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研究生(外文):Ping-Han Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Effect of de novo transcriptome assembly on quality of read mapping and transcript quantification
指導教授(外文):Yen-Jen OyangChien-Yu Chen
外文關鍵詞:RNA-Seqde novo transcriptome assemblywrongly-assembled contigsquantification of transcript abundancesupervised machine learning
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Correct quantification of transcript abundance is essential to understand the functional products of the genome in different physiological conditions and developmental stages. Recently, the development of high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) allows the researchers to perform transcriptome analysis for the organisms without the reference genome and transcriptome. For these practical projects, de novo transcriptome assembly must be carried out prior to quantification. However, a large number of fragmented contigs and redundant sequences produced by the assemblers may result in unreliable abundance estimation. In this regard, this study first investigates how assembly quality might affect the quality of read mapping and count estimation, and then proposes a classifier to characterize the assembled sequences. By the experiments and analyses conducted in this study, several important factors that might seriously affect the accuracy of the RNA-Seq analysis were comprehensively discussed. First, the effects of twelve distinctive assembly groups along with the intrinsic similarity presented in the reference transcriptome on quantification quality were examined. The results showed that the similar subsequences presented in the reference transcriptome only slightly influence mapping quality, but lead to many poorly-assembled contigs. The contigs that merge multiple transcripts into one most heavily decreased the reliability of abundance estimation. Second, a predicting algorithm was proposed to help researchers estimate the quantification reliability for further analyses. In summary, the analytic results conducted in this study provides valuable insights for future studies related to RNA-Seq data analysis.
Acknowledgement (i)
中文摘要 (ii)
Abstract (iii)
Content (1)
1 Introduction (1)
2 Literature Survey (3)
3 Materials and Methods (5)
3.1 Datasets (5)
3.2 Overall Analysis Workflow (5)
3.3 Identify Similar Subsequences (6)
3.4 De novo Transcriptome Assembly (7)
3.5 Relation Network and Assembly Types (8)
3.6 Read Mapping and Quantification (9)
3.7 Statistical Analysis and Evaluation Metrics (10)
3.8 Prediction of Assembly Type (11)
4 Results (12)
4.1 Unique Transcripts Showed Higher Quantification Accuracy (12)
4.2 De novo Transcriptome Assembly (12)
4.3 Quantification Error Varied Greatly in Different Assembly Types (14)
4.4 Prediction of Assembly Types (15)
5 Discussion (16)
5.1 Analysis of RNA-Seq from Experiments (16)
5.2 Effect of the Length of Contigs (16)
5.3 The Wrongly-Aggregation of Transcripts (17)
5.4 Sequence Attributes of Transcripts (17)
5.5 Performance of Prediction Algorithm (18)
6 Conclusion (19)
Tables (21)
Figures (32)
Supplementary Materials (43)
References (64)
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