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研究生(外文):I-Huan Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Combining Principal Component Analysis and Empirical Orthogonal Function Development of Regional Groundwater Numerical Model Calibration Methodology. A Case Study of Ming-Chu Basin
外文關鍵詞:Ming Chu BasinPrincipal Component AnalysisEmpirical orthogonal functionParameters calibration
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This study is aimed to develop a regional groundwater numerical model calibration method. First, use principal component analysis (PCA) on the groundwater section to find out its temporal-spatial variable,and use it as a reference to create new assistance well. Then, applies empirical orthogonal function (EOF) with the change hydrograph of groundwater storage and simulated error hydrograph of groundwater level to quickly and accurately catch and calibrate the temporal-spatial distribuation of water recharge and hydrogeological parameters. The established method was applied on the groundwater system of Ming Chu Basin.
This study is aimed to develop a groundwater numerical model calibration method. First, use principal component analysis (PCA) on the groundwater section to get its temporal-spatial variable distribution, and finding the line of eigenvalue=0, and create the new assistance well on it. After, setting the objective function is minimizing the the root mean square error (RMSE) of the simulated and observed groundwater level. The decision variables are horizontal hydraulic conductivity, vertical hydraulic conductivity and water recharge. There are three constraints of the optimization model: (1) the water recharge of groundwater system in every iteration of calibrating process must obey the mass balance; (2) the simulated groundwater level must follow the governing equation of groundwater flow; (3) the value of horizontal hydraulic conductivity and vertical hydraulic conductivity are restricted to a reasonable limits. The process of the optimization model sets the initial value of decision variables first, and inputs the variables to groundwater model. Thus, the groundwater level can be simulated and the objective function will be estimated. If the objective function doesn’t satisfy the stop condition, the simulated error hydrograph of groundwater level will be calculated and analyzed with EOF. Then, the modified decision variables is calculater according to the simulated error hydrograph of groundwater level end the result of EOF analysis. From iterations, the optimal temporal-spatial distribuation of surface water recharge and hydrogeological parameters can be obtain.
This study applied the model on the calibration of the groundwater system in Ming Chu Basin. The simulated period is from January 2012 to December 2012 daily. The decision variables were selected in this study are horizontal hydraulic conductivity, vertical hydraulic conductivity of two acqufiers and rain water recharge, river water recharge and boundary water recharge of hydraulic conductivity in first acquifer. The result show that the RMSE is decreased dramatically in early iteration of the calibration and become smoothly after several iterations. The calibrated hydraulic conductivity and vertical leakence are in reasonable limits. The simulated groundwater level can reflect the approximately trendance in all acquifer and can capture the peak of the observed value in first acquifer.
Hence, the established method of this study can effectively and accurately calibrate temporal-spatial distribution of surface water recharge and hydrogeological parameters.
論文口試委員審定書 #
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 地下水系統流出流入量辨識 4
2.2 地下水流數值模式 7
2.3 主成分分析 9
2.4 經驗正交函數 10
第三章 方法建立 12
3.1 地下水流數值模式率定優選模式 12
3.1.1 優選模式之建立 12
3.1.2 水平衡分析與地下水流數值模式 16
3.1.3 優選模式之求解 26
3.2 以經驗正交函數改進優選模式之求解 28
3.2.1 以EOF分析蓄水變化量歷線與蓄水量誤差歷線 29
3.2.2 合理假設與計算決策變數修正量公式 30
3.2.3 地下水補注量之初始設定與誤差修正限制式 36
3.3 利用主成分分析新設輔助井於增進參數率定精度 39
3.3.1 新設輔助井網之設計流程 39
3.3.2 利用主成分分析決定輔助井位置 40
第四章 方法應用 43
4.1 研究區域概述 43
4.2 含水層概念分層與邊界辨識 50
4.3 地下水系統流出流入量辨識 53
4.4 地下水流數值模式建立 60
4.4.1 模擬範圍界定與邊界條件設定 60
4.4.2 地層分層與數值網格設定 61
4.4.3 水文地質參數分區與設定 62
4.4.4 河流演算套件設定 66
4.4.5 抽水量設定 69
4.4.6 地下水系統補注量分區與初始設定 69
4.5 地下水流數值模式率定結果 71
第五章 結論與建議 89
5.1 結論 89
5.2 建議 90
參考文獻 91
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