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研究生(外文):Lu, Yi-Sin
論文名稱(外文):Using daily growth increments in otoliths to age juvenile fourfinger threadfin (Eleutheronema rhadinum) in waters off western Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Su, Nan-Jay
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Hsin-MingChiang, Wei-ChuanWang, Chia-Hui
外文關鍵詞:Fourfinger threadfinage and growthotolithsdaily growth increments
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本研究以耳石日周輪判讀分析台灣西部沿岸多鱗四指馬鮁幼魚之年齡成長,自2015年1月至2016年12月,在台灣西部雲林箔仔寮漁港、台中松柏漁港、苗栗龍鳳漁港及新北市淡水漁港,採集總計915尾多鱗四指馬鮁生物樣本,樣本尾叉長範圍介於11.5~80.0公分,魚體樣本全重介於29~8100公克,分析量測結果顯示,多鱗四指馬鮁體長體重關係在雌雄間並無顯著差異。研究結果顯示多鱗四指馬鮁耳石輪紋形成具有日週期性,尾叉長範圍50公分以下的多鱗四指馬鮁可判讀耳石日周輪來查定其年齡。本研究重覆判讀三次的結果顯示多鱗四指馬鮁幼魚樣本日齡介於87~326天,平均百分誤差(APE)為2.36%、變異係數(CV)為3.16%。線性函數:尾叉長(FL) = 58.197 × 年齡(t)為多鱗四指馬鮁幼魚套適最佳之成長方程式,多鱗四指馬鮁成長快速,一歲時尾叉長可達50公分以上,個體成長速率具有一致性,本研究建議可以耳石半徑(OR)與日齡(Daily age)關係式:Daily age = 39.258 OR + 16.261,作為簡易推估台灣西部沿岸多鱗四指馬鮁幼魚日齡之方式。
Daily growth increments in otoliths were used to age juveniles of East Asian fourfinger threadfin, Eleutheronema rhadinum, in waters off western Taiwan. A total of 915 samples with fork length (FL) ranging from 11.5 to 80.0 cm and body weight from 29 to 8100 g were collected at fishing ports in Yunlin, Taichung, Miaoli and New Taipei during January 2015 to December 2016 in this study. There is no significant difference in the relationship of body weight and fork length between sexes. Daily periodicity of microincrement formation in otoliths was further validated based on studies for E. tetradactylum. Results indicated that daily increments could be used as age determination tools for fish smaller than 50 cm in FL. The East Asian fourfinger threadfin were aged from 87 to 326 days in this study, with a reading precision of 2.36% in average percent error (APE) and 3.16% in coefficients of variation (CV). The growth of the East Asian fourfinger threadfin juveniles can be best described using a linear function of length (FL) = 58.097 × Age (t). As a fast growing species, fourfinger threadfin juveniles can reach more than 50 cm in FL, with daily growth rates consistent among individuals. The relationship between daily age and otolith radius (OR): Daily age = 39.258 OR + 16.261 could be considered a convenient approach to age juvenile fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan as suggested in this study.

摘要 ……………………………………………………………………………….II
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………III
圖次 ………………………………………………………………………………VI
表目次 ………………………………………………………………………………IX
第一章、前言 1
1.1 多鱗四指馬鮁及四指馬鮁生物學概論 1
1.2 多鱗四指馬鮁漁業概況 1
1.3 前人研究概況 2
1.4 耳石日周輪之發展與應用 3
1.5 研究目的 4
第二章、材料與方法 5
2.1 樣本採集 5
2.2 體長體重之關係 5
2.3 耳石製備 6
2.4 年齡形質選定 7
2.5 耳石輪紋判讀 7
2.6 成長方程式 8
2.7 成長模式的選擇 9
2.8 個體成長速率與日齡推估方法之比較 10
第三章、結果 11
3.1 生物樣本採集 11
3.2 體長體重關係式 11
3.3 耳石形態分析 12
3.3.1 耳石對稱性 12
3.3.2 年齡形質選定 12
3.3.4 耳石切片的構造及判讀 13
3.4 成長型式分析 14
3.5 成長速率推估 14
3.6 成長方程式 14
3.7 簡易判讀日齡之方法 15
第四章、討論 17
4.1 樣本採集之影響 17
4.2 不同年齡形質之選定 17
4.3 日周輪形成之驗證 18
4.4 輪紋判讀方法 18
4.5 影響日輪判讀之因素 19
4.6 日齡的精確度 20
4.7 成長速率變動與驗證 21
4.8 成長方程式比較 22
4.9 簡易推估日齡之方程式 23
第五章、結論 24
參考文獻 …………………………………………………………………………..25
附圖 ………………………………………………………………………………32
附表 ………………………………………………………………………………65


