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研究生(外文):Chen-Yu Chung
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Third Party Perspectives towards Victims'' Family Members Who do not Show Hatred in Homicide and Assault Cases
指導教授(外文):Yee-San Teoh
外文關鍵詞:forgivenessmoral judgmentmoral outrage
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The present''s study major aim was to explore the phenomenon of third party denial towards victims or victims'' next of kin who do not show hatred towards the perpetrator. We attempted to gain understanding of this phenomenon using the ''moral outrage'' theory, through two sub-studies. The first study utilized a questionnaire method where 192 participants provided their responses to three types of crime events and their reactions to displays of forgiveness by the victims and their next of kin. Results showed that forgiveness was related to morality and that it was moral to forgive. However, such moral judgments appeared to be affected by the type of crime, and so the second study utilized a semi-structured interview method to further explore this phenomenon with 61 participants. Results from the second study revealed that third party perspectives towards victims or victims'' family members who do not show hatred towards the perpetrator varied according to type of crime event. Although the results merely show preliminary insight into this issue, at least this research attempts to bridge the gap between theory and real world phenomenon.
緒論 1
研究一:關於原諒的道德判斷 9
研究方法 9
研究結果 12
討論 18
研究二:各種犯罪事件及被害人(或家屬)不仇恨態度之評判 19
研究方法 19
研究結果 23
討論 29
綜合討論 31
參考資料 34
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