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研究生(外文):Jen-Chieh Chang
論文名稱(外文):Using Rayleigh quotient and orthogonality of optimal boundary functions to determine natural frequencies of beams
外文關鍵詞:Euler BeamNatural FrequencyRayleigh quotientOptimal Boundary FunctionOrthogonalityUpper Bound Theory
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In the traditional method, we use the eigenfunction to replace the Rayleigh quotient method to determine the true natural frequency. When the beam is uniform, you can use the formula to solve the true natural frequency quickly, but the process of solving the nonuniform beam will become extremely diffcult.
    In this paper, we use the boundary function that satisfies all the boundary conditions, instead of the traditional eigenfunction into Rayleigh quotient, as an alternative. We can skip the cumbersome fourth-order differential function, just use orthogonality into the boundary function to quickly get the error is very small estimate of the natural frequency. Among them, the boundary function is a minimum of four polynomials, can be used to find the first order natural frequency, and k-order boundary function can be used to solve k-3 order natural frequency.   
  Finally, we compare the approximate third order natural frequencies before the solution with the real solution. We find that the error value is very small and also confirms the satisfying upper bound theory.
致謝 II
中文摘要 III
目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 9
1.1 前言 9
1.2 文獻回顧 9
1.3 研究動機與目的 10
1.4 論文架構 10
第二章 理論基礎 12
2.1 尤拉樑理論(Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory) 12
2.2 簡支樑(Simple Beam ) 12
2.3 懸臂樑(Cantilever Beam ) 13
2.4 兩端固定梁(Two-end fixed) 13
2.5 一端固定,一端簡支(Clamped-pinned beam) 14
2.6 一端固定,一端導向支承(Clamped-guided beam) 14
2.7 一端簡支,一端導向支承(Pinned-guided beam) 15
2.8 Rayleigh商數 (Rayleigh Quotient) 15
第三章 尤拉樑的線性邊界函數 17
3.1 尤拉樑的邊界函數推導 17
3.2 四階邊界函數 17
3.2.1 建構邊界函數規則 18
3.2.2 線性邊界函數 19
3.2.3 五階邊界函數 19
3.2.4 六階邊界函數 20
3.2.5 簡易推導高階邊界函數 21
3.3 將邊界函數導入Rayleigh商數 22
3.4 兩種特性 22
3.5 利用正交性求解自由參數 23
第四章 數值算例 25
4.1 數值算例一 26
4.2 數值算例二 29
4.3 數值算例三 29
第五章 未來研究與建議 35
5.1 結論 35
參考文獻 37
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