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研究生(外文):Liu, Ya-Wen
論文名稱:以蛋白質工程改變 Sulfolobus acidocaldarius 來源之麥芽寡糖苷海藻糖生成酶之基質特異性及以固定化酵素生產海藻糖
論文名稱(外文):Protein Engineering of Maltooligosyl Trehalose Synthase from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius to Alter Its Substrate Specificity and Trehalose Production by Immobilized Enzymes
指導教授(外文):Fang, Tsuei-Yun
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Wen-ChiPan, Chorng-LiangLo, Yi-Chen
中文關鍵詞:麥芽寡糖苷海藻糖基質選擇性比值固定化酵素NHSactivated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow
外文關鍵詞:maltooligosyl trehalose synthaseselective ratioimmobilized enzymesNHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow
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麥芽寡糖苷海藻糖生成酶 (maltooligosyl trehalose synthase, MTSase) 可作用於麥芽寡糖 (maltooligosaccharide) 還原末端之α-1,4 糖苷鍵,將其轉為α-1,1 糖苷鍵,形成麥芽寡糖苷海藻糖,研究發現除了轉糖苷作用外,其也具有水解作用,會水解麥芽寡糖苷海藻糖,產生葡萄糖,此水解反應不利於海藻糖之生產,若能改變 MTSase 之基質特異性,降低水解效率同時維持轉糖苷效率,可能增加海藻糖產量。將 Sulfolobus acidocaldarius 來源之 MTSase 進行定位突變,建構 Y225L、I253Y、A438T、T439L、Y225L/A438T/T439L、I253Y/A438T/T439L 及 Y225L/I253Y/A438T/T439L 重組突變型質體,與重組原生型質體分別轉形至 ClearColi BL21 (DE3)-CodonPlus-RIL 中進行蛋白質表現,獲得重組原生型及突變型 MTSase。初步篩選發現 I253Y 及 A438T 之結構裂解,觀察模擬結構得知其與 T439L 三者殘基間會相互影響。轉糖苷動力學結果發現突變型 T439L 、I253Y/A438T/T439L 及 Y225L/I253Y/A438T/T439L 之 kcat 無明顯變化,但 kM 皆下降,轉糖苷催化效率 kcat/kM 皆高於原生型,而水解動力學則僅 I253Y/A438T/T439L 有較原生型低之水解催化效率。計算 selective ratio (相同轉糖苷效率下的水解效率比值),發現上述突變型皆低於原生型,顯示此四個位置之胺基酸突變能降低 selective ratio。
另一方面,嘗試以 NHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow 將海藻糖生成相關酵素同時進行固定化並由澱粉生產海藻糖,結果發現固定化後之最高海藻糖產量僅約未固定化酵素產量的一半,且反應速率較慢,於反應 48 小時後仍未達平衡,而隨固定化酵素量增加,產量有提升之趨勢,期望後續能找到最適固定化條件並嘗試大量生產海藻糖。
Maltooligosyl trehalose synthase (MTSase) catalyzes an intramolecular transglycosyl reaction to form maltooligosyltrehalose by converting the α-1,4-glucosidic linkage at the reducing end of maltooligosaccharide to an α-1,1-glucosidic linkage. Except the transglycosyl reaction, the hydrolysis activity also exist causing release of glucose by MTSase. The hydrolysis reaction is unfavorable to trehalose production. If the substrate specificity of MTSase could be altered to decrease the hydrolysis activity while maintaining its transglycosyl activity, an increased trehalose yield would be anticipated. In order to decrease hydrolysis activity of MTSase from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, the mutations Y225L, I253Y, A438T, T439L, Y225L/A438T/T439L, I253Y/A438T/T439L and Y225L/I253Y/A438T/T439L were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. The wild-type and mutated recombinant DNA was transformed into ClearColi BL21 (DE3)-CodonPlus-RIL to express wild-type and mutant MTSases, respectively. Then the enzymes were purified and studied. The mutant I253Y and A438T were completely inactive. In the modling structure, the two residues were found interacting with T439L.
