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研究生(外文):Cheng-Jung Chen
論文名稱(外文):Failure Analysis of Jointed Rock Dip-Slopes Based on Rough-Joint Model
外文關鍵詞:dip sloperoughnessPFC2Drough joint modeldiscrete element analysis
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There are many dip slopes in Taiwan. The failure of dip slope often has rapid collapse and sliding that causes significant casualties. Rock slope usually contains discontinuities such as bedding, foliation, joints, which are the key factor of rock slope stability. Thereforce, the discrete element analysis is a powerful method to investigate the stability of dip-slope.
In this study, PFC2D software is choose as the discrete element method to analyze rock dip-slope. Use the rough-joint model which developed by Chiu (2016) to simulate the weak plane and then analyze the failure mechanism of rock slope. This study first verity out the accuracy of rough-joint model by numerical direct shear test, and then simulate laboratory direct shear test with artificial rock sample to investigate the applicability of this model. Finally, set up a numerical rock slope model with in-situ data and then compare it with practical condition to discuss about the application of the rough-joint model on rock slope failure analysis.
In the part of rough-joint model verification, substituting the same parameter into Barton’s model and rough joint model can get a Barton’s theory curve and data of simulation. After comparison with each orther, we can find that rough-joint model can represent Barton’s model reasonably, and it let PFC2D express weak plane more precise. For the actual case-Wulai Zhongzhi, take the weakness of joints and rock material as sliding factor. The results of simulation are similar to practical condition and it indicate that rough-joint model can simulate rock slope well.
口試委員審定書 I
誌謝 II
摘要 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機及目的 1
1.2 研究流程及架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 節理面剪力強度模式 4
2.1.1 Patton’s Bilinear model 4
2.1.2 Ladanyi 與 Archambault 6
2.1.3 Barton’s model 6
2.2 PFC中節理面的模擬方法 7
2.2.1 鍵結消去法 7
2.2.2 平滑節理模式 12
2.2.3 粗糙節理模式 15
2.3 岩石順向坡 18
2.3.1 順向坡破壞機制 18
2.3.2 岩石邊坡重力潛移 21
2.4 岩石邊坡之尺度效應 23
2.4.1 節理面剪力行為之尺度效應 23
2.4.2 不同坡高對安全係數影響 24
2.4.3 大規模岩坡之破壞機制 25
2.5 國內順向坡之破壞案例 27
2.5.1 小林村順向坡災害 27
2.5.2 國道三號順向坡災害 27
2.5.3 烏來忠治里崩塌事件 28
2.6 岩石順向坡模擬 30
2.6.1 Stead, Eberhardt與Coggan(2006) 30
2.6.2 國道3號順向坡災害事件模擬(2011) 31
第三章 研究方法及理論基礎 34
3.1 離散元素法 34
3.1.1 離散元素法應用 34
3.1.2 離散元素法種類 35
3.2 PFC理論背景及架構 35
3.2.1 PFC程式介紹 35
3.2.2 PFC基本假設及運算原理 36
3.2.3 力-位移關係 37
3.3 PFC2D內建之標準接觸模式 39
3.3.1 勁度(Stiffness) 40
3.3.2 滑動行為(Slip) 41
3.3.3 鍵結行為(Bond) 41
3.4 粗糙節理模式理論背景 43
3.4.1 粗糙節理模式之參數設置 43
3.4.2 粗糙節理模式運算流程 43
3.4.3 節理剪向行為理論基礎 43
3.4.4 節理正向行為理論基礎 47
3.5 粗糙節理模式之驗證 48
3.5.1 驗證模型參數設置 48
3.5.2 驗證模型建構 49
3.5.3 驗證模型結果 49
3.6 研磨石室內試驗 52
3.6.1 研磨石試體室內直剪實驗 52
3.6.2 研磨石順向坡試體離心機試驗模擬 57
3.7 現地順向坡之模擬 60
3.7.1 數值剖面建置 62
3.7.2 數值模型參數律定 65
第四章 數值岩石邊坡模擬 70
4.1 數值模擬結果 71
4.1.1 數值模型初始狀態 71
4.1.2 弱面遇水弱化 72
4.1.3 弱面及破碎岩塊遇水弱化 76
4.1.4 弱面設置方式討論 79
第五章 結論與建議 82
5.1 結論 82
5.1.1 模型驗證 82
5.1.2 現地案例 82
5.2 建議 82
參考文獻 84
附錄A 口試委員意見回覆表 86
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