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研究生(外文):Wei-Chun Liu
論文名稱(外文):Borylated N-Heterocyclic Carbenes:Synthesis and Mechanism Studies
外文關鍵詞:Boryl imidazolium saltN-heterocyclic carbeneradicalmigration
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N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs) have been regarded as promising supporting ligands for their great bonding ability toward transition metal and main group element. To broaden chemistry of NHCs and NHC complexes, several electron-donating functional groups have been incorporated into the imidazole ring. Electron-withdrawing group, however, received considerable less attention. In an attempt to realize the N-borylated N-heterocyclic carbene, a series of N-borylated imidazolium salts have been prepared and characterized. Interestingly, the deprotonation of the N-boryl imidazolium salt initiated a 1,2-boryl shift from nitrogen atom to the C2 carbon of imidazole to yield the corresponding 2-boryl imidazole. In order to understand the migration process, we have carried out the crossover experiment, which confirmed the inter-molecular migration processes upon deprotonation. Also, radical trapping experiments revealed the presence of two unusual radical species, a Li+ coordinated NHC radical and a diarylboryl radical, originated from homolytic B-N bond breaking. Therefore, the 1,2-boryl migration of NHC can be explained. Upon generation of the putative N-boryl NHC, a B-N bond cleavage occurred to generate two stable radicals, which could escape the solvent cage and recombine randomly to accomplish the intermolecular migration process.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
List of figures vi
List of schemes viii
List of tables x
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 N-Heterocyclic carbenes 1
1.1.1 Properties of N-Heterocyclic carbenes 1
1.1.2 History of N-Heterocyclic carbenes 4
1.1.3 Applications of NHCs and NHC metal complexes 6
1.1.4 Modifications of N-Heterocyclic carbenes 8
1.2 Radical species 12
1.2.1 Aminyl radicals 12
1.2.2 Boron radicals 14
1.3 Migration of molecules 17
Chapter 2. Research objectives and results 22
2.1 Synthesis and characterizations 23
2.1.1 N-tert-butyl, N’-dimesitylboryl imidazole adduct (1-Aa) 23
2.1.2 N-tert-butyl, N’-dimesitylboryl imidazolium triflate [2-Aa][OTf] 24
2.1.3 1,2-Boryl migration of [2-Aa][OTf] upon deprotonation. 25
2.2 Evaluation on thermostabilities of N-boryl NHC and 2-boryl imidazole 28
Chapter 3. Migration mechanism studies 30
3.1 Crossover experiment 30
3.1.1 Appropriate crossover substrates 32
3.1.2 Crossover experiment 35
3.2 Trapping experiments with transition metal complexes 39
3.2.1 NHC trapping experiment with Me2SAuCl 40
3.2.2 NHC trapping experiment with [Ir(cod)Cl]2 40
3.3 Trapping experiments with radical scavengers 42
3.3.1 Trapping reaction with DMPO 42
3.3.2 Radical trapping reaction with different alkali amide 47
3.4 Proposed mechanism 49
Chapter 4. Conclusion 51
References 53
Chapter 5. Experimental section 56
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