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研究生(外文):Ping-Chi Chen
論文名稱(外文):Cost Function and Economic Characteristics of Handicap Bus
外文關鍵詞:Handicap BusTranslog Cost FunctionEconomic CharacteristicsTurnover Rate
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In view of approaching the aging society, how to deal with various care needs is the serious concern in our society. Transportation issues accounted for the heavy proportion of people living. Hence, for the elderly and people with disabilities, an accessible and barrier-free transportation environment is an important goal that welfare country is working for. Taiwan''s most representative accessible transportation service is the handicap bus. For the increasing demand for handicap bus in the near future, service performance, economic features and operational characteristics of the handicap bus are worthy of research in formulating operation program and development strategy of handicap bus services. In this study, operational performance and economic characteristics of handicap bus in Taichung City are analyzed. First, this study uses statistics analysis to understand its operation status and basic information. It is shown that the average trip length is associated with the area of the service zones while the turnover rate of the handicap bus is associated with distribution of hospitals in each service zone. Then, this study develops Translog cost function to explore economic characteristics of handicap bus services in Taichung. The output of the function is passenger-kilometers while the input variables consist of oil cost, maintenance cost and labor cost. The data used in analysis is from the Taichung City Government with operation data on 2015 to 2016. It is found that the Taichung handicap bus has characteristics of scale economies in both service zone level and overall city area. The oil cost and maintenance cost’s elasticity is close to 0 and there exists the attribute of stickiness. Besides, after the independent variable test, it is found that the turnover rate and the passenger occupancy rate are highly correlated. This positive correlation implied that the increase in the turnover rate may reduce un-used mileages and then increase the occupancy rate. It is therefore suggested that the handicap bus service should have strategy of enhancing the turnover rate and it can help of reducing the operation cost and increase overall operation performance and service quality.
口試委員審定書 I
誌謝 II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的與範圍 2
1.3研究流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 國外無障礙運輸服務現況 4
2.2 國內復康巴士現況 11
2.3 國內復康巴士研究 20
2.4 成本函數建構 22
第三章 台中市復康巴士統計分析 29
3-1 台中市復康巴士簡介 29
3-2 台中市復康巴士基本營運情況分析 30
3.3 台中市復康巴士成本分析 37
第四章 研究方法與實證分析 40
4.1 研究方法與架構 40
4.2 成本函數模型建立 41
4.3 成本函數變數設定 41
4.4 成本函數建立 43
4.5 成本函數校估 43
4.6 經濟特性分析 44
4-7 實證分析 46
4.7.1 資料收集與輸入 46
4.7.2 分析方法及軟體使用說明 47
4.7.3 資料基本統計分析 47
4.7.4 成本函數校估 48
第五章 復康巴士經濟與營運特性分析 52
5-1 復康巴士經濟特性分析 52
5.1.1 要素價格彈性分析 52
5.1.2 要素自身與交互彈性 55
5-2 復康巴士營運特性分析 56
第六章 結論與建議 58
6.1 結論 58
6.2 建議 58
參考文獻 60
附錄 63
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