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研究生(外文):Han-Wen Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Electromagnetic and Acoustic Cavities Based on Resonant Reflectors
指導教授(外文):Yih-Peng Chiou
口試委員(外文):Min-Chen Ho
外文關鍵詞:resonatorgrating reflectorGMRHCG
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本論文著重在於利用各種反射器設計共振腔,包含布拉格反射器、光柵反射器、高對比度光柵以及在聲波所使用週期性排列的小共振腔,並比較彼此之間的差別。與直覺的想法不同,共振腔並不一定要反射面完整的包覆整個腔體,即便反射面充滿了孔洞,甚至孔洞的面積超過了一半,利用側面耦合(Side Coupling)仍然可以設計出共振腔。
In this studies, we focused on designing resonant cavities by various reflectors, including Bragg reflector, grating reflector, high-index-contrast grating and periodic small resonant cavities employed on acoustic cavities. We compare the differences between different reflectors. Different from our intuitive thinking, the reflectors don’t need to cover the entire cavity surface. Even though the surface of reflection is full of holes, sometimes the area of holes is more than half of total area, we can still use the principle of side coupling to design resonant cavities.
In EM wave, resonant cavities are all composed of dielectric, which has smaller loss compared to metal. Compared to traditional dielectric resonant cavities, which use the index difference to confine energy in the dielectric, in this work, we use dielectric as reflectors and confine energy in the air. The benefits of doing so is to prevent the nonlinear effect caused by high energy and prevent the breakdown of dielectric. Hence, the cavities designed in this work can contain higher energy.
In acoustic wave, we use the structure of Buckyball to arrange our small cavities and prove that even the periodicity is not very good, we can still realize spherical resonator.
We’ll start from the characteristics of each reflector and their frequency response, and then design simple one dimensional cavities. Afterwards, we circle the one dimensional reflector to design two dimensional resonant cavity. If there is a k vector component along the traveling direction, then we can design waveguide, however, this is beyond the scope of this work. Finally we arrange the small cavities along the surface of spherical shell, we can design three dimensional resonant cavities.
第一章 簡介............................................1
1.1 文獻回顧.................................1
1.1.1 繞射理論與光柵研究................1
1.1.2 布拉格反射器.....................2
1.1.3 光柵反射器.......................3
1.1.4 高對比度光柵.....................4
1.1.5 共振腔..........................5
1.2 研究動機.................................6
第二章 基本原理.........................................7
2.1 光柵反射器設計原理........................7
2.2 布拉格反射器設計原理.....................11
2.3 聲波設計原理............................12
2.4 共振腔設計原理..........................13
2.5 品質因子................................14
第三章 以布拉格反射器設計共振腔..........................15
3.1 COMSOL Multiphysics模擬軟體介紹.........15
3.2 電磁波布拉格反射器模擬...................16
3.2.1 一維共振腔模擬..................17
3.2.2 二維共振腔模擬..................17
3.3 聲波布拉格反射器模擬.....................19
3.3.1 一維共振腔模擬..................20
3.3.2 二維共振腔模擬..................21
3.3.3 三維共振腔模擬..................22
第四章 以光柵反射器設計共振腔...........................24
4.1 電磁波光柵反射器模擬.....................24
4.1.1 一維共振腔模擬..................27
4.1.2 二維共振腔模擬..................29
4.2 聲波光柵反射器模擬.......................35
4.2.1 一維共振腔模擬..................40
4.2.2 二維共振腔模擬..................41
4.2.3 三維共振腔模擬..................43
第五章 以空氣為介質設計共振腔...........................52
5.1 聲波共振腔..............................52
5.2 聲波共振腔的週期排列.....................55
5.3 以小共振腔排列設計大共振腔................60
5.3.1 一維共振腔模擬..................60
5.3.2 二維共振腔模擬..................61
5.3.3 三維共振腔模擬..................62
第六章 實驗...........................................64
6.1 小型共振腔實驗..........................64
6.2 與模擬結果相比較.........................67
第七章 結論...........................................69
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