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研究生(外文):Ying-Syuan Li
論文名稱(外文):Development of Neutralizing Antibodies against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
外文關鍵詞:Middle East Respiratory Syndrome CoronavirusAntibodies
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在2012年9月,世界衛生組織 (WHO) 發現中東呼吸道症候群冠狀病毒(Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, MERS-CoV) 首起感染案例,並且在2015年傳播至南韓與中國大陸,造成大流行。MERS-CoV為一種新型的冠狀病毒,具有外套膜且遺傳物質為單股正股RNA,此病毒與嚴重急性呼吸道症候群冠狀病毒 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, SARS-CoV) 同屬beta亞科,但致死率遠高於SARS-CoV,且目前並無有效藥物或疫苗可以治療,本論文針對MERS-CoV之入侵宿主機制中扮演重要角色的棘蛋白 (spike protein, SP) 上的S2區域進行結構分析。MERS-CoV上的 spike protein可分為S1與S2兩部分,當病毒入侵宿主時會藉由S1上之RBD位置與宿主細胞表面上的受體結合,之後再利用S2上之HR1與HR2結合,形成six-helix bundle結構,此結構能幫助MERS-CoV病毒順利與宿主細胞膜進行融合,我們因此針對S2區段開發中和性單株抗體,希望能藉由此抗體去阻斷MERS-CoV入侵宿主之過程。S2抗體的制備流程可分為:(1) 對S2上HR1區域,根據抗原預測軟體分析其抗原性與表面性,並且避開可能有後修飾的位點,挑選表面抗原之可能序列以合成胜肽,並進行小鼠免疫;(2) 利用桿狀病毒表現系統製備S2及HR1之重組蛋白,同樣進行小鼠免疫。得到專一性單株抗體之後,進行抗體中和性測試,將HEK293T細胞轉染並表現帶有spike protein及EGFP的質體,再與含DPP4 receptor之Huh 7細胞共培養,觀察胞合體的生成。發現若加入以上製備各種抗體後,胞合體之生成比例減少,證實了抗體可藉由結合到S2區域,抑制病毒經膜融合進入宿主。預期未來將可應用在防疫或是流感病毒之研究工具。
In 2012, an outbreak in Saudi Arabia caused by the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was reported by WHO. This novel coronavirus caused high fatality rates up to 36%, and was further spread to South Korea in 2015. Some researchers suggest that dromedary camels are the major reservoir host for MERS-CoV, and eventually cause human-to-human infections in health care settings. However, the actual role of dromedary camels in transmission of MERS-CoV is still unknown, and there is no specific antiviral drug against this virus. In this study, we focused on the spike protein (SP) on the virus surface and try to develop antibodies to inhibit the virus infection. The structure of spike protein contains two subunits, S1 and S2. The S1 subunit forms the globular head and binds to the host cell receptor DPP4 (dipeptidyl peptidase-4) with its receptor binding domain (RBD). Subsequently, the S2 subunit causes the conformation change to HR1/HR2, forming a six-helix bundle (6-HB) structure, and then insert its fusion peptide to the host membrane. Accordingly, S2 and HR1 is a good target to develop therapeutic antibodies against MERS-CoV. We firstly constructed and expressed S2 and HR1 domain in Bac-to-Bac expression system for the immunization of mice to produce antiserum (pAb). The mice were then sacrificed and their spleen cells collected for cell fusion with myeloma. The hybridoma cells producing specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were selected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Both the pAb and mAb were successfully tested by neutralizing assays to confirm their capacity in inhibiting the invasion of MERS-CoV into host cells through its spike protein.
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
縮寫表 v
第一章 緒論 1
1.1中東呼吸道症候群冠狀病毒 1
1.1.1 MERS-CoV 病毒之歷史背景 1
1.1.2 MERS-CoV 病毒之型態與結構 2
1.1.3 MERS-CoV 病毒之基因體 4
1.1.4 MERS-CoV 病毒之蛋白質功能簡介 5
1.1.5 MERS-CoV 病毒生活史 6
1.2MERS-CoV膜上之醣蛋白研究 9
1.2.1 MERS-CoV 膜上棘蛋白介紹 9
1.2.2 MERS-CoV six-helix bundle 結構與病毒進入宿主之關係 12
1.3 研究動機 17
第二章 材料與方法 18
2.1 MERS-CoV S2、HR1抗原製備 18
2.1.1 MERS-CoV HR1抗原決定位預測 18
2.1.2 MERS-CoV S2、HR1重組蛋白製備 19
2.2傳統抗血清及單株抗體之製備 23
2.2.1 小鼠免疫 23
2.2.2 小鼠尾尖採血 23
2.2.3 融合瘤製備 23
2.2.4 融合瘤之篩選 25
2.2.5 限數稀釋 25
2.2.6 單株抗體之純化 26
2.3細胞培養法 26
2.3.1動物細胞培養 26
2.3.2昆蟲細胞培養 27
2.3.3細胞冷凍法 27
2.3.4細胞解凍法 27
2.4免疫學方法 28
2.4.1酵素連結免疫分析法 28
2.4.2 Western blot 28
2.5 細胞株共培養胞合體 29
2.6 蛋白質體學技術 29
第三章 結果與討論 31
3.1 MERS-CoV單株抗體製備 31
3.1.1 抗原片段之挑選與製備 31
3.1.2 S2及HR1重組蛋白抗原製備 39
3.1.3 單株抗體製備 45
3.1.4 融合瘤與單株抗體篩選 47
3.2 MERS-CoV 抗體之中和性測試 59
3.2.1 將表現SP之細胞與帶有DPP4受體之宿主細胞共培養 59
3.2.2 加入MERS-spike 抗體抑制 HES293T-SP-EGFP細胞進入帶有DPP4 之 Huh 7形成胞合體 62
第四章 未來研究方向 65
參考文獻 66
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