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研究生(外文):YU, YU-WEI
論文名稱:擴增實境應用於美感教育學習 ——以北師美術館展品為例
論文名稱(外文):Using Augmented Reality Enriching Aesthetic Education on MoNTUE
指導教授(外文):CHEN, CHUN-DI
外文關鍵詞:augmented realityaesthetic educationMoNTUEtextureproportion
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擺脫以往的制式化教學,學校教師透過與科技及時事的結合,使得教學活動更加完善及豐富,學習也不再侷限於課堂書本中。近來教育部推動的整合型視覺美感教育實驗計畫,藉由導入形式美學構面以增進學生對於美的體驗力。另一方面,擴增實境(augmented reality, AR)可有效地在真實世界中加入數位資訊,使得使用者能在真實世界中同時獲得虛擬物件的影像,博物館中也應用AR於以促進觀者的體驗。承此,本研究探討AR對於學習者美感經驗的影響,並理解學習者對形式美學觀察之角度及其AR操作的心得。



Different from the traditional education, teachers make the teaching more complete and attractive through combining the technology and social issue together. Learning has not limited to the books and classrooms anymore. Recently, Ministry of Education promoted the project to enrich students’ sense of beauty by introducing them the concept of the aesthetic forms. Augmented reality can add the information to the real world efficiently. The user can see the virtual object in reality through AR. Museums also try to enrich viewer’s experiences by using AR. This study focuses on the influences of AR application toward aesthetic education for the learner and seeks to understand students’ point of view and the experience of operating AR.

In this study, we apply two aesthetic forms into two exhibits which are displayed in the MoNTUE. Those are different texture AR of Lion Crushing a Serpent (plaster, rattan, bronze, and mosaic) and different body proportion AR of Annunciation (1:3; 1:5, 1:7, 1:9). The subjects are 16 students of art class in high school. The research analyzed the recorded video of playing AR and the interview data to understand students' preferences of different AR and the experiences of playing AR. At the end of the interview, students also provided the feedback as the future suggestion on AR development.

The results indicate that viewers, different in personal experiences, have different thinking and feeling to the AR. For the experience of AR on texture application, viewers focus on whether the meaning behind the exhibit and material performances are corresponding; as for the experience of AR on proportion application, they concentrate on the coordination. AR can fill the gap of learner’s imagination and stimulate their thinking about aesthetic education. In the future, AR can be a supporting teaching tool to enrich viewers' aesthetic experiences.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及動機 2
1.2 研究目的 5
1.3 研究架構與流程 5

第二章  文獻回顧 7
2.1 博物館服務與美感教育 7
2.2 美感教育 8
2.2.1 台灣美感教育現況 9
2.3 AR 12
2.3.1 AR定義及發展 12
2.3.2 AR之系統原理及設備 14
2.3.3AR與美感經驗學習 16
2.4 本章小結 20

第三章  研究設計 21
3.1 美術館展品之背景調查 23
3.2 美術館AR展品建置 25
3.2.1 研究軟硬體設備 25
3.2.2 美術館展品數位化 26
3.2.3 美術館展品之AR發展 27
3.3前測實驗結果分析 31
3.3.1 種子教師觀點 32
3.3.2 碩士生觀點 32
3.3.3普通高中生觀點 33
3.4 AR美感教育實驗規劃 33
3.4.1觀察法 34
3.4.2問卷內容 34
3.4.3回溯式訪談法 35
3.4.4停滯分析(breakdown analysis) 35
3.5 本章小結 37

第四章 結果分析 39
4.1 影片分析 39
4.1.1|人與人|學生互動模式 40
4.1.2|人與物|AR圖卡操作動作 41
4.1.3|人與環境|環境對觀者的影響 43
4.1.4|事件|互動過程中的停滯現象 43
4.1.5 AR使用時間 45
4.1.6 本研究停滯分析 46
4.2 訪談結果分析 48
4.2.1 展品的感受及描述 48
4.2.2 AR對於美感經驗學習 54
4.3討論與分析 57
4.4 AR操作分析 60
4.5本章小結 61

第五章 結論及建議 63
5.1結論與發現 63
5.2 研究貢獻 64
5.3 研究限制與不足 64
5.4 未來建議 65

參考文獻 67
西文文獻 67
中文文獻 69

附錄一 擴增實境評估問卷 71
附錄二 擴增實境實驗教具 73
附錄三 擴增實境示意圖 75

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