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研究生(外文):Yi-Xuan Wu
論文名稱:公共自行車探索性多變量分析: 旅次特性及收費方案之影響
論文名稱(外文):Exploratory Multivariate Analysis of Bike-Sharing System Use: Trip Characteristics and the Effect of Pricing Scheme
外文關鍵詞:Bike-sharing SystemLand-use PatternPricing SchemeMultiple Regression ModelFinite Mixture Model
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Bike-sharing systems have been rapidly growing its popularity worldwide and currently established in more than 1,200 cities, which facilitates more sustainable development and fosters a trend of greener life. They provide the first-mile and the last-mile connection to complement transit service and thereby increase the use of public transport. However, one of the key difficulties in both planning and operation of a bike-sharing system manifests as the imbalance between system supply and demand. On the supply side, system operators generally use trucks to re-distribute public bikes across stations. Nevertheless, on the demand side, there are relatively few studies to holistically address this issue in the context of quantitative analysis to support strategic decision-making for more active demand management of a bike-sharing system.
Hence, this research seeks to develop an analytical model to investigate the demand of a bike-sharing system and possibly provide relevant insights at a behavioral level. Due to the lack of personal data of individual users, this research explores the trip characteristics of using public bikes at the level of zonal Origin-Destination (O-D) pairs, particularly with respect to the effect of pricing scheme change, combined with the environmental factors, in terms of the land-use patterns surrounding bike-sharing stations. Based on the availability of Youbike transaction records, the bike-sharing system in Taipei, Taiwan, which contain data before and after an increased usage fee (as the cancellation of a free-usage period for the first 30-minute), the associated demand-side responses are analyzed in a multivariate context. Two regressive models are developed to investigate the effect of the change on the O-D pairs associated various land-use patterns. A multiple regression model is developed for direct before-after analysis on the variation of zonal O-D demand. A finite mixture model, on the other hand, is further constructed, which identifies three distinct components with different levels of sensitivity toward the changing price.
口試委員審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 3
1.3 Thesis Organization 4
2.1 The Historical Development of Bike-Sharing System 6
2.2 Land Use and Bike-sharing Systems 8
2.3 Pricing Scheme 9
2.4 Summary of Literature Review 12
3.1 Introduction of Yobike in Taipei City, Taiwan 13
3.2 Problem Statement 15
3.3 Data Description 17
3.3.1 Station Clustering 18
3.3.2 Surrounding Facilities and Socioeconomic Characteristics 23
3.4 Chapter Summary 25
4.1 Comparison of Youbike Usage Before and After the Pricing Scheme Change 26
4.2 Multiple Regression Model 32
4.2.1 Assumption of Multiple Regression Model 33
4.2.2 Test for Goodness of Fit 34
4.2.3 Model Result and Explanation 37
4.2.4 Summary of the Multiple Regression Model 42
4.3 Finite Mixture Model 43
4.3.1 Model Results and Explanation 45
4.3.2 Summary of Finite Mixture Model 50
4.4 Chapter Summary 50
5.1 Conclusions 52
5.2 Future Research Directions 53
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