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研究生(外文):Chen, Bo-Sing
論文名稱(外文):Fast Group Symbol Detection Schemes and Hardware Design for Massive MIMOs
指導教授(外文):Lu, Hoang-YangYen, Mao-Hsu
口試委員(外文):Chang, Shun-HsyungFang, Wen-HsienHung, Hsien-SengLu, Hoang-YangYen, Mao-Hsu
外文關鍵詞:V-BLASTTBCmassive MIMOMMSEhardware implementation
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In the thesis we present two fast group detection schemes for massive MIMO systems. First, a number G, (e.g., G = 2 or G = 3) is chosen as the size of each group. Then, the proposed schemes recursively compute the MMSE detectors group by group to facilitate symbol detection. Specifically, to avoid the huge complexity required to directly compute the MMSE detectors, the schemes recursively find the corresponding assistant matrices to help determine the groups and calculate the MMSE detectors. As a result, the transmitted symbols can be recursively estimated group by group. Furthermore, to concurrently receive the spatial diversity and spatial multiplexing gains, we also extend the two above schemes and propose a corresponding fast detection method for massive G-STBC MIMO systems. Our MATLAB simulation results and complexity analysis show that the proposed schemes can achieve a performance close to that of the conventional V-BLAST algorithm with a significant saving in computational complexity.
To test the physical implementation, we further carry out the hardware design of the proposed schemes. For this, one of the above proposed schemes, namely FGD-B, is coded with Verilog HDL(Hardware Description Language) for the massive MIMO system with M = 24 transmit antennas and N = 100 receive antennas. The hardware modules we designed include SIPO (Serial-In/Parallel-Out) shift registers, a computing unit and a controller. Specially, the hardware computing unit only contains one Divider and two Multiplier. Finally, the hardware simulation results achieve almost the same as the above MATLAB's. In addition, compared to the existing method, the proposed hardware architecture for FGD-B is simple and feasible.
1 緒論
1.1 引言
1.2 研究動機與目的
1.3 內容章節概述
2 背景知識
2.1 巨量多輸入多輸出系統模型
2.2 現有的MIMO偵測方法
2.2.1 最大相似性
2.2.2 強制到零
2.2.3 最小均方差
2.2.4 垂直貝爾分層空時偵測器
2.2.5 空時方塊碼
2.3 實現MIMO系統的低成本MMSE-SIC偵測器:演算法和硬體
2.4 發展工具
2.5 結語
3 快速分群符元偵測法
3.1 快速分群符元偵測法-A
3.2 快速分群符元偵測法-B
3.3 效能模擬與複雜度分析
3.4 結語
4 巨量G-STBC的快速符元偵測
4.1 巨量G-STBC MIMO系統模型
4.2 FSD-G-STBC偵測法
4.3 效能模擬與複雜度分析
4.4 結語
5 FGD-B架構設計
5.1 快速運算之FGD-B架構
5.2 低成本之FGD-B架構
5.3 模擬與驗證
5.4 結語
6 結論與未來展望
6.1 結論
6.2 未來展望
7 附錄
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