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研究生(外文):Kuan-Chi Liu
論文名稱(外文):G-quadruplex Ligands studied by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
外文關鍵詞:G-quadruplexG-quadruplex stabilizerG4 conformationisothermal titration calorimetrythermodynamic binding parameters
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本篇論文主要探討小分子的結構與不同G-四股結構之交互作用。我們利用恆溫滴定測焓儀 (ITC) 提供的熱力學結合參數,探討本實驗室設計的BMVC系列衍生物的小分子結構對於G-四股結構熱力學結合模式。此外,我們也以ITC互補競爭法比較小分子之穩定效力。傳統上評估G-四股結構穩定劑之方法為測量解旋溫度,然而其在過程中會有大幅的溫度變化,未必符合實際人體的生理條件,因此我們利用G-四股結構之互補序列作為解旋驅動力,搭配ITC在37C下進行測定,探討BMVC衍生物之不同結構對於穩定效力的影響。
BMVC衍生物之結構主要可以分為Core和Side Chain兩部分,Core為對位以及鄰位,Side Chain則有較為疏水性的碳鏈8C,以及含有較為親水性的ethylene glycol的8C3O。結果顯示BMVC衍生物對於混合型G-四股結構,在不同Core之間的分子熱力學結合模式及穩定效力存在差異,然而對於其它之G-四股結構,不同Core的分子結合模式大致接近,而Side Chain整體與結合模式之關聯較不顯著。
G-rich sequences that are capable of forming G-quadruplex (G4) structures are present in many biological gene regions such as gene promoter and telomeres, which are related to cancer and other diseases. Thus, designing ligands to stabilize and to regulate G-quadruplex has become promising for cancer therapy. However, the variety of G4 structures makes the ligand design challenging. Better understanding of the relationship between G4 structures and ligand binding is important to improve G4 ligands.
In this work, we investigate the binding features of different G-quadruplexes and BMVC derivatives, which are fluorescent G4 ligands synthesized in our laboratory, by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). In addition, we develop hybridization competition ITC assay to screen better G4 stabilizers. In general, melting temperature (Tm) analysis is used to evaluate the ability to stabilize G4 structure by comparing Tm before and after adding G4 ligands to G-quadruplex. However, the method requires large temperature change and may not be consistent with physiological condition. Here we use hybridization competition ITC assay to compare different ligands under isothermal condition.
BMVC derivatives can be compared by two aspects: Core and Side Chain. We selected BMVC derivatives with different cores, BMVC Core and o-BMVC Core. Also, hydrophobic carbon chain, 8C, and hydrophilic ethylene glycol chain, 8C3O, are used for side chain. Our results show that the binding mode and the stability efficiency are core-dependent for hybrid form G-quadruplexes. BMVC Core is entropy driven and o-BMVC Core is enthalpy driven. Ligands with o-BMVC Core have better binding stability efficiency. However, the binding modes are similar between different cores for parallel and anti-parallel form G-quadruplexes. The side chain shows minor effect on thermodynamic binding features.
Although ITC and interferometry results show that the binding affinities of BMVC derivatives binding to hybrid and parallel form of G4 are similar. However, the results of hybridization competition assay show that the abilities of BMVC derivatives to stabilize G4 are different, which are related to the binding enthalpy. Furthermore, the gel electrophoresis assay shows that BMVC derivatives tend to undergo enthalpy driven binding reaction more. Thus, it is suggested that the binding enthalpy, instead binding affinity, of G4 ligands plays an important role in stabilizing G4.
By using ITC, we investigate the linkage among the structure of ligands, G-quadruplexes, and the binding features. Moreover, results of different methods show the significance of thermodynamic information. These results provide more information of structure–activity relationship, and can be further applied to G-quadruplex ligand and for anticancer drug design.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
第一章 前言 1
1-1 G-四股結構 (G-Quadruplex) 1
1-2 端粒與端粒酶 2
1-3 人類G-四股結構之多樣性 4
1-4 G-四股結構穩定劑 7
1-5 恆溫滴定測焓儀 (Isothermal Titration Calorimeter) 8
1-6 ICD (Induced circular dichroism) 光譜 11
第二章 實驗儀器、材料與方法 12
第三章 研究動機與目的 15
第四章 結果與討論
4-1 探討BMVC衍生物結構對混合型G-四股結構交互作用之影響 19
4-1-1 延長BMVC衍生物側鏈對於熱力學結合參數之影響 19
4-1-2 延長BMVC衍生物側鏈對於穩定G-四股結構效力之影響 22
4-1-3 BMVC衍生物結構對於人類端粒序列H25交互作用之影響 24
4-2 探討BMVC衍生物結構對平行型G-四股結構交互作用之影響 27
4-2-1 BMVC衍生物結構對於CMA之熱力學結合參數影響 27
4-2-2 BMVC衍生物結構對於穩定平行四股結構效力之影響 30
4-2-3 BMVC衍生物結構對於GT19M熱力學結合參數的影響 31
4-3 探討BMVC衍生物結構對反平行型G-四股結構交互作用影響 33
4-3-1 BMVC衍生物結構對於CTA22之熱力學結合參數的影響 33
4-3-2 BMVC衍生物結構對於穩定CTA22效力之影響 35
4-4 BMVC衍生物對於G-四股結構的選擇性 36
4-5 G-四股結構與穩定劑作用之結合焓與穩定效力及選擇性之關聯 42
第五章 結論 44
參考資料 45
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