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研究生(外文):Li-Xue Xing
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Plastic and Shakedown Limit Surfaces in Load Space
指導教授(外文):Hong-Ki Hong
外文關鍵詞:shakedown analysislimit analysisframetrusselasto-plastic
  • 被引用被引用:2
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In design of civil structures, most regulatory codes have adopted limit design specifications; hence, the development of analysis methods --- limit analysis --- to match the limit design is a very important issue. A significant feature of plasticity is ``path to path", and the relationship between displacement and load is ``path-related". In general, there is an ``initial yield surface" before the material is first yielded. With the loading of the force, the material is switched to the plastic stage. With the different load paths, it will evolve into different sequences of subsequent yield surfaces; that is, the evolution of the yield surface is not unique and depends upon the paths. However, there exists a unique ``plastic limit surface" in the load space which demarcates the safe loads and the static collapses; that is to say, it is not necessary to carry out a complicated plastic time history analysis.

If the load is cyclically repeated, then plastic deformation either may result in vicious incremental collapse or alternating yield (plastic fatigue) phenomena, or may result in such appropriate residual stress distributions as shakedown phenomena occur. Between the safe cyclic loads and the incremental collapse or alternating yield, it is possible to establish a unique "shakedown limit surface" in the load space without the need for a complicated cyclic plastic time history analysis.

In this thesis, we discuss the calculation method of the plastic limit surface and the shakedown limit surface in the load space. By using the linearly elastic-perfectly plastic model, we construct the vector inequality and then extend the linear algebra calculation method to the inequality calculation. By skipping the calculation of the subsequent yield surfaces, we can directly calculate the collapse modes, and then obtain the plastic limit surface (static collapse) and the shakedown limit surface (incremental collapse and alternating yield). The developed calculation method, applicable to trusses, beams and rigid plane frames, is verified by examples taken from the existing literature.
摘要 (p.iii)
Abstract (p.v)
誌謝 (p.vii)
目錄 (p.ix)
使用符號與定義 (p.xix)
1 緒論 (p.1)
1.1 問題緣起 (p.1)
1.2 文獻回顧 (p.1)
1.3 極限理論 (p.2)
1.4 基本概念 (p.3)
1.5 本文架構 (p.5)
2 數學模型及推導 (p.7)
2.1 推導塑性極限面 (p.7)
2.1.1 殘餘應力 (p.9)
2.1.2 引理 Lemma (p.9)
2.1.3 使用全局化陣的目的 (p.10)
2.2 安定極限分析 (p.11)
2.2.1 增量崩塌 (p.11)
2.2.2 交替降伏 (p.15)
2.2.3 純彈性内力轉換陣的定義 (p.17)
2.2.4 增量崩塌面的處理方式 (p.17)
2.3 計算步驟 (p.20)
2.4 小結 (p.21)
3 桁架例題 (p.23)
3.1 桁架例題一 (p.23)
3.1.1 機動 力平衡 組成律 (p.24)
3.1.2 機動、力平衡與組成律的組合 (p.24)
3.1.3 極限面 (p.26)
3.2 桁架例題二 (p.29)
3.3 桁架例題三 (p.31)
3.3.1 塑性極限面——不對稱拉壓桿 (p.31)
3.3.2 塑性極限面——對稱拉壓桿 (p.34)
3.4 小結 (p.36)
4 構架例題 (p.37)
4.1 構架例題一 (p.37)
4.1.1 機動 (p.39)
4.1.2 力平衡 (p.40)
4.1.3 組成律 (p.41)
4.1.4 全局彈性勁度陣 (p.42)
4.1.5 塑性極限面一 (p.45)
4.2 構架例題二 (p.53)
4.2.1 塑性極限面二 (p.57)
4.2.2 安定極限面二之一 (p.61)
4.2.3 安定極限面二之二 (p.64)
4.3 構架例題三 (p.67)
4.3.1 機動 (p.69)
4.3.2 力平衡 (p.70)
4.3.3 全局彈性勁度陣 (p.71)
4.3.4 塑性極限面三之一 (p.73)
4.3.5 塑性極限面三之二 (p.80)
4.3.6 安定極限面三 (p.83)
4.4 構架例題四 (p.87)
4.4.1 機動 (p.90)
4.4.2 力平衡 (p.91)
4.4.3 組成律 (p.93)
4.4.4 全局彈性勁度陣 (p.95)
4.4.5 塑性極限面四之一 (p.99)
4.4.6 塑性極限面四之二 (p.110)
4.4.7 安定極限面四 (p.115)
4.5 構架例題五 (p.122)
4.5.1 塑性極限面五 (p.123)
4.5.2 機構 (p.138)
4.6 構架例題六 (p.139)
4.6.1 塑性極限面六 (p.139)
4.6.2 安定極限面六 (p.145)
4.7 構架例題七——不對稱塑性彎矩强度 (p.150)
4.8 小結 (p.152)
5 結論 (p.153)
參考文獻 (p.155)
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