The mutantions T439L, I253Y/A438T/T439L and Y225L/I253Y/A438T/T439L have no significantly changes of kcat values for transglycosylation, but have lower kM values. And the kcat/kM values for transglycosylation of these mutations were higher than that of wild-type, the hydrolysis activity of these mutations were higher than that of wild-type, but their selective ratios ([kcat/kM (G3)] / [kcat/kM (G5)] × 100%) lower than that of wild-type.
On the other hand, the wild-type MTSase, along with isoamylase and MTHase, were immobilized on NHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow at the same time, and were studied for trehalose production. We found that the immobilized enzymes have only about half trehalose yield compared to that of free enzymes, and have lower reaction rate. The reaction still not reached equilibrium after 48 h, and we found that the more amounts of enzymes immobilized the higher trehalose yield obtained. Hope that we can find better immobilization condition and use immobilized enzymes to produce trehalose in the future.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
壹、研究背景與目的 1
貳、文獻整理 2
一、海藻糖 2
1. 簡介 2
2. 特性與應用 2
3. 生產 2
4. 利用澱粉生產海藻糖 4
5. 產量測定 4
二、麥芽寡糖苷海藻糖合成酶 5
1. 簡介 5
2. 結構 5
3. 作用機制 6
四、ClearColi BL21 (DE3) 大腸桿菌表現宿主 7
五、CodonPlus RIL 質體 8
六、固定化 8
1. 簡介 8
2. NHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow 8
參、實驗設計 9
一、SaMTSase 定位突變 9
二、重組質體於 ClearColi BL21 (DE3) 中表現 9
三、利用 NHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow 進行酵素固定化 9
肆、實驗材料與方法 11
一、實驗材料 11
1. 實驗用質體與菌株 11
2. 抗生素 11
3. 標準品 11
4. 市售套組 11
5. 酵素 11
6. 化學藥品 12
7. 實驗設備 13
二、藥品配製 15
1. LB 培養液 / 平板培養基 15
2. TB 培養液 15
3. SOB 培養液 15
4. SOC 培養液 16
5. 1% 洋菜糖膠體 16
6. 50X TAE buffer 16
7. Ampicillin (100 mg/mL) 16
8. Chloramphenicol (34 mg/mL) 16
9. 1 M IPTG 17
10. 蛋白質電泳膠體 17
11. 2X SDS sampling buffer 18
12. SDS-PAGE 染色液 18
13. SDS-PAGE 脫色液 18
14. 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.5) 18
15. 1 M Benzamidine 18
16. 4X Dye-binding reagent 19
17. BSA (10 mg/mL) 19
18. 0.25 M KHP buffer (pH 5.0) 19
19. DNS reagent 19
20. Glucose oxidase/peroxidase reagent 19
21. I2-KI reagent 19
三、實驗方法 20
1. 定位突變 20
2. DNA 電泳 21
3. 熱休克轉形至 DH5ɑ 勝任細胞 21
4. 以 Colony PCR 篩選轉形株 22
5. 基因定序 22
6. 抽取質體 DNA 22
7. 以電穿孔轉形重組質體至 ClearColi BL21 (DE3) 23
8. 菌種保存 24
9. ClearColi BL21 (DE3) 之蛋白質表現與誘導 24
10. 異澱粉酶、MTSase、MTHase 之大量生產 24
11. 異澱粉酶、MTSase、MTHase 之純化 25
12. 異澱粉酶、MTSase、MTHase 之活性分析 26
13. MTSase 酵素動力學 29
14. 酵素特性探討 30
15. 酵素固定化 30
16. 海藻糖產量試驗 31
伍、結果與討論 32
一、SaMTSase 定位突變 32
1. 突變設計 32
2. 突變方法 32
二、重組質體於 ClearColi BL21 (DE3) 中表現與純化 33
1. 突變之初步篩選 33
2. 表現與純化 33
3. 動力學探討 34
4. 特性分析 34
5. 突變結果分析 35
6. 海藻糖產量試驗 36
三、以固定化酵素由澱粉生產海藻糖 36
1. 利用 NHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow 固定化酵素 36
2. 由澱粉生產海藻糖 37
陸、 結論 38
柒、 參考文獻 39
捌、 圖表 43
玖、 附錄 73
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