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研究生(外文):Yi-En Lin
論文名稱(外文):Experimental and Analytical Study on Retrofit of Buildings by Adding Reinforced Concrete Walls with Asymmetric Openings
指導教授(外文):Lap-Loi Chung
外文關鍵詞:asymmetric openingsplastic hingeretrofit of adding RC walls with openingsstreet houseRC walls with openings
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本期試驗結果顯示,非對稱之開門補強試體至少提升整體構架約8.9倍之側力強度,勁度則至少提升65倍,而對照之對稱開門補強試體則提升約8.2倍之側力強度與34倍之勁度,可見非對稱開口之補強方案亦為有效且可早期參與結構地震力分配,且於試體喪失垂直承載能力之前,層間變位角均可達2 %。本研究亦引用國家地震中心出版之校舍補強手冊第三版,評估各期補強試體,發現對於高寬比較小之牆墩評估強度有不保守疑慮,因此本研究提出改良的分析方法與非線性鉸模型,供業界與學界參考。
Significant earthquakes happened in recent years, such as Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999, reflected insufficient seismic capacity of many public and residential buildings. Therefore, there are many retrofit solutions proposed, and retrofit method of adding reinforced-concrete walls (RC walls) was commonly adopted by engineers. Although retrofit method of adding RC walls provides high lateral strength and stiffness, this method results in lack of lighting and ventilation and also affects the interior route of the building. Hence, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) in Taiwan planned the retrofit method of adding RC walls with openings. The research in previous years from 2014 to 2015 focused on retrofit of adding RC walls with symmetric openings. However, retrofit method of adding RC walls with asymmetric openings is needed for engineers and building users, and there is little domestic and foreign experimental research on this method. This research focused on the influence of asymmetric-opening RC walls on seismic capacity, and it allowed engineers to design a retrofitting RC wall to fulfill clients'' requirement and seismic demand. Three retrofitted specimens with asymmetric openings were planned. These specimens included different locations of openings and a retrofitting wall with a window and/or a door. They were designed to retrofit an existing bare frame with a net span of 420cm and net height of 300cm. Pushover tests of these specimens were performed in NCREE.
Experimental results showed that the asymmetric-opening specimens enhanced to about 8.9 times of lateral strength, and at least 65 times of stiffness of the bare frame; the symmetric-opening specimen enhanced to about 8.2 times of lateral strength and 34 times of stiffness of the bare frame. This research verified that the retrofit method of adding RC walls with asymmetric openings is feasible and effective, and these retrofitted frames were able to participate in early earthquake force distribution. Drift ratio of all retrofitted specimens could go up to 2%. This research used Technology Handbook for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of School Buildings, Third Edition, published by NCREE to evaluate the seismic performance of 9 retrofitted specimens. The analytical method introduced by the handbook may overestimate lateral strength of certain specimens with wall piers of low height-width ratio. Therefore, an improved method and plastic-hinge models were proposed as reference for engineers and researchers.
誌謝 i
摘要 iii
目錄 vi
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究方法與內容 5
第二章 試驗規劃與試體製作 7
2.1 前言 7
2.2 構架之設計 7
2.2.1 基礎 8
2.2.2 柱 8
2.2.3 梁 9
2.3 開口RC牆補強試體 10
2.3.1 開口尺寸與牆筋設計 10
2.3.2 植筋設計 11
2.3.3 角隅鋼筋設計 12
2.3.4 邊界構材之設計 12
2.4 試體製作 13
2.4.1 鋼筋混凝土空構架施作流程 13
2.4.2 開口RC牆補強牆體施作流程 16
第三章 試驗佈置與試驗程序 33
3.1 前言 33
3.2 測試佈置 33
3.3 量測系統佈置 36
3.3.1 內部量測系統 36
3.3.2 外部量測系統 36
3.4 測試步驟 38
第四章 試驗觀察與討論 49
4.1 前言 49
4.2 試體FLSD11之試驗觀察 50
4.3 試體FLOD11之試驗觀察 56
4.4 試體FLD11W20之試驗觀察 63
4.5 綜合比較 68
第五章 試驗結果分析與討論 97
5.1 前言 97
5.2 材料試驗 97
5.2.1 混凝土抗壓試驗 98
5.2.2 鋼筋抗拉試驗 98
5.3 試體結果討論 99
5.3.1 試體FLSD11 99
5.3.2 試體FLOD11 101
5.3.3 試體FLD11W20 104
5.4 綜合討論 108
5.4.1 各試體強度比較 108
5.4.2 強度衰減行為討論 108
5.4.3 完美彈塑性比較 109
第六章 開口RC牆側力與位移之評估方法與分析 123
6.1 前言 123
6.2 混凝土結構設計規範之強度評估 124
6.2.1 撓曲側力強度與剪力強度計算 124
6.2.2 試體分析結果 126
6.3 手冊第三版評估方法 127
6.3.1 RC牆撓曲破壞之側力與位移關係曲線 127
6.3.2 RC牆剪力破壞側力與側位移關係曲線(軟化壓拉桿模型) 130
6.3.3 試體分析結果 136
6.4 改良式評估方法 137
6.4.1 前言 137
6.4.2 改良後剪力元素塊之剪力側力位移曲線 137
6.4.3 試體評估結果 140
第七章 開口RC牆補強之非線性鉸設定 159
7.1 前言 159
7.2 開口RC牆補強牆體之剪力非線性鉸設定 160
7.3 開口RC牆補強牆體之撓曲非線性鉸設定 162
7.4 開口RC牆補強牆體之等值寬柱模型設定 163
7.5 非線性鉸設定之實例驗證 166
第八章 街屋補強示範例 177
8.1 前言 177
8.2 街屋現況描述 177
8.3 街屋詳細評估 178
8.4 開口RC牆補強牆體之非線性鉸計算與設定 179
8.4.1 撓曲非線性鉸參數計算 180
8.4.2 剪力非線性鉸參數計算 190
8.4.3 等值寬柱之設定 201
8.5 補強後之街屋詳細評估 203
第九章 結論 239
參考文獻 243
附錄A 本期試體之內部與外部量測結果 245
附錄A.1 試體FLSD11之內部與外部量測結果 246
附錄A.2 試體FLOD11之內部與外部量測結果 270
附錄A.3 試體FLD11W20之內部與外部量測結果 289
附錄B 試體側推過程之照片 311
附錄B.1試體FLSD11側推試驗過程之照片 312
附錄B.2試體FLOD11側推試驗過程之照片 339
附錄B.3試體FLD11W20側推試驗過程之照片 367
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