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研究生(外文):Sze-Chieh Liu
論文名稱(外文):Inter-seismic behavior and earthquake recurrence interval indicated by coral microatolls in Ramree Island, western Myanmar
外文關鍵詞:Myanmarinter-seismic deformationcoral microatollsIndian Ocean Dipoleearthquake recurrence interval
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本研究於距海溝80公里遠的蘭裏島海岸邊一處名為雷卡蒙的漁村進行野外工作,對一抬升的化石珊瑚微型環礁群進行測量,並採集板狀樣本分析。此群珊瑚死於西元1848年所發生的地區性地震抬升,記錄到該地震前約50年的相對海水面歷史。本研究亦調查雷卡蒙地區海階,共可分為四階,其高程介於1.0到11.4公尺之間。結果顯示珊瑚最高生存面的平均上升速率為每年5.3到5.8公釐,此速率可代表該地區地殼於震間沉降的速率。期間也記錄到五次相對海水面短暫下降的事件,配合珊瑚生長型態與氧同位素分析結果,推測其事件為印度洋偶極震盪事件所造成。而第四階海階形成的年代介於7.5至8.2 ka之間,估計現地長期抬升速率為每年1.0到1.7公釐。
The Sunda megathrust is one of the major plate boundaries in South Asia, along which the Indian-Australian plate subducts northeastward beneath the Burma micro-plate offshore western Myanmar. In the past several centuries, the 1762 Arakan earthquake was the only giant event along this plate boundary, and caused significant co-seismic uplift along a large stretch of the western Myanmar coast. In previous studies, the magnitude of the event and the potential seismogenic structures were analyzed based on uplifted coastal features on the Ramree and Cheduba Islands, two of the largest coastal islands of western Myanmar.
However, in order to estimate average earthquake recurrence interval, inter-seismic deformation rate, co-seismic uplift, and long-term uplift rate are all necessary. We utilized coral microatolls as natural tide gauge to analyze relative sea-level history and to obtain information of land-level change during the inter-seismic period, and utilized the elevations of marine terrace shoreline angles and the age of marine terrace deposits to determine long-term uplift rate.
For some coral genus such as Porites, the highest level of survival (HLS) is constrained within a few centimeters of the lowest tide level. Therefore, once the relationship between HLS and the sea level is established, the morphology of the microatolls can provide us the relative sea-level history based on the patterns of their annual growth bands under x-radiographs. U-Th dating technique can constrain the age of the coral, and we can also identify sea level anomalies caused by climatic events through oxygen isotope analysis.
We collected two slabs of coral microatolls from the intertidal zone near Leik-Ka-Maw, a small village in northwestern Ramree Island, approximately 80 km away from the trench. The microatolls were uplifted and killed during a local earthquake event in 1848, and preserved HLS records of about 50 years prior to the 1848 event. We also surveyed four marine terraces with elevations between 1.0 and 11.4 meters.
Our results show that the coral recorded a HLS rise at a rate about 5.3 to 5.8 mm/yr, which represents land-level subsidence during the inter-seismic period. Several temporary HLS Diedown events are also present, likely produced by Indian Ocean Dipole events based on the microatoll morphology and results of oxygen isotopic analysis. The marine terrace level between 10.8 and 11.4 meters high formed during 7.5 ka and 8.2 ka, constraining a long-term uplift rate between 1.0 and 1.7 mm/yr. The recurrence interval of upper-plate splay fault earthquakes calculated using these results is between 300 to 360 years, and the average recurrence interval of both types of earthquakes (megathrust and splay fault) is between 220 to 280 years, both are shorter than the number obtained in previous studies. Therefore, it is important to further assess and prepare for earthquake hazards in this area.
第一章 研究動機與目的 1
第二章 研究方法與材料 6
第一節 高程測量 6
第二節 珊瑚微型環礁 7
2.2.1 成因 7
2.2.2 最高生存面 7
2.2.3 年生長紋 12
2.2.4 相對海水面歷史 14
2.2.5 構造活動指示 14
2.2.6 海水面變化記錄 18
第三節 鈾釷定年 18
2.3.1 鈾釷定年原理 18
2.3.2 珊瑚的鈾釷定年 19
2.3.3 鈾釷年代計算 20
第四節 氧同位素 20
第三章 野外工作與樣本分析 22
第一節 研究區域概況 22
第二節 高程測量 22
第三節 樣本採集與分析處理 26
3.3.1 樣本前置處理 26
3.3.2 鈾釷定年分析 32
3.3.3 氧同位素分析 32
第四章 重建相對海水面歷史 34
第一節 最高生存面記錄精度 34
第二節 描繪LKM302生長形態 37
第三節 鈾釷定年結果與年代模式 37
第四節 重建LKM302所記錄的相對海水面歷史 42
第五節 描繪LKM115生長形態 44
第六節 重建LKM115所記錄的相對海水面歷史 48
第五章 氧同位素分析結果 50
第一節 氧同位素分析數據 50
第二節 年生長紋層描繪與對比 50
第三節 氧同位素數據年代模式 54
第六章 海階階面調查結果 56
第一節 野外觀察 56
第二節 高程測量與地質剖面 57
第三節 鈾釷定年結果 59
第四節 LKM長期抬升速率 59
第七章 討論 63
第一節 珊瑚微型環礁生長形態的海水面意義 63
7.1.1 辨識最高生存面 63
7.1.2 Diedown事件特性 65
第二節 Diedown指示的印度洋偶極震盪事件 67
第三節 LKM震間沉降速率 70
第四節 地震再發週期估計 72
7.4.1 區域性地震再發週期 72
7.4.2 地震平均再發週期 74
第八章 結論 77
參考文獻 79
附錄一 樣本LKM302外觀可見之Diedown全站儀測量結果 87
附錄二 珊瑚微型環礁形態描繪量測結果 89
LKM302結果 89
LKM115結果 91
附錄三 氧同位素分析結果 92
附錄四 LKM地區海階地形測量結果 118
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