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研究生(外文):Shu-Ming Chang
論文名稱(外文):Study of Business Strategies for Small Scale-Architect Firm on Early Phase
指導教授(外文):Hui-Ping Tserng
外文關鍵詞:architectarchitect practice environmentsmall architect firmbusiness strategymanagement
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Taiwan has entered the developed country, the number of public and private construction activities are declining. With the completion of the construction laws, regulations and the development of the construction industry, the typical work of architects’ design and site supervision practice is changing. Recent years, the building construction climate has been difficult and competitive, while the charted architects has increased and has relatively made construction cases getting less.
Taiwan economy as a thin market economy, large scale or partnership architects firms are relatively less. Small scale firms which has people of 5 or below are nearly 70 percent of the total registered architect firms. (Which is classified to small and medium size enterprises.)
As the architect firms are usually executed as individual practice rather than a company type, it still needs the concept of business management and managing skills. Individual practice usually led to a lack of corporate management in its operation and a long-term development strategy implementation. Small scale firms that are lack of corporation management has generally low profit, indirectly causing low wage of employees, increasing the personnel turnover rate, and its professional skills and knowledge can not be revised, refined or inherited. As architects firms provide professional services in the industry, its operations are turning downwards to a negative cycle base on above reasons.
According to the research, it shows that in general, the newly funded firms have underperformed finance with lower value per capita output than the standard. Due to the limited running projects and professional knowledge is not fully mature in the early operational stage, it is even harsh for its management. Therefore, if small architect firms are lack of the positive opportunities in the funding stage, it is difficult to reverse the above circumstance.
In order to avoid the failure that caused by the lack of the executive management and strategies, we could understand the necessity for long-term management based on the three aspects, such as legal responsibility, design quality and business management.
Therefore, through the study in enterprise management theory and business strategy, it is implemented to architect firms’ operation, and together with the interviewing the small firms’ actual operation. Followed by SWOT analysis, understanding the strength of small firms operating crisis and developed a long-term strategies that suit small firms, business strategy is divided into external use and internal promotion with total of nine management strategies. External utilization is mainly to seek external resources, internal promotion is to enhance its abilities to the new competitiveness.
External utilization includes the vertical integration, horizontal integration, industry alliance, industry alliance and job outsourcing. Internal promotion includes the diversification, differentiation, centralized strategy and market development. Total are 9 kinds of strategies.
The nine strategies in the actual interviews to draw the following conclusions: Taiwan as a thin market economy with its limitation, having single strategy may not be able to face the changes of market, rather, it should take the multiple strategies above for long-term. Whether it is the same industry, heterogeneous alliance or vertical, horizontal integration, etc. to foreign cooperation strategy is a necessary direction for survival. So having the cooperation with people, how to cooperate, and how to smooth cooperate are the future that small architects firm must face. It is the vital skills for the architects in its future workplace.

Keywords: architect, architect practice environment, small architect firm, business strategy, management
口試委員審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Chapter 1 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 研究方法 5
1.5 研究流程 6
Chapter 2 文獻回顧 7
2.1企業管理文獻回顧 7
2.1.1 企業經營的意義 7
2.1.2 企業管理的意義與方式 8
2.1.3 企業經營的環境 8
2.1.4 企業經營者的角色 10
2.2 企業經營策略文獻回顧 11
2.2.1 策略的定義 11
2.2.2 策略管理的沿革 12
2.2.3 策略的層級與執行程序 14
2.2.4 各種策略的收集 15
2.3 台灣中小企業經營策略文獻回顧 19
2.3.1 中小企業劣勢分析 19
2.3.2 中小企業的經營策略 20
2.4建築師事務所的類型分析 21
2.5 國外建築師執業環境之參照 23
2.6 建築師執業範圍與流程 26
2.6.1 建築師的專業角色 26
2.6.2 建築師執業範圍及流程 27
2.7 執業環境與及產業概述 30
2.7.1 事務所之規模 30
2.7.2 事務所產業發展趨勢 31
2.8 建築師產業環境變化 35
2.8.1 建築業務型態與趨勢分析 35
2.8.2 建築師的角色變化 38
2.9 小結 39
Chapter 3 小型事務所經營環境劣勢分析 42
3.1 事務所經營困境分析 42
3.2 事務所經營內外部環境因素分析 42
3.2.1 外部環境因素 43
3.2.2 內部環境因素 44
3.3 小型事務所開業初期經營困境分析 44
3.3.1 開業初期之環境分析 44
3.3.2 小型事務所劣勢分析 45
3.4 小型事務所執業建築師訪談 47
3.5 小結 55
Chapter 4 事務所生產功能與經營策略之建構 57
4.1 事務所生產功能之建構 57
4.2 事務所經營策略之類型 60
4.3 經營策略實際訪談 68
4.4 經營策略之驗證與分析 72
4.4.1 小型事務所SWOT分析 72
4.4.2 經營策略解決問題與效用探討 77
4.5 經營策略綜合探討 81
4.6 小結 84
Chapter 5 結論與建議 86
5.1 結論 86
5.2 建議 88
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