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研究生(外文):Yang Ye
論文名稱(外文):Apply depth estimation of the zoom images on surface velocity calculation
外文關鍵詞:debris monitordigital image processdepth estimation of the zoom imagessurface velocityPTV
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According to the latest statistics of the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, there are 1705 potential debris flows in Taiwan, all over 159 villages and towns, so it is very important to do a good job in disaster prevention and relief work. The existing earthwork monitoring stations are equipped with fixed outdoor surveillance cameras, but these cameras can only return images for follow-up study of the use of experts, do not have the ability to monitor and warning (such as automatic identification of debris flow and the flow rate, etc.). The purpose of this study is to explore a method for calculating the flow velocity. The research focus is to use the existing zoom cameras to restore the physical three-dimensional information of the image, and then follow the LSPIV technology to realize the monitoring of debris flow. The main method of this paper is to use the optical zoom camera to restore the physical three-dimensional coordinates of the image by changing two focal lengths, and then use the particle tracking velocity technique to calculate the surface velocity of the fluid.
The results of the study include the following points: First, comparing the point-based and area-based depth measurement experiments, it is found that the area-based method is more stable and suitable for practical application. Second, using zoom technology to restore the three-dimensional information of the image, the surface velocity of the fluid in the experimental tank calculated by the method of image processing and the average error is within 10%, Third, a set of parameter calibration experiment is designed for calculating the camera''s internal and external parameters matrix, and the results are reliable.
The significance of this study is that when the debris flow occurs, the elevation of the riverbed changes significantly, then the original reference point coordinates will be destroyed, and the method of changing focus can update the three-dimensional information on the scene real-timely. Through the research, it is proved that applying depth estimation of the zoom images on surface velocity calculation is practical, but the research has not been applied to the monitoring site of the earth flow yet. This is also the future research direction.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與目的 1
1.2 文章主要內容與結構安排 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第三章 基本影像處理技術 6
3.1圖像前處理 6
3.1.1 灰階變化 6
3.1.2 圖像增強 8
3.1.3 圖像降噪 11
3.2圖像分割 13
3.3運動目標偵測 16
第四章 變焦相機的成像模型與標定 18
4.1 引言 18
4.2變焦相機的成像模型 18
4.2.1針孔成像模型 18
4.2.2厚透鏡模型 22
4.3基於Zhang的平面移動模板標定法 23
4.3.1標定理論 23
4.3.2標定實驗過程與結果 27
第五章 變焦圖像的深度估計 31
5.1 引言 31
5.2基於點的變焦測距 32
5.2.1基於點的測距理論 32
5.2.2基於點的變焦圖像深度估計實驗 33
5.3基於面積的變焦測距 38
5.3.1基於面積的測距理論 38
5.3.2基於面積的測距實驗 42
5.4兩種方法誤差敏感度分析 47
第六章 基於變焦方法的流速推估 50
6.1 引言 50
6.2 實驗流程架構 50
6.3影像處理過程 52
6.4表面流速估計 54
6.5實驗結果與誤差分析 56
6.5.1測距結果與誤差分析 56
6.5.2流速結果誤差分析 60
第七章 現場的參數檢定流程 62
7.1:引言 62
7.2:現場首次內外參數檢定方法 62
7.2.1 理論推導 62
7.2.2 用數值方法求解內部參數 64
7.2.3 室外的參數檢定實驗 69
7.3:現場參數檢定流程初步設計與後續修正 74
7.3.1現場參數檢定流程初步設計 74
7.3.2 相機參數的後續修正 74
第八章 結論與建議 76
參考文獻 77
附錄 矩陣中係數的具體表達 A
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