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論文名稱(外文):Exploring Consumer Online Purchase Process and Search Behavior: An FCB Grid Perspective
指導教授(外文):HUANG SHIU-LI
外文關鍵詞:FCB gridOnline search behaviorBuying decision processKeywords advertisingContextual inquiry
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近幾年,網路逐漸成為消費者蒐集資訊的主要工具和交易發生的場所,網路賣家開始重 視網路的重要性,因此消費者在網路上的真實行為以及他們的行為是否會受產品類型的影響, 成為重要的研究議題。
此篇研究利用 FCB 模型當作產品類型的分類依據,並使用脈絡訪查法來探究消費者的搜 尋行為、搜尋的關鍵字和購物的過程。依據訪談內容以了解這些行為與產品類型之間的關聯性。 研究結果呈現了消費者使用的搜尋關鍵字以及他們在網路上的真實搜尋行為和購物過程。本研 究依據脈絡訪查的訪談結果提出一個新的模型,對廣告商如何根據產品類型了解消費者的購物 行為並競標合適的關鍵字提出建議。
In recent years, the Internet becomes the major tool for consumers to gather information and the place the transaction occurs. Sellers start to value the importance of the Internet so how consumer actual act and if their behavior are affected by the product types should be investigated. In this study, we conduct contextual inquiry to explore consumer search and purchase behavior, their selected keywords and their purchase process among different types of products on the basis of the FCB grid. The results show the patterns of search behavior and purchase processes that consumers really have. A planning model for keyword advertising is developed to guide advertisers bidding on appropriate keywords for various types of products.
謝詞..................................................................... I
Chinese Abstract ........................................................II
Table of Contents........................................................IV
List of Figures..........................................................VI
List of Tables.........................................................VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction....................................................1
1.1 Research background and motivation....................................1
1.2 Research purpose......................................................4
Chapter 2 Literature Review...............................................5
5 2.1 Keyword Advertising.................................................5
2.2 Buying Funnel.........................................................6
2.3 Consumer Information Search Behavior..................................9
2.3.1 Involvement.........................................................11
2.3.2 Prior Knowledge of Product..........................................12
2.3.3 The Types of Product................................................12
2.4 The FCB grid..........................................................13
Chapter 3 Methodology.....................................................17
3.1 Research Plan.........................................................17
3.1.1 Contextual Inquiry..................................................18
3.1.2 Research procedure..................................................21
3.2 Recruiting............................................................22
3.3 Classification........................................................25
Chapter 4 Analysis and Results............................................31
4.1 Product Classification................................................32
4.2 Sequential Pattern Analysis...........................................33
4.2.1 High Involvement and Thinking Products ............................ 34
4.2.2 High Involvement and Feeling Products ............................. 37
4.2.3 Low Involvement and Thinking Products ........................... ..40
4.2.4 Low Involvement and Feeling Products .............................. 43
4.3 Prior knowledge of products...........................................46
4.4 Keywords Analysis.....................................................52
4.4.1 Keywords for High Involvement and Thinking Products ................53
4.4.2 Keywords for High Involvement and Feeling Products ................ 55
4.4.3 Keywords for Low Involvement and Thinking Products .... ............58
4.4.4 Keywords for Low Involvement and Feeling Products ................. 60
Chapter 5 Conclusions.....................................................63
5.1 Theoretical Implications..............................................64
5.2 Practical Implications................................................65
5.3 Limitations and Future Research Suggestions ......................... 69
Appendix A................................................................79
Appendix B................................................................80
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