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研究生(外文):Han-Chen Kuan
論文名稱(外文):An Optimized Design of Multi-Constellation GNSS Deformation Monitoring Network
外文關鍵詞:Global navigation satellite system (GNSS)Strain AnalysisNetwork optimizationParticle swarm optimization
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全球衛星導航系統(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)已被廣泛應用於地表監測任務上,而網形布設與規劃為監測任務最基礎的工作,然而在多星系發展下,現有變形監測網設計方法並未完整考慮多星系之效益,大多仍採單一星系進行網形設計且缺乏系統化及全面性的優化策略。因此本研究針對多星系地表變形監測網進行最佳化設計,考量監測站真實地形遮蔽效應之分析方法,結合最小可偵測應變量指標做為網形優化設計依據,運用粒子群演算法建置自動最佳化變形監測網。本研究以南迴鐵路監測網資料進行實驗測試,成果顯示應用多星系GNSS衛星資料可使監測點位精度及網形應變偵測靈敏度提升至少30%。此外,藉由粒子群演算法自動最適點位搜尋,可改善網形幾何並使網形整體應變偵測能力增加比率達92.5%。透過本研究建構之變形監測網最佳化策略,能有效促進多星系GNSS衛星於地表變形監測上具更高之應用效益。
Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) has been used worldwide for ground deformation monitoring tasks. With the rapid advances in GNSS, the benefits of integrated multi-constellation GNSS are not considered in the existing network design. Additionally, the traditional method applied in optimization of network design are inefficient. In this study, the multi-constellation GNSS were applied and terrestrial obstruction effects were considered to evaluate the quality of a network positioning result. Then, the minimum detectable principal strain index was introduced to be the optimal design criteria. Finally, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) method was adopted for an automatic design of deformation monitoring network. The results revealed 30% improvement in the accuracy of positioning and deformation analysis when multi-constellation GNSS systems were applied. Moreover, an automated optimization method of the multi-constellation GNSS monitoring network configuration was achieved by PSO method. Through the optimization of the monitoring network, the minimum detectable principal strain index was improved up to 92.5%. Consequently, the profit of introducing the multi-constellation GNSS techniques in the ground deformation monitoring tasks can be maximized with the proposed approach.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 4
1.3 研究策略 5
1.4 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 GNSS衛星發展與應用 7
2.2 多星系GNSS衛星於遮蔽區域之效益 10
2.3 衛星訊號遮蔽範圍分析 12
2.4 監測網形最佳化 14
2.5 小結 17
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1 多星系GNSS定位品質評估 18
3.1.1 多星系衛星軌道計算 18
3.1.2 地形效應可視性分析 22
3.1.3 相對定位原理及定位品質 24
3.1.4 基線自由網平差 28
3.2 地表變形偵測能力評估 29
3.2.1 地表變形分析模式 30
3.2.2 主應變分析 33
3.2.3 主應變參數靈敏度指標 35
3.3 粒子群演算法點位搜尋方法 36
3.4 多星系地表變形監測網自動建置策略 38
第四章 數值實驗 40
4.1 實驗情境分析 40
4.1.1 實驗區域 41
4.1.2 實驗資料 41
4.2 初始地表變形監測網分析 42
4.2.1 三維地形遮蔽效應分析成果 42
4.2.2 單星系與多星系定位品質及應變分析成果 43
4.3 地表變形監測網最佳化規劃 47
4.3.1 搜尋參數於最佳化成果之影響 48
4.3.2 監測網最佳化規劃成果 55
4.4 實驗小結 57
第五章 結論與建議 59
5.1 結論 59
5.2 建議與未來工作 61
參考文獻 62
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