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研究生(外文):Wei-Hsiang Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Theoretical Analysis of Energy Transfer Networks in Photosynthetic Systems
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Chung Cheng
外文關鍵詞:photosynthesisexcitation energy transfernetwork analysis
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To understand complex excitation energy transfer (EET) networks in photosynthetic systems, building a coarse-grained model is necessary to obtain a simplified representation. Here, we developed a systematic approach to produce coarse-grained models for photosynthetic systems by combining a minimum-cut method and a top-down clustering algorithm. The new approach was applied to investigate EET networks of three photosynthetic systems, and we demonstrate that our approach not only reproduces the population dynamics very well but also provides novel insights into the spatial-temporal EET dynamics in complex photosynthetic systems. The new approach could be a very powerful tool towards the elucidation of complex kinetic networks that is commonly encountered in Chemistry.
口試委員會審定書 iii
誌謝 v
摘要 vii
Abstract ix
1 Introduction 1
2 Excitation Energy Transfer 3
2.1 Model Hamiltonian 3
2.2 Quantum master equation 4
2.3 Excitation energy transfer network 7
3 Network analysis 9
3.1 Minimum-cut binary tree 9
3.2 Coarse-grained model 11
3.2.1 MBT normalized 11
3.2.2 Simple cut-off method 12
3.2.3 Simple ratio cut-off method 13
3.2.4 Ascending cut-off method 13
3.3 Reduced dynamics 14
3.3.1 MBT rearrangement 15
4 Fenna-Mattews-Olson complex 17
4.1 Effective Hamiltonian 17
4.2 Rate constant matrix 18
4.3 MRT population dynamics 18
4.4 Network analysis 20
5 Light Harvesting Complex II 25
5.1 Effective Hamiltonian 25
5.2 Rate constant matrix 26
5.3 MRT population dynamics 26
5.4 Network analysis 26
5.5 Coarsed-grained model 31
6 Photosystem I 39
6.1 Effective Hamiltonian 39
6.2 Rate constant matrix 39
6.3 Network analysis 39
7 Conclusions 45
Bibliography 47
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