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研究生(外文):Wei-Che Li
論文名稱(外文):Electrophoretic Mobility and Effective Electric Conductivity of Suspensions of Charged Porous Spherical Shells
外文關鍵詞:ElectrophoresisEffective electric conductivityPorous shellPermeable microcapsule
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An analysis is presented for the electrophoresis and electric conduction in a dilute suspension of charged spherical porous shells or permeable microcapsules with electric double layers of arbitrary thickness in an electrolyte solution. With the assumption that the system is slightly perturbed from equilibrium, the linearized electrokinetic equations governing the ionic electrochemical potential energy and fluid velocity distributions are solved as series expansions in the small fixed charge density of the porous shells. Explicit formulas for the electrophoretic mobility of the porous shells and effective electric conductivity of the suspension are derived. Both the electrophoretic mobility and the effective conductivity decrease monotonically with a decrease in the relative thickness of the porous shells, but these decreases are not conspicuous until the porous shells are quite thin. When the fluid permeability of the porous shells is smaller or the electric double layers are thicker, the effect of this relative thickness on the electrophoretic mobility and effective conductivity becomes more significant. In the limiting case of zero inner radius of the porous shells, our formulas reduce to the corresponding results obtained for the electrophoresis and electric conduction in a suspension of charged porous spheres.
Abstract I

摘要 III

List of Figures VII

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Electrokinetic Equations 3
2.1 Governing Equations 3
2.2 Boundary Conditions 5

Chapter 3 Solution of the Electrophoretic Velocity and Electric Conductivity 7
3.1 Equilibrium Electrostatic Potential 7
3.2 Solution to the Electrokinetic Equations 8
3.3 Electrophoretic Mobility 9
3.4 Electric Conductivity 10

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 13
4.1 Electrophoretic Mobility of the Porous Spherical Shell
4.2 Effective Electric Conductivity of the Suspension

Chapter 5 Conclusions 31

List of Symbols 33

References 36

Appendix Dimensionless functions and coefficients in Eqs. (16), (17), and (20)

Biographical Sketch 48
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