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研究生(外文):Yen-Ting Wu
論文名稱(外文):Ergonomic Risk Factor Analysis on the Task of Product Handling in a Solar Energy Company
指導教授(外文):Yaw-Huei Huang
外文關鍵詞:rackergonomicsshoulder paincarrybody height
  • 被引用被引用:3
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結論: 在此研究中執行的改善方案確實減少作業人員的肩膀疼痛,建議日後作業人員搬運料架上成品時上臂與身體之夾角應小於60度,可有效減少肩膀疼痛問題發生。
Introduction: This study aimed to examine shoulder pain prevalence of workers of the product packing department of the Taoyuan branch of a solar energy factory, to evaluate the relationship between body height and shoulder pain, and to assess the improvement in shoulder pain prevalence with product handling processes adjustment as part of improving program.

Materials and Methods: The study subsjects were 31 workers of the product packing department. The study components included: (1) site visit to understand the processes of product handling task to measure rack height and product weight, and to analyze workers’working posture;(2) assessment for risk factors of the product handling task with rapid upper limb assessment (RULA);(3)questionnaire administration to investigate prevalence of soreness and pain over body parts and calculate proportions of workers with shoulder soreness and pain in different body height groups;(4) proposing an improving program;(5) comparison of shoulder pain prevalence of workers before and after improving program executed for 3 months.

Results: Results of site visit, risk factors assessment with RULA checklist and 1st questionnaire administration showed that product handling task was hazardous for shoulder of the 155 cm-in-height worker because she had to raise her arms above shoulder to handle products on the high rack. There was no shoulder pain among the 7 workers taller than 170 cm,while the highest proportions of shoulder pain occurred in body height groups of 150-155 cm and 165-170 cm. The improving program was proposed to modify the product handling processes by restraining workers shorter than 160 cm to carry only the product on the medium-level rack. Among the five workers who reported shoulder pain in the 1st questionnaire investigation, none reported such pain in the 2nd questionnaire investigation after improving program being executed for 3 months.

Conclusion: The proposed improving program indeed reduced the shoulder pain prevalence of product-handling workers. According to the findings of this study, the angle between upper limb and trunk should be less than 60 degree during the product handling processes in order to prevent the occurrence of shoulder pain.
第一章 導論 8
第一節 實習單位特色與簡介 8
第二節 研究架構與假設 10
第一項 研究架構 10
第二項 研究假設 11
第三項 研究問題 12
第三節 文獻回顧 13
第一項 人因性危害因子防治流程 13
第二項 人因危害因子之評估 14
第三項 工作枱高度之相關文獻 24
第四項 造成肩膀危害之工作危險因子 25
第五項 工作可能導致之肩膀危害 27
第六項 人因危害因子改善方法 28
第二章 材料與方法 31
第一節 研究範圍及對象/研究架構 31
第二節 料架作業現場訪視 32
第一項 料架作業流程 32
第二項 作業人員動作分析 32
第三節 現場評估:客觀性評估-RULA快速上肢評估 32
第四節 現場評估:主觀性評估-第一次問卷 33
第五節 資料分析:評估作業人員之肩膀負荷 34
第六節 改善方法及執行 35
第七節 再評估:改善成效之評估 36

第三章 結果 37
第一節 料架作業流程與作業內容 37
第一項 料架作業流程 37
第二項 料架搬運作業動作分析 39
第二節 客觀性評估-RULA快速上肢評估 42
第三節 作業人員肩膀負荷問卷調查 43
第四節 改善方案及執行 48
第五節 作業人員肩膀疼痛改善評估 53
第四章 討論 55
第一節 料架搬運作業人員肩膀痛與一般人口比較 55
第二節 料架作業對肩膀之危害 56
第三節 改善方案 60
第四節 研究限制 62
第五節 結論 63
參考資料 64
附錄一 RULA快速上肢評估 67
附錄二 肌肉骨骼問卷 68
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