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研究生(外文):Wan-Chien Kung
論文名稱(外文):Experimental and Analytical Study of a Structure with Supplemental Nonlinear Viscous Dampers Subject to Near-Fault Ground Motions
指導教授(外文):Yin-Nan Huang
外文關鍵詞:near-fault ground motionvelocity pulsepulse perioddamping reduction factornonlinear viscous damper
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  Energy dissipation system is about a structure installed with dampers. These dampers raise the damping ratio and increase the energy dissipation capability of structure. In seismic design code, the damping reduction factor (DRF) is used to divide the 5% damped spectral value to obtain the spectral values corresponding to various damping ratios. Under the near-fault ground motion, the DRF has been discovered that it has a relationship with the vaule of T/Tp which is the ratio of natural period of a structure to the pulse period of near-fault ground motion.
  In order to proof the correlation between DRF and T/Tp, this study would perform shaking table tests on a three-story steel structure with supplemental nonlinear viscous dampers. The natural period of first mode of the test structure was around 1 seconds. In addition, numerical analysis used SAP2000 to compare with experimental results.
  The results show that T/Tp is an important parameter for DRF. When the T/Tp is close to 1, the dampers are more effective in reducing responses of displacement and acceleration. The range of T/Tp between 0.7 and 0.9 presents the most effective reduction.
誌謝 ………………………………………….………………………....………….i
摘要 ………………………………...…….....………………………….............iii
ABSTRACT ………………………………….…………………………...........v
目錄 ………………………...………….…………………………….............…vii
表目錄 ……………………………………...…..………………………….........xi
圖目錄 …………………………………….…….........………………………...xv
第一章 緒論 ……………………….…….…………...............……………..1
1.1 研究背景與目的 ……………………..……………………..…………..1
1.2 研究重點及內容 ……………………..………………………..………..2
1.3 論文結構 ……………………….……........………...............…………..2
第二章 文獻回顧 ……………………….…….…………………......……..3
2.1 前言 ……………………….……...……………...............………………..3
2.2 Somerville et al. (1997) ………….……...………....……………...3
2.3 Baker (2007) …………………….……...………………....………......4
2.4 Shahi and Baker (2014) …………….……...………..…………….7
2.5 台灣耐震設計規範 ……………………….……...……….....…….…..9
2.6 劉家仁(2015) ……………………….……...…………………….......10
2.7 游豐碩(2016) ……………………….……...…………………….......11
第三章 近斷層地震歷時之挑選與縮放 ……………......….……..25
3.1 試驗規劃階段之數值分析模型 …………….……...........……..25
3.2 近斷層地震歷時之挑選 ………………….......……………….…..26
3.3 近斷層地震歷時之縮放 …………………...……………….……..28
第四章 振動台試驗規劃 ……….……...……..............………….…..37
4.1 前言 ……………………….……...…………………...........................37
4.2 空構架之介紹 ……………………….……...…..….…………….......37
4.3 含阻尼器構架之介紹 ………………………..………………….…..38
4.4 地震模擬振動台 ……………………….……...……………….……..42
4.5 試驗感測計及佈設 ……………………….…..……………….……..42
4.6 試驗程序 ……………………….……...………..........…………….…..44
第五章 試驗結果與討論 ……………………….……..………...….…..63
5.1 前言 ……………………….……...……………………….............……..63
5.2 系統識別 ……………………….……...………………....…................63
5.3 結構物之基底剪力 ……………………….……...……..………..…..64
5.4 近斷層地震脈衝週期識別 ……………………….…...……….…..65
5.5 阻尼折減因子與近斷層地震脈衝週期之關係 ………….…..66
5.6 地震頻率影響結構物主控週期判定 ……………….……….…..67
5.7 試驗結果與游豐碩(2016)阻尼折減係數建議公式之比較.68
第六章 SAP2000數值模擬 ……………………….……......….….…..89
6.1 前言 ……………………….……...……………………………..........…..89
6.2 斜撐系統提供之側向勁度 ……………………….……...….……..89
6.3 模型修正 ……………………….……...…………….............….……..90
6.4 模擬結果與試驗結果之比較 …………………......……….……..92
6.5 提升最大地表速度至30 cm/s …………….……..……….……..94
第七章 結論與建議 ……………………….………………..……....…..115
7.1 結論 ……………………….……...…………...............…………..…...115
7.2 建議 ……………………….……...……………….....................……..116
參考文獻 ……………………….……..................……………….……..…..117
附錄A. 阻尼器性能測試程序 ....………….….........……….………....121
附錄B. 阻尼器試驗時出力與位移圖..…………….……….………....133
附錄C. 阻尼器試驗時出力與速度圖 .…………....……….………....143
附錄D. 對角斜撐裝置元件設計圖 ………………...…….…………....151
附錄E. 地表及各樓層X向加速度歷時 ……………....…………….....159
附錄F. 地表及各樓層X向位移歷時 …………………………….....169
附錄G. 使用各筆地震歷時系統識別結果 ……………………….....179
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