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研究生(外文):Chia-Hsin Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Tectonic development and sediment provenances of the Luzon Island and Hengchun Peninsula from detrital zircon analysis
指導教授(外文):J Bruce H Shyu
口試委員(外文):Cheng-Hong ChenSun-Lin ChungChung-Pai ChangMei-Fei Chu
外文關鍵詞:U-Pb datingHafnium isotopeDetrital zirconSedimentary provenanceLuzon IslandHengchun Peninsula
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本研究在呂宋島的主要河流中採集了14個河砂樣品,它們的碎屑鋯石鈾鉛年齡顯示呂宋島最老的岩漿年代可追溯到中生代,但大部分集中於始新世至中新世和第四紀。而呂宋島碎屑鋯石的鉿同位素初始值 [εHf(T)] 全為正值(+10 到 +20),顯示此地區的岩漿主要來自虧損地函,且未受到明顯大陸地殼的混染。這個結果也顯示呂宋島確實為一大陸地殼初生的範例。此外,我們在恆春半島的中新統採集了10個砂岩樣品。相較於呂宋島,絕大部份的恆春半島碎屑鋯石鈾鉛年齡老於新生代且集中在白堊紀至侏羅紀、早二疊紀和元古宙。再者,恆春碎屑鋯石的鉿同位素初始值大部份是負值。因此,從年代與地球化學特徵的差異,本研究可以否定呂宋島為恆春半島的沉積物源之可能性。由於恆春鋯石年齡峰值多半能和中國華南主要岩漿事件年代互相對應,因此華南地區仍應該是主要的恆春半島沉積物源。經過與前人資料的對比,本研究推測恆春半島中新統的沉積物源主要應來自福建的閩江、九龍江、早期被抬升的古台灣島以及一個從華南被分離出來的大陸陸塊。然而,對於恆春半島中30-15 Ma的鋯石,本研究認為其主要來源應該是當時恆春東側之增積岩體上的混同層物質。因此,恆春半島沉積物應不僅由華南一帶提供,而是有多個來源。而在後來隱沒碰撞的過程中,這些沉積物都從海床上被刮起,併入增積岩體當中且移動至海溝的東側成了現今的模樣。
The Philippines and Taiwan are both in the western Philippine Sea Plate that has complicated tectonics. Located in the northern Philippine Archipelago that is an amalgamation of tectonic terranes, the Luzon Island is in the middle of two subduction zones. As the hanging wall of both sides of trench systems, the Luzon Island has an elusive tectonic structure beneath. The whole southeastern Asia is believed to be a critical area for accretionary orogeny and juvenile crustal formation in Cenozoic, but the comprehensive ages of the magmatic events and the evolution of the Luzon Island are not well constrained. In order to examine the magma properties in this area, this study analyzed U-Pb ages and hafnium isotopic ratios in detrital zircons from the Luzon Island. Moreover, north of the Luzon Island, the Hengchun Peninsula is also located on the eastern side of the Manila Trench. This implies the possibility that sediments in the Hengchun Peninsula may be originated from the Luzon Island since they both sit on the Philippine Sea Plate. Hence, this study also investigated the sedimentary relationship between the two places by the comparison of detrital zircon ages and geochemical properties. Furthermore, this study also constructed a paleogeography model for the Hengchun Peninsula.
Fourteen riversand samples were collected from the major rivers in the Luzon Island. The U-Pb ages of the detrital zircons show that the magmatic events mostly occurred in Eocene to Miocene and Quaternary in this area. However, some of the events in the central Luzon can be traced back to Mesozoic. Albeit the presence of old zircons, all the samples in Luzon Island show positive εHf(T) values that range from +10 to +20. These results indicate the Luzon Island is dominated by juvenile magma, and few continental material has been involved in the construction of this island. Thus, the Luzon Island could be an important locus for Asian accretionary orogenesis and Cenozoic crustal growth. In the Hengchun Peninsula, ten sandstone samples were collected in the Miocene Series. Their data demonstrate the detrital zircon ages are mostly older than Cenozoic and concentrate in Cretaceous to Jurassic, early Permian and even Precambrian. Moreover, the εHf(T) values for the samples in the peninsula are mostly negative. Since these data are significantly different from those of the Luzon Island, the results imply the Luzon Island is unlikely to be the sedimentary provenance of Hengchun. The zircon U-Pb ages of the Miocene Series in Hengchun could well correspond to the major magmatic events in southeastern China. Through the comparison with previous studies, the Miocene Series in the Hengchun Peninsula might come from Minjiang, Jiulongjiang, proto-Taiwan and a rifted continental fragment which is separated from SE China. Nevertheless, some of the younger zircons (30-15 Ma) should be originated from the mélange in the accretionary prism in the east. These sediments were scratched up from the sea floor and moved to the eastern side of the trench during the subduction and collision in southern Taiwan.
口試委員審定書 I
致謝 II
中文摘要 IV
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Method 4
2-1 Characteristics of detrital zircon 4
2-2 Zircon U-Pb geochronology 5
2-3 Zircon hafnium isotope analysis 7
2-4 Experiments and Analysis 8
2-4-1 Sample Targets preparation 8
2-4-2 Instruments and Tools 10
2-4-3 Data processing 12
Chapter 3: The tectonic structures in the Luzon Island 15
3-1 Introduction 15
3-2 Geological setting 17
3-3 Sampling and Method 23
3-4 Results 27
3-4-1 Detrital zircon U-Pb dating results 27
3-4-2 Detrital zircon Th/U, uranium concentration, and hafnium isotopic values 35
3-5 Discussion 41
3-5-1 The magma age and age distribution 41
3-5-2 Magma evolution inferred from hafnium isotope 47
3-6 Conclusions 49
Chapter 4: The Provenance of the Late Miocene Series in Hengchun Peninsula 50
4-1 Introduction 50
4-2 Geological Setting 53
4-2-1 Stratigraphy and structures 53
4-2-2 Previous studies about the provenance of the Miocene Series 60
4-3 Sampling and Method 67
4-4 Results 70
4-4-1 Detrital zircon U-Pb Dating 70
4-4-2 Detrital zircon Th/U, uranium concentration and Hf isotope analysis 78
4-4-3 Photomicrographs of the Miocene sandstones 82
4-5 Discussion 84
4-5-1 Comparison with the previous study for zircon U-Pb ages 84
4-5-2 The provenance of the late Miocene Series 86
4-5-2-1 Comparison with the Luzon Island…………………………………………………...86
4-5-2-2 Comparison with southeastern China………………………………………………...89
4-5-3 The palaeogeography and sedimentary mechanism 92
4-5-3-1 The sources of the zircons older than 50 Ma……………………….………………...92
4-5-3-2 The sources of the zircons younger than 50 Ma……………………………………...98
4-6 Conclusions 104
Chapter 5: Summary and Concluding Remarks 106
References 108
Appendix 119
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