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研究生(外文):Hsu, Ya-Hui
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating age-friendly curriculum for bus drivers
指導教授(外文):Shiau, Tzay-An
口試委員(外文):Shieh, How-MingOu, Jia-Ruei
外文關鍵詞:Age-friendly curriculumNASA-TLXKirkpatrick modelRough Sets Theory
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伴隨著高齡化社會的到來,必須更重視高齡人士的「行動能力」、「社會參與」及「安全」,在2007年由世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)所發表的「高齡友善城市指南」中提到,有禮貌的公車駕駛為提升高齡人士搭乘大眾運輸工具的意願與服務品質的關鍵因素,在國外也有提供相關高齡友善訓練課程,然而在國內文獻中就有指出公車駕駛在服務高齡人士時備感壓力,而為改善上述中之現象與提升對待高齡人士之服務品質,將針對公車駕駛設計出通用化之高齡友善課程。
Mobility, Community Group Program (CGP), and Safety for senior citizen becomes important as our society gradually enters into so called “ageing society”. It was mentioned in“Global age-friendly cities: a guide” published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2007, that a polite bus driver is one of the key factors in increasing the willingness for seniors to utilize public transportation and it is also a key factor in improving public transportation service. Many countries have already provided age-friendly training program; however, in Taiwan, literature shown that bus drivers often feel pressured in serving senior citizens. To solve above-mentioned problem and to improve service quality in public transportation toward senior citizens, a well-designed age-friendly training program for bus driver becomes imperative.
In this research, two major bus companies in the Greater Taipei area were studied. After the “age-friendly curriculum”, the effectiveness of the curriculum was evaluated via a questionnaire and the qualitative and quantitative analytics. NASA-TLX was used to design the questionnaire and to assess the workload of bus drivers before serving the senior passengers and after serving senior passengers. The Kirkpatrick model was applied to design the questionnaire and to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum. And Rough Sets Theory was applied to understand the relationship between the level of reaction, learning and behavior.
The analytics results show improvement on the workload before training curriculum and after training curriculum, and both level of reaction and behavior demonstrate a high degree sense of identity; conversely, there is a poor performance in the learning level. In an individual attributes differential analytics, there is a significant difference in the degree of education at the learning level, there is no significant difference in the rest of reaction level and behavior level. The relationship analytics between the reaction level, the learning level and the behavior level show, there is no positive relationship between the learning level and the response level, and the performance of the learning level does not affect the performance of the behavior level.
Finally, in the final results assessment, there is no significant improvement observed by the researchers between program participant and non-participant (bus drivers), whereas, there are significant improvement between program participant and non-participant observed by the bus company’s management. Based on above curriculum assessment, it shows that the training curriculum had achieved some success; however, more training program should be provided and participation in training curriculum should be encouraged in order to achieve effective results.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 4
1.4 研究對象 4
1.5 研究內容與流程 5
1.6 研究架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 課程設計之相關文獻 8
2.2 團體討論課程之相關文獻 9
2.3 情境模擬體驗之相關文獻 11
2.4 NASA-TLX之相關文獻 12
2.5 克伯屈模式(Kirkpatrick model)之相關文獻 14
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 課程設計 16
3.2 問卷設計 17
3.2.1 基本資料 17
3.2.2 工作負荷之問卷設計 17
3.2.3 Kirkpatrick模式之問卷設計 18
3.3 分析方法 20
3.3.1 敘述性統計 20
3.3.2 信度分析 20
3.3.3 t檢定 21
3.3.4 變異數分析 21
3.3.5 概略集合理論 (Rough set theory, RST) 22
3.4 研究假設 25
3.5 觀察法 26
第四章 公車駕駛高齡友善課程介紹 27
4. 1 公車駕駛高齡友善課程之設計 27
4.1.1 課程摘要 27
4.1.2 公車駕駛高齡友善課程修改 28
4.1.3 課程時間安排 30
4.1.4 公車駕駛高齡友善課程介紹 31
4.2 公車駕駛高齡友善課程之執行概況 35
第五章 研究分析與結果 38
5.1 參與課程訓練之公車駕駛個人屬性分析 38
5.2 公車駕駛高齡友善課程之成效分析 41
5.2.1 公車駕駛工作負荷之分析 41
5.2.2 信度分析 42
5.2.3 公車駕駛反應層次之分析 43
5.2.4 公車駕駛學習層次之分析 45
5.2.5 公車駕駛行為層次之分析 46
5.3 公車駕駛個人屬性對訓練成效之影響分析 47
5.3.1 研究假設檢定結果 47
5.3.2 服務年資對訓練成效之影響 48
5.3.3 年齡對訓練成效之影響 49
5.3.4 教育程度對訓練成效之影響 50
5.4 反應層次、學習層次與行為層次之關聯性分析 51
5.4.1 反應層次與學習層次之關聯性分析 51
5.4.2 反應層次與學習層次對行為層次之關聯性分析 54 行為層次「發覺有異時能夠即時察覺並給予幫助」之決策規則 55 行為層次「更清楚知道與高齡人士的溝通方式」之決策規則 57 行為層次「更清楚與高齡的互動方式」之決策規則 59 行為層次「提升對於問題處置與協調的能力」之決策規則 61 行為層次「能夠將所學正確的傳授給他人」之決策規則 63
5.5 公車駕駛結果層次之成效分析 65
5.5.1 兩家業者參與課程訓練與未參與課程訓練結果層次之成效分析 65
5.5.2 A客運參與課程訓練與未參與課程訓練結果層次之成效分析 68
5.5.3 B客運參與課程訓練與未參與課程訓練結果層次之成效分析 71
5.5.4 公車業者對參與課程之公車駕駛課前、課後結果層次之評估 73 A客運公車駕駛課前、課後結果層次之評估 73 B客運公車駕駛課前、課後結果層次之評估 76
5.6 小結 78
第六章 結論與建議 80
6.1 結論 80
6.2 建議 81
6.3 後續研究建議 81
文獻回顧 82
附錄一、高齡友善課程大綱 87
附錄二、公車駕駛高齡友善課程之執行方式 90
附錄三、睡眠意識課程之相關補充 96
附錄四、情境卡設計範本與解決方式 99
附錄五、高齡人士之老化現象 100
附錄六、公車駕駛高齡友善課程教學投影片 102
附錄七、高齡體驗闖關卡 107
附錄八、公車駕駛高齡友善課程之評估問卷 108
附錄九、公車駕駛服務品質之問卷 115
附錄十、公車駕駛服務品質之問卷 116
附錄十一、高齡人士對公車駕駛之服務品質訪談紀錄 121
附錄十二、公車業者之主管意見回覆 122
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