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研究生(外文):Ya-Yuan Fan
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Zhong-Yong and Emotion Regulation on Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Adjustments: A Dyadic Perspective
指導教授(外文):Jen-Ho ChangTsung-Yu Wu
外文關鍵詞:Zhong-Yongcognitive reappraisalemotion regulationresponsivenesspsychological adjustment
  • 被引用被引用:4
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Zhong-Yong is an important positive psychological construct in Chinese culture, and the relationship between Zhong-Yong and well-being has been demonstrated to a great extent in prior studies. However, the underlying psychological mechanism relating Zhong-Yong to well-being is not fully understood. Moreover, the core element of Zhong-Yong is highly refer to interpersonal contexts, but few study investigate the impact of Zhong-Yong on interpersonal adjustments. Therefore, the present study proposes cognitive reappraisal and responsiveness, as the key mechanisms that account for the relationship between Zhong-Yong and psychological adjustments in both intrapersonal and interpersonal levels. Regarding intrapersonal processes, the relationship between Zhong-Yong and cognitive reappraisal. Regarding interpersonal processes in dyadic design, the relationship between actor’s Zhong-Yong and actor’s friendship satisfaction would be mediated by actor’s cognitive reappraisal, actor’s responsiveness to partner, and actor’s perceived responsiveness. On the other hand, the relationship between actor’s Zhong-Yong on partner’s well-being and partner’s friendship satisfaction would be mediated by actor’s cognitive reappraisal, actor’s responsiveness to partner, and partner’s perceived responsiveness. 100 same-sex friend dyads were recruited. The results revealed that Zhong-Yong positively related with individual’s positive emotion and peace of mind, and negatively related with negative emotion, and then mediated by cognitive reappraisal. In addition, actor’s Zhong-Yong positively related with actor’s friendship satisfaction through actor’s cognitive reappraisal, actor’s responsiveness to partner, and actor’s perception of responsiveness. Finally, actor’s Zhong-Yong positively related partner’s positive emotion, peace of mind, and friendship satisfaction, through actor’s cognitive reappraisal, actor’s responsiveness to partner, and partner’s perceived responsiveness. The results remained after controlling individual’s agreeableness, extraversion, interdependent self, and suppression. Implications and limitations are discussed.
第一章 緒論..............................................1
1.1 中庸與人際適應之關聯..................................2
1.2 認知再評估與人際適應之關聯............................5
1.3 人際層次:提供與知覺回應性作為中介變項.................7
1.4 對偶設計研究典範.....................................9
1.5 研究目的............................................10
第二章 研究方法.........................................12
2.1 研究參與者..........................................12
2.2 研究程序............................................12
2.3 測量工具............................................12
第三章 研究結果.........................................16
3.1 變項描述統計與關聯..................................16
3.2 認知再評估在個體中庸思維對心理適應之中介分析...........18
3.3 認知再評估與回應性在中庸對友誼滿意度的中介歷程.........21
3.4 認知再評估與回應性在中庸對朋友心理適應和友誼滿意度之中介歷程.....................................................22
3.5 討論...............................................24
第四章 綜合討論.........................................26
4.1 個人層次:認知再評估作為中介變項......................26
4.2 人際層次:回應性作為中介變項.........................27
4.3 研究限制...........................................28
4.4 未來研究方向........................................29
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