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研究生(外文):Yi-Jung Lin
論文名稱(外文):End-of-Life Decision: Study of Message Framing
外文關鍵詞:end-of-life decisionmessage framingcommunication effects
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In addition to the existing “Hospice Palliative Care Act”,“ The Patient Autonomy Act” has been undergone the Third Reading, emphasizing the importance of giving people the chances to self-determination on end-of-life decision when healthy by signing the documents to master personal medical autonomy with the fully understanding of individual medical rights. Above all, message content is the core of the promotion process, which will affect individuals’ behaviors intention a lot. Therefore, this study measured the communication effects of message components to clarify the best way to communicate to individuals (young people between the ages of 20-49), to avoid message derogation, and making this issue being reached and well accepted.
The online experiment was designed as a one-factor experiment, with message framing as manipulative variable, degree of message derogation and age as moderator variables, whether there was death experience as covariant variables, communication effect (message attitude, issue attitude, behavior intention) as dependent variables. The study participants were focused on young people between the ages of 20-49 with reading ability and full capacity (in accordance with the current conditions of Taiwan''s law), and were randomly assigned to different experimental groups. A total of 469 questionnaires were collected, and there were 453 valid samples (96.5% of complete responses).
The results of the study showed that there was no significant difference in the communication effects on different message framing, but the age, degree of message derogation and some demographic variables (health status, experience) affected the communication effects. What''s more, the person who have contacted or discussed with other people in related issues are two to three times more willing to sign the “Advance Hospice Palliative Care and Life-Sustaining Treatment Choices of Intent” than ones who did not know the issue. As the initial hub with the public, how to make people perceive the importance and value of end-of-life decision by presenting and promoting information in more efficient way? The results hope to provide a reference for the promotion strategy of relevant topics, enable more researchers to contribute more about end-of-life decision area and so as to empower the public to better known the issue of their own rights of good death.
口試委員會審定書 i
倫理審查核可證明 ii
誌謝 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
目次 vii
表次 ix
圖次 x
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 研究範圍 6
第 2 章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 生命末期醫療決策 7
2.1.1 死亡、善終與生命末期醫療決策 8
2.1.2 臺灣相關法規與意願書 11
2.1.3 臺灣推廣現況 15
2.2 訊息框架與傳播效果 18
2.2.1 訊息框架 19
2.2.2 傳播效果 22
2.2.3 小結 27
第 3 章 前導研究 30
3.1 前導研究目的 30
3.2 前導研究流程 30
3.3 前導研究資料分析 32
3.4 前導研究結果與討論 32
3.5 小結 40
第 4 章 研究方法 42
4.1 研究架構 42
4.2 研究假設 43
4.3 研究方法選擇與流程 43
4.3.1 實驗分組 44
4.3.2 樣本招募方式 45
4.3.3 實驗流程 46
4.3.4 資料分析 48
4.4 實驗物的選擇與設計 48
4.5 變項定義與測量 51
4.5.1 自變項 52
4.5.2 調節變項 52
4.5.3 共變項 53
4.5.4 依變項 53
4.5.5 人口變項 54
4.6 前測 57
第 5 章 研究結果 62
5.1 描述性統計 62
5.2 量表信度檢測 69
5.3 假設驗證 70
5.3.1 H1:不同框架對個人之傳播效果 73
5.3.2 H2:不同訊息減損程度於不同框架之傳播效果 73
5.3.3 H3:不同年齡層閱讀不同框架之傳播效果 76
5.4 其他發現 79
5.5 小結 82
第 6 章 結論 83
6.1 研究結果、發現與討論 83
6.2 研究限制與建議 86
參考文獻 90
附件一:實驗物 111
附件二:量表來源與題項 115
附件三:前測問卷 117
附錄四:專家效度問卷 127
附錄五:正式問卷與實驗流程網頁 137
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