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研究生(外文):Wei-Chieh Yu
論文名稱(外文):Analytical studies of some high Reynolds number flows in hydraulic engineering
外文關鍵詞:cylindricalshear stressboundary layer theoryhigh-Reynold numbers flowcontrol volumeM. Holt
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雖然邊界層自提出迄今已經有了百年的發展,圓柱座標系中邊界層主要卻都是在探討外流場對圓柱所造成的影響,圓柱內部邊界層相關之速度分佈則是從1965年M. Holt推導後便較少有深入的應用研究,本研究接續M. Holt推導的邊界層方程式並應用於求解圓柱座標下高雷諾數流的完整流場。
In hydraulic engineering, the flow fluid usually has enough energy because of the effect from the initial velocity, pressure gradient and the force outside. Therefore, it is easy to find high-Reynold numbers flow in the most study of hydraulic research. For instance, it should get avoid to solve the physical solution in the case of the rheometer. This study is going to discuss in high-Reynold numbers flow.
The analysis of high-Reynold numbers flow makes up with low shear stress flow and high shear stress flow. It has mentioned in the boundary layer chapter of Batchelor’s literary work since 1967. However, the viscosity is not obvious in the low shear stress flow. Therefore, this study use inviscid flow to analyze the part of low shear stress flow, and use boundary layer equation to analyze the high shear stress flow.
Although boundary layer theory has developed for more than one hundred years, cylindrical boundary layer is dominant in discussing the effect of the situation when flow pass outside. There are few research studying in the boundary layer theory inside the cylinder since the boundary layer equations are derived by M. Holt. This study is going to continue the research of M. Holt, and apply to solve the full distribution of velocity in high-Reynold numbers flow.
This study directly make assumption of exist of boundary layer, and solve all type of equations in high-Reynold numbers flow. By dividing the whole flow field into two parts, for one named inviscid part and the other called viscous part. Finding the boundary conditions, using angular momentum equation and making use of the balance in direct force to deal with the particular parameters and thickness of boundary layer. Combine the velocity distribution of the two parts in order to simulate the high-Reynold numbers flow and study the physical properties of whole flow field.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
符號說明 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究內容與方法 5
1.4 章節介紹 6
第二章 圓柱座標非黏性流及邊界層流之研究方法 7
2.1 圓柱座標下非黏性流體之物理性質 7
2.2 圓柱座標下邊界層流之物理性質 9
2.2.1控制方程式與基本假設 9
2.2.2物理性質表示式 12
2.3 流場邊界條件 13
第三章 二維導管流之問題分析 14
3.1 流場建立 14
3.2 邊界值問題 15
3.3 求解物理性質表示式 18
3.4 求解邊界層厚度 21
3.4.1各區速度及壓力分佈 21
3.4.2求解邊界層厚度 22
3.5 封閉導流管之流場模擬 27
第四章 三維旋轉圓柱內含自由液面之流場分析 29
4.1 流場建立 29
4.2 邊界值問題 30
4.3 求解物理性質表示式 32
4.4 求解未知係數 35
4.4.1各區速度及壓力分佈 35
4.4.2求解未知參數 36
4.5 中心線之流場模擬與分析 41
第五章 結論與建議 48
5.1 結論 48
5.2 建議 49
參考文獻 50
附錄A 一維導流管中速度與兩邊界層厚度之關係 i
附錄B 直立圓柱中轉速與偏移角之關係 iv
附錄C 第三章節部分內容之詳細推導流程 v
附錄D 第四章節部分內容之詳細推導流程 vii
附錄E 第四章節中相關參數之無因次化分析 xiii
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7.G.K. Batchelor (1967) “An introduction to fluid dynamics” Cambridge : U.P. Press.
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