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研究生(外文):CHAN, CHUN-WEI
論文名稱(外文):Geophone data compression development and experiment programing establishment
外文關鍵詞:Data compressionFourier transformFrequency domain analysisGeophoneStandaating procedurerd opers
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In recent years, debris flow disaster prevention system has used geophone for detecting the debris flow by using the vibration signal and other observation equipment signal. Because of large amount of geophone data, transmission system can’t transmit real-time signal back to the disaster prevention center in some cases. Therefore, data needs to be compressed before transmitting the signal. In this study, two methods are proposed, which are compressed in time domain and frequency domain. Finally, it is considered that compressed in time domain is better than compressed in frequency domain.

In addition, the previous study shows that geophone place in different locations and different ways will receive a different signal. Therefore, this study presents a procedure for the use of geophone detectors for related researchers.

Finally, this study added two groups of outdoor experiments which measured the characteristic frequency of water flow and the impact of the stone. These two groups of experiments to verify the contents of previous experiments, but also from the use of the program to understand what is missing in the experiment.
目 錄
摘要 II
Abstract III
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 導論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1. 資料壓縮 2
1.2.2. 地聲探測器運用與監測系統 3
第二章 地聲資料壓縮 4
2.1. 方法原理 5
2.1.1. 時域資料的間隔壓縮 6
2.1.2. 頻域資料的對數壓縮 17
2.2. 案例分析 22
2.2.1. 時域方面 28
2.2.2. 頻域方面 34
2.2.3. 資料儲存量比較 43
2.2.4. 壓縮法改進 44
2.2.5. 結論 59
第三章 地聲探測器SOP 60
3.1. 地聲探測器與相關設備的安裝 60
3.1.1. 單顆地聲探測器的安裝 62
3.1.2. 多顆地聲探測器的安裝 63
3.1.3. 資料接收器的放置 63
3.1.4. 電腦設置 64
3.2. 地聲探測器的測量 67
3.3. 分析方法 68
3.4. 範例 69
3.4.1. 室內實驗 69
3.4.2. 室外實驗 70
第四章 儀器介紹 71
4.1. 地聲探測器 72
4.1.1 運作原理 72
4.1.2. 探測器種類 76
4.2. 資料接收器 82
第五章 實驗 83
5.1. 實驗目的 83
5.2 神木村出水溪實驗 83
5.2.1. 實驗目的 83
5.2.2. 實驗儀器型號以及實驗環境情況 83
5.2.3. 實驗步驟 86
5.2.4. 實驗結果 87
5.2.5. 實驗結論 101
5.3 神木村愛玉子溪實驗 102
5.3.1. 實驗目的 102
5.3.2. 實驗儀器型號以及實驗環境情況 102
5.3.3. 實驗步驟 106
5.3.4. 實驗結果 107
5.3.5. 實驗結論 115
第六章 結論與建議 116
6.1. 結論 116
6.2. 建議 116
參考文獻 117
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