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研究生(外文):Mei-Chi Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Simulate the Topographic Effects of Seismic Response on Ground Surface
指導教授(外文):Meei-Ling Lin
外文關鍵詞:earthquaketopographic amplificationwave lengthFLACFourier spectrum
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There are lots of earthquake events indicating that the irregular terrain would cause the amplification of seismic response, especially on the steep slopes or crest of ridges. Taiwan is located at the boundary between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate, which results in frequent orogenic activities and steep terrain. As a result, the research was needed to examine the influence of topographic effects on local sites.

This study focused on topographic amplification and investigate the relationship between the geometric ratio of topography and the dominant wavelength of seismic wave. First, the acceleration records of the strong motion station in Sun-Moon Lake weather station was collected. Those acceleration data were used as input motion for numerical dynamic analysis, including near- and far-field seismic events. The simulation results show that the distribution of topographic amplification ratio will be dominated by the dominant wavelength of seismic wave when the wavelength is less than the width of ridge, which means the amplification area will be limited to the distance of wavelength. On the other hand, when the dominant wavelength is greater than the width of ridge, the distribution of AT is controlled by the width, which means the amplification area will cover the entire ridge slope.

This research also discussed the topographic amplification in frequency domain with using fast Fourier Transform. In homogeneous soil layer, when the acceleration of base motion is large enough, the soil amplification will be excited so the Fourier amplitude will be amplified at the resonant frequencies according to fundamental frequency. For topography effect, generally the frequency spectrum of the crest will be amplified within 8Hz. However, when the amplitude of the base motion increases, the affected range in the Fourier spectrum will increase too.
摘要 III
目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 研究方法與內容 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 震波傳遞原理 3
2.2 地震放大效應之形態 4
2.2.1 土層放大效應(Soil Amplification) 4
2.2.2 地形放大效應(Topographic Amplification) 4
2.2.3 盆地放大效應(Basin Effect) 5
2.3 地震反應影響評估方式 5
2.3.1 歷史災害統計分析法 6
2.3.2 模型試驗法 6
2.3.3 數值分析法 7
2.4 山峰地形之影響 9
第三章 研究區域與單向度波傳分析 27
3.1 研究區域介紹 27
3.1.1 地質背景 27
3.1.2 材料參數 28
3.2 單向度波傳分析 28
3.2.1 SHAKE程式簡介 28
3.2.2 土壤動態參數曲線 31
3.3 選用之地震資料 31
3.3.1 反卷積計算基盤加速度 32
3.3.2 加速度時間域分析 32
3.3.3 加速度頻率域分析 32
第四章 二維震波傳遞之數值分析模式 55
4.1 二維波傳分析 55
4.1.1 FLAC程式簡介 55
4.1.2 模型組成律模式 56
4.1.3 網格與邊界設定 57
4.1.4 動態分析流程 57
4.2 數值模型之驗證 58
4.2.1 小型振動台邊坡模型試驗簡介 58
4.2.2 利用小振動台邊坡試驗進行數值模型驗證 59
第五章 簡化地形模型之動態分析 69
5.1 模型之型式 69
5.1.1 模型之建立 69
5.1.2 模型基本設定 70
5.2 單峰模型 71
5.2.1 山峰寬度2L = 500 m 71
5.2.2 山峰寬度2L = 300 m 72
5.2.3 山峰寬度2L = 800 m 73
5.3 雙峰模型 73
5.4 雙峰加河谷模型 74
5.4.1 山峰寬度2L = 500 m 74
5.4.2 山峰寬度2L = 1000 m 75
5.5 傅氏譜放大比率 75
5.5.1 基盤與自由場地表頻譜之比較 75
5.5.2 水平土層加速度頻譜 76
5.5.3 簡化地形模擬結果之頻譜比較 76
第六章 研究區域現地受震紀錄分析 117
6.1 研究區測站分佈 117
6.2 仁愛地震事件各測站紀錄比較 117
6.3 魚池地震事件各測站紀錄比較 118
第七章 結論與建議 131
7.1 結論 131
7.2 建議 132
參考文獻 133
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