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研究生(外文):Yu-Tzu Wu
論文名稱(外文):An Automatic Assessment System for Marking Programming Exercises with Random Output
指導教授(外文):Shang-Hsien Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Online JudgeAutomatic AssessmentScriptCustomizationProgramming Assignments
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最後,對於系統後續的發展潛力,本研究分析了學生們留在系統的紀錄資料與編程能力的相關性,發現大量的編譯錯誤次數為後段學生的共通點(Max. |r|=0.52; p<0.01),未來可以將每道練習題的編譯錯誤次數當作特徵值,以排定早期需要加強輔導的學生名單。
Implementing automatic assessment tools on laboratory or homework exercises in programming courses is a way to provide timely feedback for students as well as lower the instructors’ marking burden. However, if the exercises involve random outputs, which are not judged against a gold standard of comparison, system-level source code modification is often required on a ubiquitous online judging system.

This research develops an online judging system as a platform, aiming at adopting a variety of assessment specifications. This research also introduces a simple procedure for customizing judge scripts as the core of the online judging system and deals with all textual output problems in 12 aspects: two options for determining whether a problem requires input of test data; three options for classifying a problem with or without random outputs; and two options for matching special output symbols. By designing the judge scripts based on theses 12 aspects, this approach was an excellent solution that dealt with almost half (45.95%) of the exercises that other online judging systems could not handle.

With the advantage of preserving submitted source codes, the online judging system not only replaces instructors’ grading work but also enables plagiarism detection for each exercise. Thus, the online judging system frees instructors’ from tedious routine tasks, enabling them to offer further assistance to students in need. During the experiment in a programming course, students could successively correct and re-submit their source codes until their codes passed the test, while the instructors could inspect quality of students’ source codes after class for improving pedagogy.

To investigate the future potential of the online judging system, this research analyzed correlations between the students’ performance and data collected from the system. It was found that making a large number of repeated compiling errors is one of the main behaviors of the weak students (Max. |r|=0.52; p<0.01). Therefore, this research proposes that the instructor may set a compiling
error threshold to identify the weak students at an early stage so that extra tutoring can be arranged.
口試委員審定書 I
致謝 II
摘要 IV
Abstract V
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 批改系統 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 論文組織 6
第二章 需求分析 7
2.1 環境說明 7
2.2 題目範疇 8
2.3 題目輸出內容與格式 11
2.4 系統技術需求 17
2.5 使用案例分析 18
2.6 小結 20
第三章 系統設計與實作 22
3.1 系統概述 22
3.2 系統架構 23
3.3 功能設計 27
3.4 操作流程 36
3.5 資源配置 44
第四章 批改腳本設計與實作 45
4.1 批改腳本支援說明 45
4.2 正規表達式 46
4.3 批改腳本流程分析 49
4.4 批改腳本基本實作 54
4.5 題型快速分類方法 58
4.6 經典批改腳本範例 62
4.6.1 標準輸出比對題型 62
4.6.2 分支輸出比對題型 66
4.6.3 後處理輸出比對題型 70
4.7 探討題目的12個面向 76
第五章 系統使用分析 78
5.1 資料探勘 78
5.2 系統紀錄 79
5.3 相關程度 81
5.3.1平均嘗試繳交次數 81
5.3.2 平均花費時間 83
5.3.3 題目完成率 85
5.3.4 考試分數 86
5.4 預測模型 88
5.5 適用性討論 90
第六章 結論 91
6.1 研究總結 91
6.2 研究貢獻 92
6.3 未來工作 93
參考文獻 95
附錄 原始碼專案網址對照表 99
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