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研究生(外文):Sheng-Chang Lin
論文名稱(外文):Conical Nanopore : Influences of Cone Angle on the Ion Current Rectification Behavior and Influences of Diffusion Direction on Salinity Gradient Power
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Ping Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Conical nanoporeIon current rectificationreverse electrodialysis
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Due to its potential applications in biotechnology, ion current rectification (ICR) arising from the asymmetric nature of ion transport in a nanochannel has drawn the attention of researchers in various fields. In the former, the influences of the cone angle, surface charge density, and bulk salt concentration on this behavior are investigated, and mechanisms proposed to explain the results obtained. We show that if the cone angle is enlarged by fixing the nanopore tip radius and raising its base radius, the ICR ratio has a local maximum. This behavior may not present if the cone angle is enlarged by fixing the nanopore base radius and raising its tip radius. This ratio also has a local maximum as the surface charge density varies and the larger the cone angle the higher the surface charge density at which the local maximum in the ICR ratio occurs. In the latter, to assess the possibility of energy harvesting through reverse electrodialysis (RED), we consider the electrokinetic behavior of the ion transport in a pH-regulated conical nanopore connecting two large reservoirs having different bulk salt concentrations. In particular, the influences of the ion diffusion direction, the solution pH, and the bulk concentration ratio on that behavior are examined in detail, and the underlying mechanisms discussed. We show that the geometrically asymmetric nature of the nanopore yields profound and interesting phenomena arising mainly from the distribution of ions in its interior. We show that a power of 18.3 pW can be generated, and the maximum power efficiency of 0.53 achieved from a PET nanopore
中文摘要 I
English Abstract II
Contents IV
List of Figures V
Chapter 1 Influences of Cone Angle and Surface Charge Density on the Ion Current Rectification Behavior of a Conical Nanopore 1
Reference 18
Chapter 2 Power Generation by a pH-regulated Conical Nanopore through Reverse Electrodialysis 51
Reference 67
Conclusion 85
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