36
第四章 我國與潛在瑕疵保險相關產業分析 41
4.1 我國工程之市場現況 41
4.2 工程保固保證保險 43
4.2.1 工程保證保險概述 43
4.2.2 工程保固保證保險內容 45
4.2.3 工程保證保險之市場分析 46
4.2.4 工程保固保證保險與工程潛在瑕疵保險之比較 47
4.3 住宅性能評估制度 49
4.3.1 住宅性能評估簡述 49
4.3.2 住宅性能評估之評估機構條件 49
4.3.3 住宅性能評估內容 50
4.3.4 執行計畫書內容 54
4.3.5 住宅性能評估報告書內容 54
4.3.6 住宅性能評估之補助評估費用 55
4.3.7 住宅性能評估申請流程 56
4.4 工程技術檢驗服務的相關行業 59
第五章 案例分析 69
5.1 1999年台北市東星大樓 69
5.1.1 建築物與事件敘述 69
5.1.2 建築物倒塌之原因分析 71
5.1.3 災後賠償處理 73
5.1.4 事件分析 74
5.2 2016年台南市維冠大樓 76
5.2.1 建築物與事件敘述 76
5.2.2 建築物倒塌之原因分析 80
5.2.3 災後賠償處理 82
5.2.4 事件分析 82
5.3 相關事件之後續影響 82
第六章 結論與建議 83
6.1 結論 83
6.2 建議 84
參考文獻 85
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【4】 中國太平洋財產保險股份有限公司,“建築工程質量潛在缺陷保險(上海地區)條款,2016。
【5】 吳欣昀,“工程保證之介紹與履約保證優缺點分析”,國立中央大學營建管理研究所,2002。
【6】 台灣省土木技師公會,“鑑定業務範圍及件訂收費標準”,第九屆第七次理事會會議,2011。
【7】 鄭明昌博士。“從維冠大樓倒塌談建築管理之對策”,台南市土木技師公會,2016。
【8】 IMIA,“Engineering Insurance Premium and Loss Statistics 2013 – 2015”,Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty,2016。
【9】 Guy Van Hecke,“INHERENT DEFECT INSURANCE”,IMIA conference,2001。
【10】 SCOR,“INHERENT DEFECT INSURANCE(IDI) - Overview and best pratices”,Technical Newsletter #27,2015。
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