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研究生(外文):Pei-Syuan Li
論文名稱(外文):Application of Dual Quaternion for Determing Photogrammetric Orientation Parameters
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In photogrammetry, the Euler angular are commonly used to describe the attitude parameters for exterior orientation. The basic formula is the collinearity condition equation, which connect the perspective center of camera, the photo point, and the ground point along a straight line. With the given coordinates of ground control points and the measured coordinates of the photo point, the exterior orientation parameters can be determined based on the linearization of the collinearity equation using least squared adjustment. Because of the linearization, the prior estimation of the initial values of the unknown parameters are highly required. In this study, the quaternion and the dual quaternions are used to replace the rotation matrix by Euler anglers and translations to avoid the problem caused by the linearization.
Dual quaternion has the ability to represent the rotation and translation simultaneously in three dimensional vector space. In this study, the 2D image coordinates are transformed to 3D camera coordinate system by computer vision techniques, then the 3D object coordinates can by determined by dual quaternion algorithm. Only three control points are needed to calculate the rotation and translation between the camera and object coordinates and then the camera orientation can be determined.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
第1章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究方法與流程 4
1.4 論文架構 4
第2章 四元數及對偶四元數 6
2.1 四元數 6
2.2 對偶數及對偶向量 12
2.3 對偶四元數 14
第3章 研究流程及方法 19
3.1 旋轉矩陣與四元數關係 20
3.2 對偶四元數解算模式 23
3.3 電腦視覺方法 28
3.4 對偶四元數應用於攝影測量 30
第4章 實驗與成果分析 32
4.1 實驗一、以對偶四元數表示旋轉角測試 33
4.2 實驗二、以對偶四元數模式取代七參數轉換 36
4.3 實驗三、控制點分佈實驗 38
4.4 實驗四、控制點數量實驗 42
4.5 實驗五、外方位參數實驗 45
4.6 實驗六、相對方位參數實驗 48
4.7 小結 51
第5章 結論與未來展望 52
參考文獻 53
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