In the Meiji era, facing the attack of western academy and culture, various political thoughts appeared. For instance, Soho Tokutomi, who promoted Democracy and Chomin Nakae, the thought leader of Free Civil Right Thought. However, Chomin Nakae was considered as heterodoxy in the wave of these thoughts and then developed his unique Japanese Small Country Thought (Sho-Nihon-shugi), which is one of the non-mainstream theories at that time. Interestingly, both of Soho and Chomin developed their own political thoughts based on the Free Civil Right Thought .However, their thoughts went to different ways in the late Meiji era. Chomin insisted his Japanese Small Country Thought (Sho-Nihon-shugi) which founding a country with moral even when he is sick. Soho turned to support the Expansionism from Democracy in his middle age and embarked on the road to the Meiji Empire. In view of Consequentialism, the government after Meiji era seemed to chase the thought process of Soho. The Japanese Small Country Thought (Sho-Nihon-shugi) was reidentified and revalued by Japanese scholars in the review after the Worid War II. This thesis will focus on the Japanese Small Country Thought (Sho-Nihon-shugi) of Chomin Nakae and take Soho Tokutomi as a reference, trying to compare the most relative books of them, “Shourai no Nihon (Future Japan)”(1886) and “San Suijin Keirin Mondou (A Discourse by Three Drunks on Government)”(1887). In addition to finding the differences and similarities of their thoughts, the thesis will also discuss their change of thoughts simultaneously. At last, mentioning the Japanese Small Country Thought (Sho-Nihon-shugi) to get a glimpse that how the “heterodoxy” thought influenced modern Japan.