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研究生(外文):Po-chou Liao
論文名稱(外文):The Archi/texture of James Joyce’s Ulysses: Archive Fever, Politics, and Spectrality in “Cyclops”
指導教授(外文):Li-ling Tseng
外文關鍵詞:James JoyceJacques Derridaarchive fevermemory technicsUlyssesidentity
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James Joyce writes Ulysses with the ambition to seek to establish the whole picture of Dublin in Ireland, with various styles and transition of perspectives in each of its chapter in Ulysses. Joyce’s Ulysses tries to embrace everything in the world like the process and operation of an encyclopedia. However, when reading, or commenting on Joyce’s Ulysses, few ever perceive (consciously or unconsciously) the undercurrent circulating behind Ulysses’s ambition of duplicating the whole vivid picture of Dublin: the preserving desire. The wish to write down everything into one novel, or to inscribe everything absolutely, means a desire to preserve it totally without remains. Consequently, it is Joyce’s uncanny or nearly lunatic desire to memorize, record, or archive everything in the encyclopedia called Ulysses that we want to consider and theorize─it is in the perspective of Jacques Derrida’s archive fever that will help to further the reading of Ulysses.
The thesis is an attempt to re-archive, re-trace, and re-translate Joyce’s Ulysses. In the first part, I try to theorize Joyce’s use of the lists of names in “Cyclops” in the perspective of Derrida’s archive fever and at the same time historicize with Michael Groden’s observation and documentation of the publication of “Cyclops.” Secondly, I manage to bring up the political dimension of archive fever; that is, the names which are included in “Cyclops” are under the process of selection, or of filtration. Last, I strive to connect the aspect of names with the issue of identity.
Table of Contents

English Abstract i
Chinese Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Chapter 1
The Effect of Archive Fever 14

Chapter 2
The Politics of Archive Fever 38

Chapter 3
The Identity and Spectrality of Names 49

Conclusion 57

Works Cited 59
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