Fig. 1. Measurement of fork length and total length for (a) fourfinger threadfin (Eleutheronema tetradactylum) and (b) East Asian fourfinger threadfin (E. rhadinum). 32
Fig. 2. Annual catches of Polynemidae by fishery in Taiwan from 2003 to 2015. Data source: Fishery statistical yearbook, Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture (https://www.fa.gov.tw/cht/PublicationsFishYear/index.aspx). 33
Fig. 3. Annual catches of Polynemidae in the offshore fisheries in Taiwan from 2003 to 2015. Data source: Fishery statistical yearbook, Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture (https://www.fa.gov.tw/cht/PublicationsFishYear/index.aspx). 34
Fig. 4. Annual catches of Polynemidae in the coastal fisheries in Taiwan from 2003 to 2015. Data source: Fishery statistical yearbook, Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture (https://www.fa.gov.tw/cht/PublicationsFishYear/index.aspx). 35
Fig. 5. Annual fry releasing for fourfinger threadfin in Taiwan for 2004-2016. Data are sourced from the Taiwan Fisheries Sustainable Development Association (http://www.tfsda.org.tw/FingerlingRelease/record.php). 36
Fig. 6. Illustration of vestibular apparatus to see the otoliths within the inner ear of an East Asian fourfinger threadfin. 37
Fig. 7. Lapillus (a), asteriscus (b) and sagittal (c) otoliths of an East Asian fourfinger threadfin (48.3 cm in fork length). 38
Fig. 8. Illustration of the otolith radius measurement from the core to the edge (postrostrum) in otolith section for an East Asian fourfinger threadfin. 39
Fig. 9. Sex-pooled (a) and sex separated (b) length-frequency distributions for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin collected at the fish markets of Taiwan. 40
Fig. 10. The relationship between fork length and body weight for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. Samples were collected from January 2015 to December 2016. 41
Fig. 11. Relationships between (a) left and (b) right otolith radius and fork length for East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 42
Fig. 12. Relationships between (a) left and (b) right otolith weight and body weight for East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 43
Fig. 13. Length frequency distributions of (a) Eleutheronema rhadinum and (b) E. tetradactylum in waters off western Taiwan for age determination. 44
Fig. 14. Illustration to show the transverse section on sagittal otolith for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 45
Fig. 15. Illustration showing the daily increments on a transverse section of otolith for an East Asian fourfinger threadfin (22.8 cm in FL) collected in waters off western Taiwan. 46
Fig. 16. Incremental and discontinuous zones and the core of otolith section with reflected light for an East Asian fourfinger threadfin (8.5 cm in FL). 47
Fig. 17. A transverse section of otolith showing the determination of daily age from the core for an East Asian fourfinger threadfin (44 cm in FL). 48
Fig. 18. A transverse section of otolith showing the determination of daily age on a curved line for an East Asian fourfinger threadfin (25.8 cm in FL). 49
Fig. 19. A transverse section of otolith showing the obscure area in the core and edge for an East Asian fourfinger threadfin (8.5 cm in FL). 50
Fig. 20. The relationship between daily increment and fork length for Eleutheronema rhadinum and E. tetradactylum. The horizontal dotted line indicates the mean value of the increment for E. rhadinum. 51
Fig. 21. Relationships between elapsed days, number of rings read and fork length for Eleutheronema tetradactylum. The horizontal solid lines indicate elapsed days and dashed lines indicate the mean number of rings read for each sampling. 52
Fig. 22. Relationships between (a) average percent error (APE) and (b) coefficient of variation (CV) and the fork length (FL) for Eleutheronema rhadinum and E. tetradactylum. The horizontal dotted lines indicate the mean values of APE and CV. 53
Fig. 23. Growth patterns of Eleutheronema rhadinum showing for each individual (a) and aggregated by month (b), with a specimen of E. tetradactylum recaptured by fishermen (lines with solid points; see Fig. 32), and the hatching dates inferred from the capture dates and daily increments (c). 54
Fig. 24. The growth curve based on linear function with intercept assumed to be 0 for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 55
Fig. 25. The growth curve fitted with a linear function for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 56
Fig. 26. The growth curve fitted with a power function for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 57
Fig. 27. The growth curve fitted with a logarithmic function for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 58
Fig. 28. The growth curve fitted with the Gompertz function for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 59
Fig. 29. The growth curve fitted with the Robertson function for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 60
Fig. 30. The growth curve fitted with the von Bertalanffy growth function for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 61
Fig. 31. Relationships between otolith radius (OR) and daily age (t) based on (a) linear and (b) power function for East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 62
Fig. 32. Relationships between otolith weight (OW) and daily age (t) based on (a) linear and (b) power function for East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan. 63
Fig. 33. A tagged Eleutheronema tetradactylum released on 19 October 2015 and recaptured by fisherman on 28 November 2015 in Nanliao fishing port of Kaohsiung (a), with a tag made by National Taiwan Ocean University (b). 64


Table 1. Summary of the fish samples by county and by month for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan from 2015 to 2016. 65
Table 2. Growth equations estimated for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off western Taiwan in this study. Values in bold indicate the best growth curve fitted based on the AIC values. 66
Table 3. Age determination based on otolith radium (OR) and weight (OW), fork length (FL) and body weight (BW) for the East Asian fourfinger threadfin in waters off Taiwan. 67
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