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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Ship Docking Repair and Supplement Engineering Management
指導教授(外文):Tien,Wen-KwoChang, Ki-Yin
口試委員(外文):Wang, Yih-Ping
外文關鍵詞:Twin deck general cargo shipDocking repairSpecial surveytechnical costcost control
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1、塢修成本主要集中於包括甲板機械工程、管系閥門工程、噴砂油漆工程、鋼質工程、服務專案,該五項支出計$ 176,530佔總支出成本81%。
2、其他塢修成本集中於包括輪機工程、其它項目、配合工程、電器工程、鍋爐工程及自領材料等,平均總計$ 42,092,平均僅佔總支出成本19%。
Merchant shipping business either container ships, bulk carriers, oil tankesr or general cargo ships, it must to conduct needs to maintenance. The most important thing for ships is “Sea Worthiness”. Docking inspection is the primary and principal item of repairing and maintenance. During that time the underwater works can only be carried out. After having been approved and recognized by classifications can ships be issued with certificates of worthiness. There are obviously many complicated items of repairing and inspections in the course of docking accompanied by huge costs of man power, materials and money. This leads to the issue of efficient control of budget and time for docking, which is regarded as the major topic by vessel managers and operators.
Many studies on the analysis of docking for merchant ships have been issued by shipping technical business. However, that for general cargo ships can hardly be found. This study presented herein possesses the features as stated successively., A 16 year old conventional general cargo ships (Built time 2000 in Japan) was chosen as an example. Through 3 times of docking repair, docking time are 2010, 2013, 2015 respectively. Fortunately the 3 times of docking repair are in same place and same docking factory. In such a rare chance, Routine expenses/tariffs are excluded. Only the technical cost incurred in the course of docking is explored. The complete data are collected, organized and analyzed items by items. Then can the infrastructure of budget be well built. This can act a useful reference for owners to arrange and plan well on the aspects of pre-docking works, repairing/maintenance and duration of inspection work. Moreover, efficient budget control and best arrangement of repairing and arrangement for docking/repairing/maintenance can be well achieved. There will be saving unnecessary costs and best economic benefits can be created.
Through the detail studies and calculation. This study acquired conclusions as follows:
1、Docking maintenance costs are mainly concerned with deck work, piping system, derust and painting work, steel plate work and docking service work. The mainly 5 items totally costs are $ 176,530 account for 81% of total costs.
2、Except 5 major engineering costs, another including engineroom work, temporary work, supplyment work, electric work and boiler work etc,. Totally cost are $ 42,092 account for 19% of total costs.
3、Supplyment work including temporary and supplyment work are $ 20817 account for 7% of total costs.
4、How to control and save the docking maintenance costs. Except the rigidly docking service cost, this study are proved including deck work, piping system, painting and derust work, steel plate work are mostly vital important items.
5、It is really funny found, that docking service is a fixed cost. This rate in order is decreased year by year from 2010, 2013 and 2015. We shall anticipated that the rate will decended excluding 5 major costs next drydocking.
摘要 I
致謝 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 14
第三節研究限制與範圍 19
第四節研究方法與論文架構 19
第二章 文獻回顧 23
第一節船級協會由來及其它海上組織及功能 23
第二節船舶檢驗 35
第三節船舶檢驗之種類及要求 39
第四節國際航行(Ocean going)及國內船舶檢驗之要求 48
第五節船舶修理管理及執行 54
第三章 船舶塢修及其追加工程管理 62
第一節船舶進出塢作業 62
第二節研究船舶、塢修船廠及其規格 75
第三節BP輪2010年大修船舶維修工程統計 79
第四節BP輪2013年大修船舶維修工程統計 87
第五節BP輪2015年大修船舶維修工程統計 95
第四章 三次塢修成本支出技術成本分析 102
第一節三次塢修成本支出技術成本彙集分析 102
第二節三次塢修成本支出技術成本分析 113
第五章 結論與建議 115
第一節結論 115
第二節 建議 116
參考文獻 120
[附件1]船舶法(民國91年01月30日修正) 123
[附件2]船舶檢查規則 修正日期民國105年5月12日 130
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