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研究生(外文):Yee-Min Huang
論文名稱(外文):Power Over Life and Death: A Biopolitical Analysis of Queer and Racialized Subjects in Jeffrey Eugenides’ Middlesex
指導教授(外文):Yung-Chao Liao
外文關鍵詞:biopoliticsMichel FoucaultGiorgio Agambenqueer subjectsracismintersexMiddlesex
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This thesis examines the lives of queer and racialized subjects in Jeffrey Eugenides’ novel, Middlesex. Based on the biopolitical concepts developed by Michel Foucault and advanced by Giorgio Agamben, this thesis argues that Middlesex, through the immigrant saga it depicts, parallels a family history with the mechanisms of a biopolitical regime to expose the underlying workings of power upon the living and dying of its subjects. Biopolitics defines a
power over not only the biological processes, or life, of a population, but also the social and physical deaths of subjects that have been deemed by the authorities as risky, harmful, and therefore killable. As Middlesex has shown through depictions of lives in the U.S. and Europe as lived by its characters, the authority adopts a bipolar technology that simultaneously supports life for economic productivity and prosperity, while exposing disposable bodies to danger in the name of national security to enact an infinite control over individual bodies at the
level of population. This thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter explores biopolitical concepts in works of Foucault, Agamben, and Achille Membe, tracing a genealogy of this form of power that has come to dominate the modern experience. In the second chapter, aspects of the lives of immigrant and sexually deviant characters, who are situated outside the norm in Middlesex, are teased out and analyzed in conjunction with the mechanisms through which biopower operates. The third chapter continues to analyze the novel by turning to racism, a modern biopolitical construct that not only makes live, but let die or makes die as well. In contrast to the previous chapter, which investigates the circumstances of survival, this chapter shifts the focus to shed light on the ways biopower constrains or kills unlivable and undesirable lives, particularly racialized or immigrant subjects foreign to the nation. While it remains debatable as to whether the novel’s ending suggests a compromise with the ineluctable power over life and death, the narrator Cal has indeed arrived at a “middle sex” and a “middle ground” that establish his very existence as the ultimate form of transgression.
中文摘要.................................................................................................................................. iii
Abstract .....................................................................................................................................iv
Literature Review...................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1: Exploring the Concept of Biopolitics.....................................................................13
A History of Biopolitics.......................................................................................................13
A Foucauldian Investigation................................................................................................17
Giorgio Agamben’s Meditation ...........................................................................................28
Biopolitics and the Politics of Death ...................................................................................31
Achille Mbembe on Necropolitics.......................................................................................33
Biopower and the Sex/Gender System ................................................................................35
Chapter 2: Looking Through the Queer Body .........................................................................38
Cal’s Intersexual Body.........................................................................................................41
The Freakish Body...............................................................................................................48
Chapter 3: Biopolitics, Racism, and the Immigrant.................................................................54
On Racism and Biopolitics ..................................................................................................54
Life as an Immigrant............................................................................................................69
Conclusion: A Return to Middlesex ........................................................................................80
Works Cited .............................................................................................................................85
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