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研究生(外文):Fu-Fang Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Exploration on Families’ Psychological Adaptation of Children with Congenital Heart Disease
指導教授(外文):Chueh ChangYu-Hwa Lin
外文關鍵詞:congenital heart diseasepsychological adaptationparentsfamilychildrenprocess
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Background and objectives:
Congenital heart disease is one of the most common illnesses in the congenital deformity. With advances in medical technology and improvement in medical care, survival rates of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) have improved. Thus children with CHD can usually survive into older ages.
In this study, we try to comprehend the families’ psychological adaptation of children with CHD in their life history. The objectives of this study are explorations on (1) parents’ psychological adaptation with child’s CHD, (2) comprehension the response strategies of parents to raise the children with CHD, (3) comparing the differences in psychological adaptation between fathers and mothers and (4) try to understand the psychological adjustment of the growth from the children with CHD.

Data were collected by in-depth interviews. By means of snowball sampling and purposive sampling, 6 mothers, 3 fathers, 2 teenagers and 1 adult were selected and interviewed during October 2013 to June 2017. The interview data were verbatim transcribed and main themes embedded in the participants’ narratives and conversations were extracted.

(1) The parents feel the sadness and painstaking by changing jobs and multiple psychological stresses. (2) Fathers’ psychological adaptation is easier to overlook. (3) The parents gained happiness through parenting and family resilience. (4) The children with CHD are facing the psychological adaptation in many ways, like the disease, parents, siblings, classmates, teachers, schools and society. (5) The parents and the children gained some help on psychological adaptation through empowerment and community resilience.

There are some unsatisfied needs for the families with CHD. (1) How to tell the children about the disease. The parents need to counseled the way and the methods. (2) The teachers need to learn the appropriate way to introduce the children with CHD to others. They may not have enough experience to dial with some fragile situations. Learning how to handle some situations to the children with CHD appropriately is required. (3) The general public needs to promote the awareness of CHD. Some people are afraid of the illness and acting biasedly because they don’t know the disease well enough.
The aforementioned statements could also be duplicated to the families with other diseases. No matter what the diseases are, these could cause the difficulties and afflictions to everyone.
We suggest the government to do more efforts on these unsatisfied demand. It’s not only for the families with CHD children but also for the families with other diseases.
In public health, the construction of a friendly environment for patients and their family should be one of the national policy. Mental health is the basic human rights that everyone should have, including the disadvantaged groups. The importance of mental health and wellness for individuals with mental health problems are the main issues for the country and society.
口試委員會審定書 -i-
謝誌 –ii-
中文摘要 –iii-
英文摘要 –v-
目錄 -vii-

第一章 緒論 -1-
第一節 實習機構簡介 -3-
第二節 研究動機與目的 -7-

第二章 文獻探討 -10-
第一節 先天性心臟病簡介 -10-
第二節 先天性心臟病童及其父母的健康議題 -19-
第三節 父母心理適應理論 -32-
第四節 臺灣先天性心臟病童相關資源現況 -51-
一、民間團體 - 基金會 -52-
二、民間團體 - 協會 -58-
三、政府單位 - 立法保障 -63-
四、相關學術研究近況 -71-

第三章 研究方法 -76-
第一節 研究方法的選擇 -76-
第二節 研究對象 -78-
第三節 資料蒐集 -79-
第四節 資料分析 -81-

第四章 研究結果 -84-
第一節 先天性心臟病童家長的悲苦 -84-
第二節 先天性心臟病童家長的喜樂 -95-
一、疾病並非僅有負面的失去;病童家長的「得」:親職韌性 -95-
二、如何甩去哀愁:家庭復原力 -96-
第三節 先天性心臟病童的心理適應 -99-
一、病童與疾病、父母及手足之間 -99-
二、病童與同儕、老師及學校 -103-
三、病童與社會 -107-
第四節 協會對先天性心臟病童及家長的心理適應協助 -109-
三、協會的發展 – 提供協助層面的改變及進階 -111-

第五章 研究討論 -113-
第一節 先天性心臟病童家長的心理適應歷程 -113-
一、不同時期的心理適應 -113-
二、過度保護孩子的漣漪效應 -116-
三、不同性別 - 父親的心理適應 -117-
四、不常被聽到的心理適應問題 -118-
五、面對離別 - 先天性心臟病童家長與網路、社工的關係 -118-
第二節 社團法人中華民國關懷心臟病童協會近期概況 -120-
一、嘗試拓展捐款來源 -120-
二、協會的變形及型變 -121-

第六章 結論與建議 -123–

參考文獻 -127-

附錄一 訪談同意書 -136-
附錄二 訪談同意書訪談札記 -137-
附錄三 受訪者基本資料表 -138-
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