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研究生(外文):Ching-Yueh Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Failed Experience in Cognitive Task on Endowment Effect--Need for Cognition as A Moderator
外文關鍵詞:Eastern cultureendowment effectneed for cognitionself-esteemself-threat
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稟賦效果(endowment effect)指的是當個體擁有一樣物品時,對該物品價格的
評估會高於未擁有者。過去研究認為「擁有」會構成「人與物的連結」,自我的 正向價值會藉此連結傳遞到擁有物上,而使擁有者提高其價格。「社會實體」觀 點認為,人會視自己的物品如同他人,故在某些條件下,擁有物也能藉此連結影 響個體,而削去或減弱稟賦效果。本研究藉由「認知作業表現不佳」的經驗與中 性物品連結,觀察不同「認知需求」的個體,是否會因經驗對自尊的影響不同而 有不同的反應。本研究招募 99 個台灣大學生,希望能擴充稟賦效果在東方文化 參與者的研究成果。結果顯示:(1)認知作業負回饋經驗,對高認知需求的參與 者影響較大; (2)台灣大學生對空白馬克杯表現出稟賦效果; (3)經歷與物品無 關的自尊威脅經驗後,高認知需求者會借估價程序進行微小的自我提升,與過去 西方研究結果稍有不同; (4)若物品與自尊威脅經驗連結時,會消除該物品的稟 賦效果。本研究有助於解釋日常生活中違反稟賦效果的某些現象,也有助於加深 對稟賦效果機制的理解。
Endowment effect means that when an individual have an endowment, usually the estimated price of the endowment would be higher than whose price without it. Previous researches indicated that ownership made the link between the owner and the endowment, so that the positive self-evaluation would transfer from owner to endowment making the estimated price of owner enhance. From the “social entity” point of view, people would treat their stuff as other people, so in some situations endowments would affect them by the link between them and make the estimated price go down. This study made the experience of failure in a cognitive task relate to a neutral endowment, and observe whether individuals who is different in need for cognition would act differently because of the effect of the experience on self-esteem differently. With the extension of research using Eastern culture participants in endowment effect topic, this study recruited 99 Taiwan college students for testing proposed hypotheses. Results showed that (1) negative feedback of the cognitive task showed stronger impact on participants’ self-esteem who is high in need for cognition. (2) Taiwanese college students showed endowment effect on blank mugs. (3) After experiencing self-threat, participants high in need for cognition only showed a little self-enhancement by price-estimating procedure, but those who low in need for cognition didn’t. This finding is slightly different from previous results in Western culture. (4) When endowment was related to self-threat experience, the endowment effect on that endowment was erased. This study will be beneficial to explain the situation violating the endowment effect in day life and expanding the understanding of mechanism of the endowment effect.
第一章 緒論............................................1
第二章 文獻探討.........................................3
  第一節 稟賦效果......................................3
  第二節 連結的特性:自我價值的轉移.....................4
  第三節 物品與人的關係................................7
  第四節 物品對人的影響:連結的另一個方向................8
  第五節 影響「稟賦效果」的機制........................10
  第六節 認知需求.....................................12
  第七節 研究程序與假設...............................13
第三章 研究方法........................................17
  第一節 研究1.......................................17
  第二節 研究2-1.....................................28
  第三節 研究2-2.....................................34
第四章 綜合討論........................................43
第五章 研究限制與未來發展..............................47
  附錄一 認知需求量表.................................54
  附錄二 情境自尊量表.................................55
  附錄三 BDM程序作答紙(賣者身分的組別)...............56
  附錄四 BDM程序作答紙(買者身分的組別)...............57



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